
Tara: What did he say?
Jade:He asked what happened and said
that he was worried..
Tara:Tell Colby that you need some space
Jade: I told Sam to tell him
Jade:I knew i shouldn't have been in a
relationship this early..
Tara:Jade if you dont talk to him it could ruin your friendship and you've known him for a long time...
Jade: your right but im just really disappointed in him and myself..
Tara:Why yourself??
Jade: Because i should've know he would
do this...
Tara:You should give him a chance he was probably drunk
Jade:Yeah every excuse everyones ever
Tara:Think about it...
She walked out of the room and left me there alone...For some reason I wanted to give him a chance...But I also didn't...
A few days later..
I got another text from Colby but this time I replied

Colby: Jade please answer me give me a chance ill explain please
Jade: Meet me at the park near the house..
Colby:Okayy be there in 10

I got in my car and drove to the park
I saw Colby standing there and he ran up to me..
Colby: I know your mad but i can explain
Jade: Go ahead
Colby:I was drunk i didn't know what i was doing it didnt mean anything
Jade: Everyone says that Colby! Why would i believe you?
Colby:Because you've known me for a long time you would've known that this will happen
Jade:Yeah i knew but i thought you changed
Colby:A person cant change overnight
Jade:It was more then overnight Colby!
Colby:Sorry Jade okay it was a mistake please forgive me
Jade:I'll think about it
I walked away from him and went home...
When I got home I started to think about giving him another chance because he might have been telling the truth he's different...I went upstairs to my room and layed down on the bed and fell asleep...
The next morning...
I woke up and I decided that I will give Colby another chance so I went to his room and knocked on the door
Colby:Come in!
I walked in and sat down
Colby: Jade?
Jade: Im sorry Colby i should've believed
Colby:Its fine i kinda deserved it for being stupid
I let out a little chuckle
Colby:So we can get back together?
Jade:Only if you promise to never hurt me
I held up my pinky
Colby: I promise
He quickly interlocked our pinkys
Jade:Then were fine
He grabbed my waist and kissed me softly I smiled through the kiss and so did he...
Colby:Did you tell Jake about us?
Jade:No not yet i dont know how he would react
Colby:I think you should he needs to know
Jade:yeah i will
I walked out and smiled I went to Jakes room and knocked at his door
Jake:Come in!
I walked in and saw him sitting there with a smile on his face
Jade:What are you so happy about?
I asked while closing the door
Jake:Tara said she likes me...
Jade:We need to talk
Jake: Whats up?
Jade:Its about... Colby and i..
Jake: You guys are dating i know
Jake:I can tell
Jade: So is that okay with you??
Jake: Yeah of course I cant control your life
Jade: Oh okay thats all i had to say Byee
Jake:I need help
Jade:With what?
Jake:I want Tara to be my girlfriend
Jade:Then tell her jeez why do i get sucked into there things?
Jake:Because you are good at these
Jade:Whatever...Just tell her that you have feelings for her too and ask her..
Jake:What is she will say no
Jade:She won't didn't you say she likes you?
Jade:I promise you she will say yes
Jake:Okay i will
Jade:Okay bye good luck
I walked back into Colbys room
Colby: Hey what did he sayy?
Jade:Apparently he knew
Colby:So.. Is he okay with this
Jade:Yeah..He was only talking about Tara so he doesn't care
Colby:I knew he likes Tara
Jade:We all did
guys laugh
Colby:Anyways wanna go out for lunch?
He kissed my lips softly
Colby:Go get ready i will too
A few minutes later...
I got dressed:

and went downstairs to wait for Colby as I was waiting Corey and Aaron were running around with a camera because Aaron wasn't supposed to be in todays outro He got the camera from Aaron and came up to me
Corey:All right guys thank you so much for watching todays vlog if you enjoyed it you already know what to do give it a big old thumbs up comment yor favourite part down below FAN of the vlog goes to Emily
Corey:Shoutout Emily Jade
Jade:Shout out Emily!
Corey:Make sure to subscribe to my channel for other future videos and see you guys in the next one Corey Scherer DOOCES!
We laughed and Colby came downstairs Colby:You ready to go?
Jade:Yeah lets go
We walked out to his car and talked
Colby:Wanna go to Tender Greens?
Jade:I love Tender Greens
Colby:I know i do too!
Few minutes later...
Colby:We're here!
We get out of the car and made our way over to Tender Greens
I told Colby my order and went to sit down as I did Brennen came up to me and scared me
Jade:Dont ever fucking do that again unless you want me to rip your head off!
Brennen:Jeez chill girl i just wanted to say hi
Jade: Why did you have to scare me?
Brennen: For fun
I rolled my eyes at him and He laughed
Brennen: Are you here alone?
Jade:No im with Colby
Brennen:Am i seeing what im seeing?
Jade:What do you mean?
Brennen:You and Colby are dating?
Jade:Umm.. No
Brennen:Come on Jade i know when you're lying
Jade:Alright fineee
Brennen: Oh my god #Jaby!
Jade:Stopp Brennen
As I say that Colby comes
Colby:Whats up bro?!
Brennen:I heard you guys are dating
Colby: Umm..
Brennen:Come on Bro I know you guys are!you wanted this for so long
Jade:How does everyone know about that?
Brennen:You guys suck at hiding it
I rolled my eyes at him playfully and ate
When we finished Colby and I went back home...
It was like 1:30 in the morning but Colby decided to film a video at this time called "reacting to old photos" everyone was very tired but still wanted to film it when it was over I ran upstairs to my bedroom and fell asleep...
