Next day Arjun and Subhadra started penance to please Lord Indra. The period of time was uncertain for them yet they were certain about the unexpected miracle at the end. Before starting penance they pledged for that.

"I am taking pledge to be dedicated towards my devotion," Arjun initiated waiting to hear Subhadra.

"I am taking pledge to be dedicated towards his devotion," her firm voice and most importantly her dedication towards him made him look at her in awe.

"I will fulfill all the duties of a king, and will serve my subjects after being blessed by you, Lord Indra!" He declared his futuristic goal.

"I will follow him as a dutiful wife," Instead of addressing herself as a queen she chose to address herself as a wife making his gaze at her turned into an affectionate one.

"I will try my best to keep these promises I have made," he accepted the promises for a lifetime.

"I will try my best to support him," she too declared her role.

Each statement she uttered had earned her utmost love and respect in Arjun's heart. The vows uttered by her during their marriage didn't gain his attention significantly due to situation of that time, but this time her vows grabbed his attention, effortlessly.

To his bad luck, the time wasn't suitable to cherish that moment with her.

She closed her eyes followed by him. Being encouraged by her presence, he indulged himself into the depth of penance.

Day by day, week by week passed making months proceed one after another. In this way seven months had been passed. Lord Indra appeared in front of the couple when their aspiration touched the peak of achievement.

"Open eyes, my children. I am pleased with your devotion. I am here to fulfill your wish," Lord Indra's divine voice called the duo.

Opening eyes, they greeted the Lord.

"We request you to free this place from curse turning this land into a cheerful piece of land," Arjun put forward the wish.

"You didn't say anything, my child!" Lord Indra looked at Subhadra who was expressing gratitude towards him, silently.

"His voice is my voice, and my wish is no different from his wish," she replied.

"If you wish anything else then don't hesitate to ask," Lord Indra offered a chance.

"Thank you for your consideration, but I don't want anything else except what he has said," Subhadra denied, humbly.

"Why so, my child?" Dedication of the young girl surprised the Lord of heaven.

"If I ask something for myself then it will make me smile. I can't see myself smiling each time untill I sit in front of a mirror while his wish will make everyone happy around me. I will get to see many smiling faces around me. What could be best than this?" Her selfless answer surprised both Arjun and Lord Indra.

Both spared a few moments to praise her, internally.

"Arjun, no mission of a married man gets successful untill his wife supports him. Half of the credit of your success goes your soulmate who has been standing beside you since the start itself. May you both stay blessed for forever," Lord Indra advised Arjun indicating importance of Subhadra for him.

"I am freeing this land from curse. This land will be fertile like before. When you both come here along with subjects you will find your kingdom waiting for you made by Lord Vishwakarma," Lord Indra's declaration made the duo delighted to no end.

"But I will bless your land the fullest when you prove yourself as a good king providing everything to your subjects they need," after raising his hand to bless Arjun and Subhadra, Lord Indra disappeared.

Both were staring at each other, celebrating the moment of success, pouring their hearts to each other through an intense eye contact.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.



