Meet and Greet (Ashton)

       “What time is it?” Calum moaned, grabbing his stomach.

       “Shut up,” Luke mumbled as he smiled at a fan that was grinning and couldn’t stop saying ohmygod. He signed the picture and passed it to Calum.

       “Hello, honey,” Michael said from the other side of Calum.

       The girl waved shyly as Calum signed the picture and passed it to Michael.

The boys were doing a meet and greet before a show. Fans had been lining up all day, and now it was noon. Ashton’s stomach growled.

Michael laughed. “Ashton is telling me that it’s noon.”

“It’s lunch time, yes!” Calum cried.

Luke stared at where the line of fan went out the door. “Mates, we can’t exactly just leave.” The boys followed his gaze.

That was the first time that Ashton laid eyes on Victoria. All of the thoughts about food and fans flew out of his head and he couldn’t help but stare. You was beyond beautiful.

“Shotgun,” he whispered. The boys didn’t like to fight over girls- they were a band; they were a unit- so they had established a little game to even things out. Ashton had just won rights to the girl first in line.

“Hi,” you said, walking over to the table where the boys sat.

“Hello love,” Ashton said. He meant to say “how are you on this beautiful day’ but it came out as “how beautiful you are day are on this?” He groaned inwardly. There, he had already ruined his chances. And it had been about three seconds.

“I’m good, how are you?” you said, leaning against the table.

Luke kicked Ashton under the table. “Say something intelligent,” he mumbled.

“Right, erm, I am good. Not as charming as I usually am, that’s for sure.” He winked. At least some things were coming back to him. Like words, and control over his body.

“Do you want us to sign this?” Calum spoke up.

“Sure! Could you make it out to Victoria?” you said.

“Done. Here, Ashton, sign it.” Calum passed the paper. It wasn’t the picture that the girls were given at the door, but a homemade sign.

“This is amazing,” Michael said.

“Wow, can we have a copy?” Calum said.

“Sure,” you blushed. “I actually have a present for you guys.” You pulled out a take out bag—from Macca’s.

“Yay!” Michael cried. They are grinned and grabbed the bag.

“We owe you one, Victoria,” Calum said.

You smiled at Ashton, and he returned it. His dimples caved in. He handed you a paper –not the drawing, but a picture- with all of their signatures. And below it, his cell number.

You turned to look at the line of girls behind you. “I should go,” you said.

Ashton’s smile disappeared. How could he have said two sentences to this girl, and already be under her spell?

“Call me,” he mouthed as you walked away. You nodded and walked away blushing.

Later that night, your phone rang. You rushed for it, and on the other end was that voice, that irresistible accent. Ashton.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said.

“Wow, a sentence!” you joked.

He laughed. “I’m actually pretty good at this.”

“At what?”

“Talking,” he chuckled.

“That is something that I will determine,” you said.

“Victoria, you are quite something. I would like to take you for lunch. You gave us lunch, and now it is time for me to return the favor.”

“That’s fine with me,” you said. You could hear the smile through the phone, and you couldn’t wait to see it in person once again. And he couldn’t wait to see you.

*cue romantic music and pass out the tissues to single pringles (like me) who are eating too many pringles (oops) and think they have no chance with hot Aussies*

I'm sorry once again for these little author notes, I'm trying to be funny and what can i say maybe i'M TRYING TOO HARD AGAIN.... kay im going to stop now. read the one shots, please and thank you <3
