Girls Night

Next morning...
I woke up to someone shaking me
I said while groaning
Jake:We gotta film today
Jade:Ughh right now?
Jake:Not now whenever but today
Jade:So you couldn't wait until i woke up
Jake:I was bored
Jade:You're so annoying you know
Jake:No im not
Jade:Yes you are you're just obsessed with yourself
Jake:I mean I am hot
He said as he looked at my mirror on my desk
Jade:Seriously im gonna gag so stop
Jake:Fine whateverr
He walked out and i went to take a shower and get dressed and I went downstairs it was like 11:30 am so of course everyone was up kinda
Sam:Good Morning
Sam:What happened to you
Jade:what do you mean?
Sam:You look sad
Jade:Im not im just tired
Sam:Mhm Suree
Jade:What? I dont have anything to be
sad about
Aaron:Shes got Colby of course shes not sad
Sam: True
I rolled my eyes at him playfully
Jade:Aaron I thought you were upstairs
playing fortnite like all the time
Aaron:I saw that you guys were mad at me so I decided to not play that much
Corey:I don't believe you
Devyn:Me neither
Aaron:Why not??
Jade:Because you're Aaron and you would never do that
Aaron:True but atleast i got really good at it
We laughed
At night...
I got a text from Kat:
Kat: hey Girly!
Kat:U down 4 a grls night tonight?
Jade: U know i am
Kat:Yayy its gonna be Me,You,Devyn,Tara and Xepher
Jade:Ooo im exited where and when?
Kat:My place at 9
Jade: I'll be there
End of messages

Its 8pm so i start to get ready and change:

I heard a knock on my door
Jade:Come in!!
Colby walks in
He kisses you
Colby:Where are you going?
Jade: im having a girls night with the girls..
Colby: Ooo fun
Jade:Yeah it is
Colby:Jake wants to talk to you
Colby said and out I went downstairs to Jake
Jade:What do you want?
Jake: We didn't film today
Jade:Well sorry i was busy
Jake:Can we film now?
Jake: Why not?
Jade: Im hanging out with the girls tonight
Jake: Okay whatever
Jade:We'll film tomorrow
Jake:Pinky promise?
I pinkiy promised him
Jade:Just tweet something saying that we couldnt film today
I went upstairs and knocked on Corey and Devyns door and Corey opens it
Corey: Whats up?
Jade:Is Devyn ready?
Corey:Babe are you ready Jade is waiting for u!!
Devyn:Ill be ready in 5
Corey: She'll be ready in 5
Jade:Okay call me when shes done
Corey: Kk
I walked to Colbys room and knocked on the door
Colby:Come in!
I walked in and Colby was sitting at his desk editing
Colby:Hey i thought you left already
Jade:Im waiting for Devyn
Colby:O okay
Jade: So what u doing?
Colby:Just editing
Jade:Okay.. Im so bored
Colby: Im  probably gonna go out with Brennen later
Jade:im so happy i have something to do
I heard Devyn call my name
Jade:Gotta go
He kissed me and said bye I went downstairs and Devyn was waiting for me.
Devyn and I were in the uber to go to Kats place
A few minutes later...
We got to Kats and the rest of the girls were there already Devyn knocked on the door and Kat opened it
Kat: Took you long enough
Devyn: Blame her i waited for her downstairs
Jade:I wasnt the one who took so long to put on makeup
Devyn: Okayy chill i know you were with Colby
Jade: Come on its not like we fucked or something
We laugh
we walked inside and sit down
Xepher: So.. what do we do first?
Tara:Ooo can we play 'Spill the tea'?
Jade:How do we play that?
Tara: we sit in a circle and we spin a bottle and whoever it land on has to spill the tea about something that someone else asks
Kat:O okay sound fun! Who goes first?
Devyn: Ill go
She spins the bottle and it lands on me
Devyn: Hmm... Who was your first kiss?
Jade: I think it was... Do i have to say the name?
Devyn:Name and how old you were
Jade:I think his name was Justin and i was probably 11/12
Devyn: Ooo okayy so you were young?
Jade:Umm..whos next?
We laugh and carry on with the game
Few minutes later...
We got bored of the game so we decided to watch the new 'Halloween' movie. When the movie was over I had an idea to scare the boys back at the house everyone agreed

Liked by: Colbybrock, Devynlundy, Tarayummyy, and 198,461 others
@Jadewebber9: We're having a girls night (Shh we're planning something)

@Katrinastuartofficial: This is gonna be good
@Jadewebber9: @Katrinastuartofficial yes it will ;)

Devyn: Can we do scary make up?
Kat: Yess!! I have glow in the dark face paint
Tara: Yayy
