In Which They Fight Over You (Ashton)


“I don’t know if I want to do this, Michael,” you said.

       He laughed, but you didn’t join in, even though his laugh was usually pretty contagious. You smacked his arm instead. He winced, faking pain to make you smile. It didn’t work. He unlocked the car doors, but you didn’t get out.

“I’m seriously. What if they don’t like me?” you said.

“Shannon,” Michael sighed. “They aren’t stupid.”

Finally, you smiled.

“Ready to go?” Your best friend asked. You nodded and you both got out of the car. You grabbed his hand as you walked up to the door. It was the back entrance to the hotel that the rest of 5 Seconds of Summer was staying at.

Michael knew where to go. He paused before opening the door to the penthouse suite, just staring at you. “Are you really that nervous?”

“Michael, I love these boys. I’ve been listening to them for so long and I’m really scared that they will think I’m just another fan.”

He thought about that you said for a minute. “Well, I don’t think you are just another fan.”

“That’s because we’ve been messaging each other online for more than a year!” you said. “Plus the fact that you’ve met me. Any somehow still like me, in all my weirdness.” You made a face to prove your point.

 “Seven long days,” he nodded, widening his eyes. “I’m kidding, seriously, you aren’t weird; you are unique.”

“Same thing,” you mumbled.

“Nah, unique is a compliment,” he said.  “Trust me—seven friendship dates were enough to tell.”

You smiled, thinking back to the days you had spent together after talking online. Michael told you right away that he didn’t want to be in a relationship, not when they were just starting to get famous. So he became your best friend.

“Damn, just open the door already,” you said. That stupid voice in your head telling you that they were going to hate you needed to be stopped.

“Hello?” Michael called, peeking his head in. “Is anyone here?”

Ashton walked in from the kitchen, shirtless and drinking a soda. “They are on the balcony, waving to fans.”

Michael nodded and pulled you out from behind him, where you were hiding. “Ashton, this is--” he started to say.

“SHANNON? Oh my god, it’s her! Luke, Cal, get your asses in here… We have a guest!” Ashton yelled. “Wait, no, I want her to myself! Never minddd,” he yelled.

But it was too late: “She’s here?!” you hear someone cry. Suddenly, you see two boys running in the room, shoving each other as they attempted to get to you first.

Calum won. He appeared right in front of you and stuck his hand out. “Hood, Calum Hood,” he said.

A flash oh blond appeared over his shoulder. “And I’m Luke!”

Calum smacked him playfully. “You are supposed to be the shy one!”

Luke pouted. Oh my god, he was adorable. They all were. And they all were staring at you like you were your favorite TV show.

“I’m Shannon…” you said.

“Oh, we know!” Ashton took you by the arm and led you further into the penthouse. It was a nice suite, but you couldn’t admire it. You were too busy looking from boy to boy. Michael was looking confused, Calum was um, fangirling and Luke was checking his hair quickly in a mirror before running after you.

"Guyyys," Michael whined. "Are you guys just going to fight over her?"

Calum looked at him. "Uh, duh."

"I've heard so much about you, Shannon," Ashton said. “But wow, they understated your looks.”

"Thanks." He was sweet, but the voice in the back of your head was at it again, telling you that he was lying.

"I knew her first!" Michael shouted in your direction.

"I told you to talk to her, Michael," Luke pouted. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and smooth out the wrinkles on his forehead. "I said, ‘message that poor girl back’."

"I convinced you, though, right?" Calum said. "I said, ‘she's hot’." He winked at you, and you giggled. He puffed his chest out looking proud. "I made her laugh, so there!"


You felt two strong arms wrap around you, pushing you onto a nearby couch. "Unf," you groaned. You turned your head to find Ashton's face just inches from yours. And, um, he was still shirtless.

"Hello there," you said.

"Hi." His face was seriously for a second, then he started laughed menacingly and tickling you. You couldn't stop laughing, and soon enough all four guys were staring at you in silence. Ashton sat up, letting you fall into a pillow.

"What?" you said.

"Your laugh...." Luke said. The other boys just nodded.

"What about it?" You were becoming self-conscious again.

"Its adorable," Calum said, leaning against the doorway and looking quite adorable himself.

Everyone was still staring at you. "Mates," Michael said. "Give her a fucking break. I can practically hear your desperate thoughts."

"What?" you asked again.

Michael raised his eyebrows.  "Are you not aware how hot you are? I don't go on friendship dates with just anyone, you know."

You blushed, tuning a deep shade of purple. Your cheeks always were slightly redder than the rest of your face, but now they looked like the inside of a raspberry.

"She isn't hot, she's beautiful!" Calum said. Could you just marry him already?

"No, she's damn sexy and sweet at the same time!" Ashton argued. "And I just met her!"

"Someone's smitten," Michael teased.

Ashton proceeded to punch him, as guys do when confronted with feelings. They ended up rolling around on the ground, wrestling and screaming things like "You are going down, Clifford the big blue haired man!" and "Die, Irwwwinn," all while laughing. Calum had his iPhone out and was filming. Both guys gave him the middle finger when they saw, which just made him laugh harder.

But where was Luke?

You spotted him in the corner, scrolling through something on his phone. He looked really sad, and seriously, how could you not be laughing at the tangle of legs and curly haired Australians on the other side of the room?

"Lukey, are you okay?"

He shrugged. You saw that he was wearing his smiley face shirt, the one in all of the pictures and videos. He was sitting on the floor cross-legged. You went to sit beside him.

"Um, how many shirts do you have?"

"Why do people always ask me that?" he groaned.

"Because you wear the same one over and over!"

He looked you in the eyes and said seriously, "I dont like to shop."

"What?" you exclaimed. "How dare you!" Then, "Luke, I'm kidding. We can go shopping sometime together."

