
We were all scared at this point and as we finished playing it and saying 'Goodbye' it would always go back to 'No'... We were all going to leave but we saw a wall that said 'No' on it repeatedly... At this point we
were running out of there everyone out of breath. We got back to the car and did an outro and we went back home...
At home...
We all went back home and i went upstairs to change into my pijamas collapsed on my bed and drifted off to sleep...
A few hours later...
I was woken up by a nightmare i had since i was 17 and they wont stop...

*I was getting in my car when someone showed up behind me "Hey Jade i missed you" That familiar voise said "I didn't you ruined my fucking life!" I spat at him "Still that same stupid slut. You didn't change at all!" He hissed "What do you want from me?!" "I wasn't done with you Jade!" He yelled "Get out!" I spat. He covered my face with a cloth that knocked me out in seconds... He took me to a cabin in the woods and tied my arms and legs to a chair I woke up and he wasn't there so I tried to untie my arms and legs when i was free i tried to escape but he locked the door the only thing that was there was a metal chair and a little window I grabbed the chair and broke the window with it I jumped out and booked it to my car which i left my phone in it had 1% on it i immediately called Jake after a few rings he picked up "Jade where are you?!" he said  " J-Jake im in the woods he kidnapped me help me please!" i cried with tears rolling down my cheeks "I cant hear you Jade theres no service!" he yelled "Jake-" I got cut off with my phone dying i quickly got out of my car and ran down further into the woods i heard his car pulling up and i hid behind a huge tree i heard him come and I hid behind a tree He turned around and saw me "Mabey you should've tried to escape or we could've done it the easy way but you fucked it up like you fuck up everything!" He dragged me back to the cabin and he tied me up tighter he got a knife and he cut my wrist I was screaming in pain but i knew no one would hear me*

I sat up on my bed sweating and crying i couldn't sleep after that i never could so i just took out my laptop and started editing a video of mine..A few hours passed and i was tired so i put my stuff away and went back to sleep...
In the morning...
I woke up at 10am i was kinda surprised because i don't usually wake up at this time... I went to take a shower and pot on my outfit:

then i went downstairs where i found Devyn on the couch with Corey watching him play Rocket League of course. I went over to them and just sat there.
I was getting bored so I went out to my hairdresser and she dyed my hair:

When i got home walked upstairs to my room and i sat down on my bed i was staring at the wall blankly until i heard a knock on my door
"Come in"
I say and Colby walks in
Colby: Hey can we talk?
Jade:Yeah sure!
Colby:Do you wanna go somewhere else?
Colby: I dont know..Somewhere peaceful
Jade:Okay lets go!
We walk to his car and we don't say a word to eachother for the whole drive which was very weird because we always talked i don't know what happened...
A few minutes went by and we got to the place. It was very nice and peaceful there.As we started walking I asked Colby
"So what did you wanna talk about?"
Colby: This is hard to say because it took so long for me to say it im scared you wont wanna be friends with me anymore.
Jade: Colby I will stay your friend no matter what you say we were best friends for so long now that i dont even think anything's gonna break it.
Colby: Promise?
he held his pinky up
I interlocked our pinkys
Colby: I really like you Jade...I liked you for so long now and...I never got the chance to tell you..
Jade:Colby i like you too for a long time
I didn't wanna tell you because i didnt know if you felt the same way..
Colby pulls you closer to him and kisses you softly you guys pull away...
Colby:Will you be my girlfriend Jade?
Jade: Colby i would but i need some time to think.
Colby: You can have as much time as you want just let me when you're ready.
Jade:Yeah...Can we go home now? Its getting late
Colby:Yeah of course
we hop in the car and the rest of the drive was silent... We got home I went upstairs to my room Sam and Kat follow me upstairs.
Kat: What are you so happy about huh?
Sam:Yeah you got something to tell us?
Jade: I dont know if i should tell you guys..
Sam: Jade you can tell us anything
Jade: Okay. So Colby and i were talking and he told me he liked me and he asked me to be his girlfriend...
Sam: Finally that kid liked you for years
Kat: Did you say yes?!!
Jade: I said i need some time to think and ill let him know.
Sam:Okay were gonna leave you to think now and yeah... Bye Jade Brock!
Jade: Fuck you Samuel
He started laughing and they left...
I just layed there thinking about what happened...And i fell asleep
