Stanley Hoter Part 3

When we came back inside we noticed that lollipops have moved from their places Corey was freaking out but we eventually forgot about it.

Sam, Colby and Jake went to do the seance while Corey and I sat out. He sat on the small bench in front of the bed and I sat crisscrossed on the floor.
Jade: Do you guys think this is a good idea?
Colby: No...But we're gonna be fine we have sage and the salt circle
Jade: Okay... Be careful guys
Jake: We will
When they asked questions it answered with noises in the room which startled me a little bit. After another question we heard the closet creak once again we were freaking out.
Jake: Guys stop freaking out this is good it means that there's something here that wants to talk to us
Corey: Yeah but it's terrifying bro you guys should stop its not a good idea
Sam: But we came all the way to Colorado to get something and we got something
He was being reasonable Jake and Colby also agreed with Sam and I sat there looking at the wall completely zoned out and not listening to what they were talking about
Colby: You okayy?
He asked me
Jade: Ya im fine
Colby: Sure?
I nodded and smiled at him to say that i was okay he also nodded and smiled.

The boys finished the seance amd we went to sleep Sam, Colby Jake and I were squeezed up on the bed while Corey was sleeping on a couch near the window we said goodnight and went to sleep.
A few minutes later...
I woke up to one of my nightmares again i was cuddled up against Colby so he heard me sit up
Colby: Are you okay?
He whispered softly
Jade: Yeah just another one of my nightmares
He gently rubbed my back to give me comfort he pulled me back down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me we layed like that for another 10 minutes before i fell asleep...
The next morning...
I woke up still in Colbys arms i smiled at how adorable he was i layed there next to him for a little longer and then Sam woke up
Sam: good morning
Jade: Morning
the others eventually woke up aswell... We all went to change and waited a little while until Sam and Colby started filming again we talked and then went to meet Jennifer again i rolled my eyes mentally at the thought of her. I still didn't get over my jealousy but i didn't let it take over all my other emotions
We went to eat with her and told her everything that happened when we were about to leave we took a picture.
Corey: This hotel made me poop my pants
Jennifer: If you wanna poop your pants i know where to go
Sam: Where?
Jennifer: Its called the Witches Forest
Jade: Yeah. We're not gonna do that... Right?
Sam: If this video gets 100k likes we will
I groaned in frustration and everyone laughed at me except Corey he just shook his head...
We said bye to Jennifer after we talked more and went home...
