
this is for those who did not trust yoongi

you figured it wasn't worth trusting yoongi. you were suspicious now, and your theory about the murderer having an accomplice was starting to become possible.

you continue walking, not caring about the fact if namjoon was following. come to think of it, he wasn't at all interested in finding the murderer for justice. it almost seemed like...revenge.

this is for everyone

now that you are alone, you go up to seokjin, who has yet to be questioned. you flip through your notebook to do a background check on seokjin.


age: 26
identity: namjoon's boyfriend
occupation: unknown
reason for going to the party earlier: accompanying namjoon
does he have anything against hoseok: unknown

you close your notebook. you decide the few questions you were going to ask seokjin were his occupation, and if he had anything against hoseok, and jimin.

you easily spot seokjin sitting at a table alone, his head resting on his arm. you walk up to him and give him a nod.

"hey," seokjin says as you take a seat across him.

you smile back briefly, before your face turns serious again. "you've heard about jimin's death, didn't you?"

seokjin nods. "yeah, but honestly i don't know him. i just knew that he was joon's close friend back then in high school; he told me that himself."

"okay, this might not be related or anything, but what exactly is your occupation. i mean, when we questioned everyone earlier, they did mention a bit about their occupation. except you." you say.

"hold on, where's namjoon? isn't he supposed to be here with you?" seokjin says suddenly, ignoring your question.

"he's having a mental breakdown. but answer my question. what's your occupation? what do you work as?" you ask sharply.

"it's kinda weird to say this, but i don't exactly have a job. i do odd jobs usually, like working at a wine cellar and helping out at a convenience store. you know, stuff like that," seokjin answers.

you ponder a while on the wine cellar job. it seemed odd, but you dismiss that thought.

"okay then, so basically, you know nothing about jimin. but are you sure you don't have anything against hoseok?"

"nope. he's my step brother whom i dislike, but i wouldn't kill him. he doesn't really affect me unless he's in my way," seokjin replies, with a yawn.

"i'll be taking a short nap here, if you don't mind."

you don't want to let him off so easily yet, since you can't seem to trust anyone here. "hold on, last question,"

"what is it?" seokjin asks restlessly.

"did you see where jungkook went, when jimin was murdered?"

".... i did ask him where he was going before jimin was killed," seokjin starts. "i knew he had something going on with that jimin dude, because they seemed pretty tense whenever they were together. he just told me he was going back to his company for some kind of meeting. though, i don't know what company hosts a meeting at ten at night."

jungkook seemed pretty suspicious, so you take down notes about him.

"thanks seokjin. that's all i wanted to know. have a good rest, though you can't go back yet," you say to seokjin as you rise from your seat.

seokjin already falls asleep.

you give seokjin some space, and think about what he said. you ask yourself,

do i trust seokjin?


if your answer is YES,
please proceed to the chapter
seokjin II

if your answer is NO,
please proceed to the chapter
