Ch 3 | The night sky

"It's beautiful isn't it" Jungkook said walking up next to you "yeah, are we allowed up here?" he just smirked and said "as far as I know, I always come here when I'm dragged along to these parties" he continued to look around the area "that's smart, you get dragged here often?" you looked at him "yeah, my mates like being social, I don't know how I'm friends with them really" he laughed and so did you "I don't think ill be coming back anytime soon" you said turning back to the city "it's a scary place for young woman, what age are you anyway?" he said now looking concerned "I'm 18, you?" "19" he said almost in relief "I just worry, underage are always finding ways to get in here" you smiled "would you be mad if I was underage?" you said curious "I'd be worried if you were underaged, and I would probably be ringing your parents" he said laughing you laughed as well but then shivered because of the cold, he glanced at you and after a moment you felt something draped over you, he had placed his jacket over you "won't you get cold?" you asked while blushing "Nah, I'll be fine" he smiled cutely at you scrunching up his nose.

Time past and you both shared conversations and laughed a lot, he went to the same college as you but was taking a course in engineering. You got along perfectly and soon lost track of time. "you have a car?" he asked while walking to his and as you were about to say yes you saw him unlock a midnight blue Alfa Giulietta, aka your favourite car and said no in hope he would offer you a ride "I could give you a lift home but if your not comfortable with that I can ca-" he was cut off by you saying "a lift home would be great!" stupid (y/n) now he probably thinks your a gold digger "okay hop in!" you happily got in and you were left in awe of the beautiful interior of the car, the seats were pure leather and a silver dashboard was sitting perfectly in front of you Jungkook noticed by your facial expression "you're a fan of cars?" his words brought you out of your daze "oh, yeah I'm a complete petrol head, I have been since I was young" this made him smile wider than usual "just wait till you hear her engine" he said starting up the car. The roars of the beautiful twin cam engine wowed me and made me question saving for a new spark plug or a new car. Unfortunately we reached my home and I had to leave the beautiful car, oh and the beautiful boy that drove the car "I had fun, maybe I'll see you again?" this made me frown at the fact the night was over and out of nowhere "do you wanna come inside and play Battlefield?" I couldn't believe I was actually inviting someone into my house, it was a mess I wouldn't even invite Jungjeon in there "sure! if you don't mind" he said smiling "of corse not, I wouldn't offer otherwise!" oh god, maybe I could turn into Sonic and clean it really fast. We both started walking up the stairs of the apartment and I unlocked the door to my house "I warn you, it's going to be really messy" maybe it was better if I warned him "don't worry It can't be as bad as mine, I don't think I know the definition of clean" we both laughed and this made me relax more.

We entered the apartment and I signalled for him to come into the living room "I'm going to change out of these clothes really quick, sorry" I didn't want to leave him there alone but my top was itching like crazy and I needed to change "that's fine ill wait" he said taking a seat on the sofa. I changed into a jumper and tracksuit bottoms, as I walked back into the livingroom I saw Jungkook admiring me PC he didn't even notice me walk in "Blackfire Madusa if you're wondering" I caught him off guard and he jumped "sorry it just caught my eye, I have an Imperial Ghost" he never mentioned he was a PC gamer "in the end when the choice is education or a gaming PC priority takes over, therefore you get the PC" I replied and we both chuckled "does it play well?" he asked curious "yea, though it needs an upgrade in video card, but I'm tight on money currently" his face lit up once I said this "I upgraded mine a couple weeks ago, maybe my old one is better than your current one" I smiled at his offer "you must be doing well money wise, rich family or are you really good at saving" I smirked "I wish, I don't spend money well, I get things like cars and games before I consider the things I should consider, but I am in a good place with work" he smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. While he was explaining this I was setting up Battlefield, he was lucky to be in a good place with work but I worried about the kinda things he pushes out of the way for his likes, I couldn't say anything I was letting video games control my life. I reached out my arm with a controller in hand and he grabbed it as we both walked over to the sofa. Hours must have passed before we stopped playing "It's getting late, you should probably get home, will anyone be worried for you?" I said worrying that he might get in trouble "no, I only have 1 roommate and he's the one who is probably still at that club" we both chuckled and I went out with him to his car "wait" I said stopping him from entering his car, he looked up at me confused "don't you want to do this again? I'll put my number in your phone" he smiled, I think out of relief, and he handed me his phone, I put in my number and sent myself a text so that I would get his number back I then handed him his phone and said my goodbye. He drove off and the last thing I heard was the sound of the engine.
