Chapter 57

The mobilization meeting concluded. The contestants were granted a temporary pause from their classes for the next few days to focus solely on training.

As the students dispersed, Bai Yue finally noticed Mu Sihan's presence. He greeted him, but the scene was too noisy, and it seemed his voice went unheard.

"Ah, he's gone," Bai Yue lowered his hand. Yet, there was no rush; there would be other opportunities for introductions.

At that moment, a middle-aged man's voice emerged from beside him. "You're Shang Yufei, right? If you have time, could we have a chat?"

Turning, Bai Yue saw a teacher from Emperor One Military School addressing Shang Yufei beside him. Shang Yufei raised an eyebrow, "Speak."

The teacher, clearly displeased by such insolence, responded, "It's too crowded here, not the best place for a conversation."

"What's so inconvenient about it?" Shang Yufei retorted, evidently living up to his reputation as a troublemaker.

Suppressing his irritation, the teacher continued, "It's about your qualification for the competition. It involves face-saving; if you don't mind everyone hearing, neither do I."

"Face-saving?" Shang Yufei chuckled deeply. So, he still had such a thing.

"If you intend to revoke my qualification, just say it. Isn't unilateral decision-making your specialty?"

"You—!" The teacher was visibly angered.

Bai Yue stepped forward, "Is it true, teacher?"

Bai Yue's appearance was indeed deceptive. Seeing him, the teacher's anger somewhat subsided as he explained, "This competition is critical for our school; we cannot allow any accidents."

Glancing at the "accident" before him, Shang Yufei squinted. Honestly, he couldn't care less about the sports meet. If not for Bai Yue's request, he wouldn't have bothered participating. There were many ways to earn military honors, and he preferred not to waste his time dealing with these people.

Intending to leave with Bai Yue, he found himself reassuringly patted on the shoulder. Bai Yue pondered before asking, "What 'accident' are you referring to, teacher?"

"Due to some verbal disputes that escalated into physical altercations," the teacher hinted. "It's not without precedent."

Shang Yufei frowned.

"I understand your concern," Bai Yue smiled.

"But last year, our school lost the championship due to overly conservative strategies. If we repeat the mistake this year, the outcome may be equally severe."

The teacher questioned, "Are you suggesting that without Shang Yufei, we have no chance at winning?"

Bai Yue shook his head, "If the senior withdraws from the competition, then my participation also ends here."

Both Shang Yufei and the teacher were taken aback. The teacher knew of this student's significance. Frankly, the school committee had placed substantial bets on this freshman.

The experience of upperclassmen, though rich, had been thoroughly analyzed by rival schools. But a first-year student—especially an S+ alpha—was an entirely unknown and formidable force for our adversaries!

The teacher hesitated, "This…"

"What! Bai, you're withdrawing? If you do, then I won't participate either!" came a loud voice.

"Wait, Bai bro, you're not serious, right? The fan club came all for you; if you don't compete, they'll drown me in spit. Then, I'm out too," Qin Fei interjected.

Xu Chengdong hesitated but, after a slap on the back from Qin Fei, declared firmly, "I will always follow the leader!"

The teacher was stunned. These freshmen were so quick to talk of withdrawing?

"Teacher," Bai Yue's voice brought him back to reality. He looked over, meeting Bai Yue's light-colored eyes.

"I understand your concerns. How about we make a promise?" Bai Yue suggested.

"What promise?" the teacher asked.

"I will supervise the senior's behavior to ensure no rules are broken. If we break this promise, whether it's demerits, confinement, or expulsion, you can decide our fate."

"Deal, decide our fate!" The bearded man and Qin Fei voluntarily included themselves.

Xu Chengdong scratched his head, wondering if he too had been lumped together with them. The thought of expulsion was daunting.

"We will win the championship," Bai Yue declared. "If we do, I hope you'll publicly apologize for what was said today."

He smiled, "I believe the teachers at Emperor One are excellent and won't judge unfairly."

The teacher fell silent, considering the earnest expressions of his students. Bai Yue was a significant acquisition for the school; expelling him could mean the teacher's dismissal.

