Ch 2 | Clubbing

You were shocked at the amount of people inside and realised there is still a large line waiting to get in, the ground wasn't even visible with all the feet and spilled food that coated it.

You knew you were going to hate every second of this and on top of that all the music they played were ones from the charts when you liked to listen to songs no one your age have even heard of. You looked around and noticed Jungjeon was already talking to some random guy at the bar so you were on your own. You looked around for an area that looked to have more space but all you saw were couples faces glued together and random weirdos grinding on girls that were dancing, you didnt want this to happen to you so you walked over to a corner and leaned your back against it, reaching for your phone you were about to plug in your earphones and then realised the music was way too loud for you to hear anything "I knew I should have brought my sound cancelling headphones" you sighed and continued to look on your phone. you texted your mates, who were happily enjoying their round on Battlefield without you, but there was no reply "must be a good round" you thought to yourself.

You decided to go get a drink of water from the bar but as you took one step away from the wall you were roughly shoved back while someone pinned you against the wall making you drop your phone from shock. "What have we got here?" he smirked while looking you up and down you could smell alcohol from his breath but he wasn't totally out of it. You tried breaking free but his grip only got tighter, instead you spat at his face "Let me go asshole!" you said in hope that someone would notice but the music was too loud. He brought his face closer to yours and you turned your head away from his. "I would but the fun is just about to start" he whispered into your ear which sent shivers down your spine, just as he was about to make contact with your lips you felt his grip loosening and letting go when you looked back you saw him on the floor with blood coming from his mouth "ASSHOLE!!" he shouted loudly startling you as he got up you looked over to see someone standing looking at him with a mad expression on his face. "dont even try." said the man when he saw the drunk man walking towards him. The drunk man raised his fist and swung it quickly heading towards the other mans head but before it made contact he grabbed it and shoved it back making the drunk man fall to the ground before signalling to the bouncers to help, the bouncers grabbed the drunk man and threw him out.

The other man approached you but you were still in shock from what had just happened "are you okay? he didnt hurt you did he?" said the man with a worried tone you shook your head looking at his beautiful brown eyes, he had short brown hair and a fringe and he was taller then you. "Im Jungkook" he said smiling "oh hi im (y/n)" you replied "its nice to meet you (y/n), although it wasnt the best wat to meet" he said scratching the back of his head "oh uh, yeah.. thank you for that, did you hurt your hand?" you said looking at his knuckles which were becomeing red "you have quite the punch!" you said smirking "oh, im fine, I saw him pinning you up and it didnt look like you were enjoying it, I kinda panicked and that happened" he said blushing "that wasnt a great first expierience, at least it will be the last" you said breaking the growing silence "your first time? at a club?" he said confused you nodded "I didnt even want to come, my friend forced me to come" he laughed at your remark "what? whats funny?" you said arching one eyebrow "no sorry, its just, im the exact same, I didnt want to come here either, im a very un social person, I prefer talking to people through a screen if not at all" this made you smile as you related to him a lot " where are your friends then?" you said looking around "probably getting drunk at the bar" he said smirking "do you wanna get out of here?" he asked tilting your head, you wondered if it was safe, for all you know he could of set up that entire scene, but you thought that anything would be better then being in here "sure!" you said as he grabbed your wrist pulling you to the exit.

Once you made it outside he let go of your wrist and you rubbed it because of the pain "ach!, sorry if I held it too tight" he said grabbing your hand gentally to see if it was okay "no, it wasnt you, it was that other guy, its just still a little sore" you said smiling "follow me" he said quickly while reaching to grab your wrist before changing to grab above it being careful not to hurt you. You followed him and he ended up bringing you to the rooftop of the club, the city looked so pretty from up here and you could see your apartment you kept staring in awe at the woderful sight.