That made him smile. He turned his phone off, but not before you caught a glimpse of what he was looking at: a Skype video call screenshot, with him in the corner and you in the middle.

       "You know, I'm not very shy once you get to know me," you said. "Are you?"

"Nah," he said. "I'm actually pretty charming," he winked.

You laughed, and once again noticed that he was staring at you.

"I just want you to like me," he said. "I mean-- we all do. We've heard so much about how different you are in person…"

"Ya," Calum popped in and sat on the couch that your back was leaning against. "Michael won't shut up his fucking mouth."

"What about the first time that you messaged her?" Luke said. "All week after--"

"Shut up!" Calum glared at his best friend.

"October 21st," you said. They turned to look at you. You shrugged and put your hands in the air. "I'm still here, you know. I can hear you."

"Right," Calum said.

"Anyways, as I was saying… The first time I talked to Calum he messaged me on Michael's account and said it was him."

"And you didn't believe me," Calum continued the story.

"I made you prove it. So you sent a picture and I couldn't stop screaming," you laughed. After that first conversation, you and Calum were obsessed with snap chatting each other, having funny face contests for days at a time. You talked to Michael online, Skyped with Luke and sent pictures to Calum almost as often as he sent them to you.

And then there was Ashton.

He was the one that texted you at 2am when he couldn't sleep, complaining about jet lag before realizing that you were asleep. The majority of his texts ended with "Shit, Shannon will you please forgive me?" or "Dammit I did it again." He was your good morning text at noon, the one you called when you were worried about something. He joked around and had the funniest stories to make you laugh, but he also gave amazing advice and overused the hug emoticon.

Michael was the only one that you had met in person before, but you knew the boys already. And they knew you too; and seemed to like you.

What had you been nervous for again?

Michael and Ashton wandered over, Michael rubbing his arm and Ashton grinning from ear to ear.

"I jut whipped Mikey's arse! Who's up for some ping pong so I can do it again?" Ash said.

       "I don't know," you said, "I'm not very good at sports." You stood up.

"Then you are so lucky to be on my team!!" Ashton put his hands on your shoulders, towering over you. You had always had a thing for tall guys. And if you turned around you would have the perfect view of his abs—nope, you weren’t going to let yourself think about that.

"But then we are an uneven number,” Calum pointed out.

"Shannon, how, um, bad are you?" Michael asked. Flashback to the time he had taken you to a rock-climbing place and you both got kicked out because he wouldn’t stop laughing at your, um, lack of skills.

"Horrible," you said.

"Then I will join your team," he said. "Cake, you guys are going DOWN!"

"Down under?" Luke asked.

"Down in history?" Calum teased.

"Down into the fucking ground!" Michael roared. "Places, team!"

Ashton grabbed your hand and started to run toasted a room off the living room that had a Ping-Pong table.

"We spent two months in shitty hotels for a few nights in this one," Ash explained. “There’s even a recording room…”

"Shut up with the flirty talk! Show us your game, Irwin!" Calum cried from across the table.

The game started. Ashton took your racket after you made a failed few attempts at hitting the ball over the tiny net. Calum and Luke couldn't stop laughing, and your cheeks were red once again. You still kept getting in Michael's way, so Ashton just grabbed you and put you behind him.

"Bathroom!" Michael cried. The whole game stopped mid-serve as he ran off.

"Ready?" Ashton whispered in your ear. "It's two against two still. AMBUSH!"

Everyone started hitting balls at each other. "What's the point?" you yelled over the commotion.

"Knock them down!" Ashton said, throwing his Ping-Pong racket at Luke, who dogged it.

It was super fun, needless to say, but in less than two minutes you got in the way of Luke's shot (headed straight towards Ashton's heart) and down you went

"Mates!" Michael cried, walking in, "What did you do?"

"Ow," you groaned.

"Shannon, it's okay." Ashton was kneeling down beside you. "Luke, get ice! Calum, tea! Run, you losers!"

He put his hands on your face. Michael rolled his eyes, and went to the kitchen to help the other boys.

"Don't cry," Ashton said. "Hey, it's okay."

"I'm fine," you laughed. But laughing crinkled your eye right where you had been hit: "Ow."

Ashton laughed.

"It's not funny!" you said.

"I'm not laughing at you," he said, laughing even harder.

"Oh God, do I have a black eye? I will have you know, Ashton Irwin, I have been known to hold a grudge."

"You took a shot for me! Are you really going to stay mad at me?" He gave you that perfect smile and his eyes were wide and you could just get lost in them forever and ever and... "I thought not," he chuckled. "Let's get you up."

You held your hand out, but he just scooped you up in his arms instead.

"Ashton, where are you taking me?" you groaned.

"Shh," he said. "Close your eyes."

You did - what did you have to lose? - and when you opened them you were in a room with a recording booth and instruments.

"Are you going to sing to me?" you asked.

"I was just going to play drums," he shrugged.

"Aw, that's no way to be romantic!" The words were out of your mouth before you could think about them.

"If you want to be wooed, I can do that," he said, grabbing a random pen and using it as a microphone.

"Any requests?"

"Surprise me."

"Oohkay...” And he started to sing: “I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees then truth That I could take away the hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through to daylight I’m right here why can’t you realize That I’m you cure, Heartbreak girl.”

You were clapping when he finished.

He grinned and then winced, looking at your eye.

"Is it that bad?" you moaned.

"It's kind of hot, actually," he said. Then leaned forward to kiss you.

There were shouts and cheers from the other side of the glass door. You turned you head to look, and saw the rest of the band. Oops.

Ashton touched your red cheeks. “Ignore them,” he said, "You are mine now. 


ya i wrote this for another one of my best friends and i wanted it to be amazing and perfect like her :P
