seokjin II

you trust seokjin. maybe it's because he didn't seem to be entirely involved with this murder, but nonetheless you trust him.

you couldn't tell seokjin that you trust him, because for one, he was fast asleep. but for another, you don't know what seokjin will do with your answer.

you see seokjin's phone lying on the table, vulnerable. you decide to take the chance to snoop around. it wasn't because you were suspicious, but you just wanted to see if his phone contained anything important. anything that might hint to the murder.

but again, something inside of you tugged at you, telling you not to do it. telling you to trust seokjin, because he seemed the least suspicious, and he might become an ally, if you trust him and tell him everything.

you look at the phone. your hand reaches out to it but you stop.

should i? you ask yourself.


if your answer is YES,
please proceed to the chapter
seokjin III

if your answer is NO,
please proceed to the chapter
