Returning Hastinapur, Arjun and Subhadra shared the happy news of Khandav forest being a curse free land again. Subjects cheered the happy news as many of them had made their minds to live under Arjun's rule. On a particular auspicious day Arjun along with his family and huge number of subjects departed from Hastinapur.

As per Lord Indra's promise a splendid city welcomed everyone. They were so surprised over the lavishness of art and architecture of the city which they could address as theirs. Everyone settled there, all happily. Even, coronation of Arjun had been completed so well.

In short, everything was so perfect without any lack at any point.

Despite all the happiness Subhadra's heart was getting heavy thinking about her father.

"Your father isn't angry over you due to our marriage. He might be angry over the peaceful way you had chosen to rescue the soldiers of your kingdom," Arjun sat beside a thoughtful Subhadra.

"How did you read my exact thought? Can you see through hearts? It's not a trait of any warrior," she looked at him, dubiously.

"This time not a warrior but a man made up of bonding is talking to you," he introduced himself seeking her comfort of being opened up to him.

"How are you so sure that my father isn't angry over our marriage?" He had ignited her curiosity, and she voiced out the same.

"Because, once upon a time he wished to have me with him," the short reminiscence of past turned his expression into a stern one.

"I didn't get. Please, make it clear," she lent her ear to him, impatiently.

"Do you know the reason of the wars occurred in between Hastinapur and your kingdom?" He observant side got active to read her eyes confirming her truthfulness.

"I don't know the certain reason. Once pitashri told me that Hastinapur had something he should get, rightfully," she went back to past when she had talked with her father about the matter.

Her eyes were showing nothing except truthfulness which earned his trust for her over that reply.

"Your father is brother of mata Kunti. He's my maternal uncle. After my parents death he wished to take me along with him. He wished to be my guardian as he had no trust on mata Madri," Arjun started to narrate with a numb look.

"Your father didn't like mata Madri. She was pregnant, and your father was so adamant to take me away from her. According to him, after being mother of her own children, she wouldn't love me. He was so blinded by his insecurity and cruelty," more than pain his anger was evident at that phrase of narration.

"Due to your father the fear of losing me made mata Madri panicked. She left the palace along with me, quietly. She had bore all the hardships alone at the time when she should enjoy all the happiness of her life. Nakul and Chanchala took birth in forest. After some days grandsire Bhishma found all of us, assured mata Madri, took us back to palace," a sigh of relaxation got released by him as his mind came out of those bad days which he was reliving in flashbacks.

"All those wars were fought in between Hastinapur and Mitrakshi, because your father wanted to take me along with me. He loved my mother, and I respect that. I don't hate him. Mata Madri didn't wish me to grow up under shadow of hatred, but I would never forgive him for all the suffering of mata Madri," he voice was calm yet that was capable enough to crack all the peaks anger.

Subhadra was too shocked to react. Heart of a daughter wasn't able to imagine her father in a frame of villain yet the void of her heart after listening Arjun had surrendered to the truth.

Sensing her mentality, he walked out of the chamber sparing her some alone time to accept the truth.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.



