Double Date (Calum and Michael)

“But I’m horrible at being a romantic,” Michael protested as his band mates tried to pressure him into asking a girl on a date.

“No excuses,” Ashton pushed you towards the girl.

Luke made a sympathetic face.

Calum spoke up. “If you go ask her out, I’ll talk to her friend.” He gestured to the blonde standing by the girl that Michael couldn’t stop talking about—until it came to actually talking to her.

“I don’t care if you talk to her friend-” Michael tried, but Ashton was already nodding.

“You are both going to do just that,” he announced.

“What do I say?” Michael whispered-shouted.

The four boys were huddled in the corner of the stands of a soccer game. They had been watching the game, until they caught the eyes of two girls. Michael had talked to them for a little bit before being ambushed by the band. And now they were sitting two rows over, talking innocently as the boys watched.

“You guys should have a picnic!” Ashton said.

Luke nodded. “Cute idea.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Yeah, if we had time to set it up. Why can’t I just ask them to play video games or something?”

“Because we are in a park,” Calum said.

At that moment, Luke shoved Calum and pushed him into the girls.

“Wow!” This came from the girl who looked down and found Calum’s head in her lap. Staring up at her were his eyes, wide.

“Sorry,” he muttered.

The girl giggled and Calum sat up, blushing. “It’s okay.”

“I’m Calum,” he said. He grabbed Michael’s shirt and pulled him closer. “And this is Mikey.”

“I’m Annabelle,” the blonde said, “and this is Shannon.”

The two girls made small talk, laughing at Calum’s soccer jokes. After a few minutes, Luke and Ashton got up and left. Before they went Ashton whispered something in Michael’s ear.

“Middle of the soccer field in an hour. We will supply the romance.”

55 minutes later.

 “I knew someone who could do a cartwheel and then kick the soccer ball,” Annabelle said. “She would start and the other team would be like ‘what’ and then she’d score.”

Michael laughed. “That would be so cool.”

“Let’s try!” Calum said.

Annabelle hesitated for a second before attempting to do a cartwheel, falling halfway through. “Oops,” she giggled.

“I’m no better,” Shannon said, doing the same thing and falling beside her best friend.

Michael jumped over the girls and did a handstand for a second before gravity pushed him over.

The girls clapped.

“Look! A soccer ball!” Calum ran over to one of the goal posts and started dribbling the ball back.

Annabelle got up and ran over to him, leaving Michael and Shannon lying on the grass, staring at the clouds.

“Ew, sports,” Shannon said.

Michael laughed. “I’m better at music than football,” he said.

“Football,” Shannon joked.

“What’s wrong with football?” Michael said, making a face.

“Nothing. It’s just-- your accent—it’s cute.”

“You are cute,” he said. He propped himself up on his elbows and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

“Watch out!” A soccer ball came flying at Shannon’s face.

Annabelle and Calum ran over to see the damage. Shannon had her hands over her face.

“Are you okay?” Calum asked.

Annabelle chuckled. “She gets hurt a lot.”

Shannon nodded. “True. And I’m fine.” She removed her hands and Michael studied her face for injuries. He got distracted by her eyes though and ended up staring at her for a second too long.

“Is there a big bump? A pimple? Of course, today of all days…” Shannon said.

“No, there’s nothing,” Michael said. “You are just really pretty.”

Calum sensed a romantic moment coming on, so he grabbed Annabelle’s arm and winked. “Let’s leave these two alone.”

They wandered off to a nearby path, where they saw Luke and Ashton.

Ashton was smiling, looking at Calum and Annabelle’s intertwined hands. He waved. “I brought picnic stuff.” He gave the bag to Calum and he and Luke turned around and started walking the other way.

“Wait!” Annabelle cried. “You guys are leaving…?”

“We wouldn’t want to be in the middle of a double date,” Luke said.

“Race you back to Shannon and Mikey?” Calum asked Annabelle, who nodded and took off running.

Breathlessly, they ran past their friends and dropped off the bag of picnic food. But they kept going, all the way to the goalpost on the far end of the field.

When they stopped, they were both laughing. Calum turned and looked at this girl, who was already more than a stranger and more than just a friend.

“You take my breath away,” he said. Then he leaned in and kissed her.

On the other side of the field, Shannon spotted them with their arms around each other. “Look,” she said.

Michael didn’t look away from her face. “I don’t need to.”

She blushed and turned her eyes on him.

“I’m not romantic,” he said. “They made me ask you out--”

“Ouch,” Shannon said sarcastically.

“No no, I wanted to ask you out, I just—see, I’m bad at this. The picnic was Ashton’s idea. And Calum,” Michael glanced at his friend, “well, he’s good at getting girls to like him.”

“I like you,” Shannon said.

“Thanks,” Michael smiled. “But I mean, he’s good at getting girl to…”

“To kiss him?”


Shannon thought for a moment. “I’m not too great at this either. But hey, I’ll just pretend that you said something cute and I’ll laugh,” she laughed to show her point, “and then you’ll kiss me, okay?”



Michael was better at kissing than he was at the lead up to it, thankfully.

So this is the first one shot that's for myself. It was bound to happen sometime, right? It's another one for my best friend Shannon partly because she gave me the idea of a picnic and mostly because she listens to me whine about writing these and has only ever asked for one.

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