With almost chocked breathe, Subhadra was waiting for Arjun to arrive. Suddenly, she heard an angry roar, but the voice didn't belong to Arjun. Subhadra eyes were struggling to see the person, but with her blurry vision she could only see two men in attires of blue and yellow colour before getting fainted.

Those two men were none other than Krishn and Balram. Before Subhadra's fainting figure could fall down Krishn rushed towards her followed by Balram. Krishn picked her up in his arms, and Balram erased all the effects of poison from her body through his divine powers.

After the task was done, brothers released a sigh of relaxation ensuring her wellbeing.

"Takshak! How dare you to harm our sister!" Balram shouted at Takshak with all might causing mass vibration in air.

"Sis... Sister! But she's not the one," Takshak was already scared due to Balram's appearance out of blue, and his attitude was making Takshak shiver in fear.

"She's the one, Takshak! She's the only one," the pitch of Balram's voice was same like before making the same effect on the surrounding.

"I.... I... am sorry, Shri Sheeshnaag. I didn't know anything whatever you had said. Please forgive me," obviously, Takshak was aware of the truth that Balram was incarnation of mighty Sheeshnaag, the supreme of serpents. So, he fall near the feet of Balram with folded hands.

"Your crimes are too much to be forgiven, Takshak. You had thought ill of everyone except yourself. If you cared about anything then it was your self interest only," Krishn's soothing tone turned into a serious one at which Takshak's hope of saving himself from wrath of Balram vanished into thin air.

Whenever Balram got angry Krishn came forward as the assurance of making him calm down, but that time Krishn wasn't seeming like to do any sort of attempt like that.

"Please! Please! Forgive me. You met your sister because of me. I accept any kind of punishment, but don't kill me," Takshak kept pleading.

Amidst of that chaos, Arjun reached there. Before anyone or anything the sight of Subhadra being fainted grabbed his attention.

"Subhiiiiii! What happened to you? I had told you not to come here, but you didn't listen me. Even you didn't keep your promise of returning to me, safely. Why did you do so, Subhi? Why so?" Arjun rushed towards Krishn who was holding Subhadra. Blabbering his complains to her, Arjun took Subhadra in his arms from Krishn's arms.

"Calm down, Parth. She's safe, and she will be fine soon," Krishn's one hand was on Arjun's shoulder while other hand was caressing Subhadra's hairs.

"Dau! Madhav! Sorry for not greeting to both of you, but......," Krishn's touch insisted Arjun notice the persons around him.

"No need of this formality, Arjun. We are here for both of you," Krishn assured Arjun with a gentle patting on his shoulder.

"Takshak! You are such a mean creature! I had done wrong by not punishing you before, but this time you wouldn't be spared," Arjun's voice raised to shout at Takshak with all his rage

"Wait, Arjun! Takshak had made the way towards the most awaited happiness of our life. So, he should be given one more chance of mending his ways. I had decided how he would repent," Balram intervened.

The mention of most awaited happiness by Balram, that too due to Takshak confused Arjun.

"Takshak, from now onwards you will guard the boarder of Indraprastha. It's your last chance of rectifying yourself," Balram declared his decision which Krishn supported with a small smile.

"I accept it. I will guard the boarder of Indraprastha, all honestly. Thank you for this chance," Takshak agreed to the proposal.

Conveying his gesture of gratitude, Takshak disappeared from there concluding the end of that chapter from his side.

Arjun was continuously noticing Krishn and Balram's affectionate gaze towards Subhadra. Arjun hadn't noticed that side of the duo. Since the time he had arrived there he encountered with nothing except confusion.

"How did you come to know about this disaster?" He chose that question to voice out his confusion.

"We will explain it when Gudiya gets well. Let's go to palace. She needs care," Balram earned an obedient node over his suggestion from Arjun.

Balram led the way for Arjun followed by Krishn. It was seeming like brothers were protecting their sister from both sides.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.



