
so here's a few clarifications and an explanation on the whole story


I. clarifications

1. the shortest sequel ever??

eh soz for the pretty short sequel that has a terrible plot, i'll probably edit the plot next time. also, in this sequel each chapters are about 400 words, 200 more words than each chapter in reunion. that's basically why there's very few chapters.

2. will there be a third book?

no. just. nope. what else is there to write anyway.

3. who is the killer?

its just jungkook all along. oh, and if you're reading this but you haven't read the first book, well then, spoiler?

4. why did jungkook kill hoseok and jimin?

it's mainly because of the transaction receipt. i'll talk about it more in the explanation chapter.

5. why is namjoon so whipped?

whipped for seokjin.

6. what about the glass shards you saw when you were on the chapter jimin?

wine cellar. wine bottle. you can figure the rest out yourself.

comment any other questions you have!

II. explanation

a. jungkook and jimin
jimin and jungkook made a deal out of the money. jungkook was to withdraw the money from his company transfer it to jimin's account. but when hoseok started to suspect jungkook, jimin wanted to back out of the deal so he wouldn't have to deal with getting suspected. jungkook was worried hoseok would find out, so he spiked hoseok's drink. hoseok did find out but he couldn't do anything because he's dead. oh, and jungkook works in a medical company, so that's how he got the medicine. EX3D is jungkook's employees code, which was on the transaction receipt, which is evidence jungkook transferred the money out.

b. seokjin and yoongi

basically, yoongi suspected jungkook a lot, and was convinced that jungkook killed both hoseok and jimin. yoongi is still attached to hoseok a lot. so he was pissed when namjoon didn't believe him, and thinks that namjoon is selfish. he goes and tell all this to seokjin, because he was the only person he could trust, and seokjin was also mad at namjoon for he made his uncle get executed, instead of his dad. so they both want revenge.

c. seokjin, taehyung and jungkook

seokjin told jungkook that yoongi knows about jungkook being the murderer. jungkook kills yoongi, and seokjin kills namjoon for revenge. he also kills jungkook with the help of taehyung, because jungkook was involved with another murder in seokjin's family. seokjin doesn't have a family now because of the two of them, thus killing them both is your revenge. taehyung has been helping seokjin. he also ends up killing you, after being ordered by seokjin to do so.

so that's it!
