seokjin III

your hand reaches for the phone as you silently take it into your hands.

you swipe to unlock seokjin's phone and you thank god that it didn't have any password lock or whatsoever.

the first thing that pops up to the screen, was a conversation between seokjin and an unknown number. there was only one message however, and it was from jin.

"he knows."

the message was indicated seen by the latter. millions of questions buzz in your mind. who was seokjin talking about? knows what?

you check for any of his recent apps or any conversations, but it had been all cleared by seokjin. you quietly switched off the phone and carefully placed it to where it belonged on the table. you walk away from seokjin's table. pretty sure it isn't related to the murder, is it? you think to yourself.


please proceed to the chapter