Yet, he couldn't help being curious about their resolve.

Sighing, the teacher conceded, "Fine, I'll leave this to you. If you truly achieve what you've promised..."

He continued, "I will publicly apologize."

Bai Yue bowed slightly, "Thank you very much."

With that, the teacher departed.

Although he had proposed revoking Shang Yufei's qualifications just over ten minutes ago, he now found himself compelled to personally retract those words. However, that S+ grade freshman, despite his slightly assertive demeanor, showed tact and courtesy in his approach. Furthermore, considering his performance over the past few months, there was not a single subject in which he hadn't excelled, earning high praise from all his teachers.

Such an outstanding student speaking on behalf of that notorious figure made him wonder if he had perhaps misjudged something previously.

Not long after the teacher left, Xu Chengdong finally regained his composure. It was the first time he had ever talked back to a teacher from the Imperial Academy. The bearded man seemed rather pleased, exclaiming, "Yay! Victory!"

"To hell with your victory!" Xu Chengdong despairingly grabbed his head. "What if we don't win the championship? Could we actually get expelled?"

Bai Yue simply stated, "I only mentioned that if we win the championship, I hope the teacher would publicly apologize."

Xu Chengdong blinked in realization. Although it seemed like a single agreement had been made, in reality, two matters had been addressed: one was that Shang Yufei had not violated any rules, and the other concerned winning the championship. Thus, even if they failed the latter, there would be no punishment. This thought greatly relieved Xu Chengdong.

Bai Yue turned to Shang Yufei, "I will strive to achieve this." He smiled softly, "Putting a little pressure on oneself isn't always a bad thing."

Shang Yufei looked at Bai Yue, slowly raising his hand, intending to touch the other's eyes. People with light-colored pupils often seem cold and distant, but Bai Yue was different. He was always smiling, exuding a gentle demeanor at all times. Watching Bai Yue confront that person reminded him of his high school days.

He had advanced to Luohua Academy ahead of his peers, and his relationship with the man who called himself "father" had hit rock bottom. Disillusioned, he had adopted the ways of the delinquents, becoming involved in fights and somehow ending up as the school's top troublemaker. The prospect of expulsion didn't bother him in the least.

The only person who had reached out to help him plead with the headmaster was Bai Yue. The figure from that moment seemed to overlap with his memories. Although many people now surrounded Bai Yue, and many things had changed, in essence, nothing had changed at all.

Shang Yufei, realizing that his gesture might not be appropriate, instead placed his hand on Bai Yue's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Then, turning to the others, he said, "Hey, you guys."

Startled by the call from this intimidating figure, the three of them panicked, "Wha-what is it?"

Shang Yufei announced, "Let's go for barbecue later, my treat."

For most people, the allure of meat is irresistible. Especially for these three freshmen, who came from ordinary backgrounds and received meager allowances, usually only affording cafeteria food. Upon hearing the invitation, regardless of who the host was, they unanimously raised their hands, "I'm in!"

Leaving the hall, the trio walked ahead, elated. Later, Cao Xun joined their group.

Bai Yue and Shang Yufei were at the back.

Cao Xun looked back from time to time, as if he wanted to say something, but then Qin Fei grabbed him and shook his head, saying, "Let it be."

The sky was a clear blue, utterly transparent.

Shang Yufei, looking ahead, suddenly said, "Don't you have anything you want to ask?"

Hearing this, Bai Yue turned around.

Shang Yufei: "The attitude of those people, and what that guy said earlier, don't you find it strange?"

Bai Yue didn't speak.

Not hearing a response, Shang Yufei looked over, just to meet his gaze.

Bai Yue stared at him unblinkingly, making Shang Yufei feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"What, what are you looking at?"

Bai Yue slightly curved his eyes: "I was wondering, could someone have taken over your body?"


"Between us, many things don't need to be said out loud."

"No matter where you are or what identity you use to do whatever you do, you have your reasons. You don't care about other people's opinions."

Bai Yue said, "Neither do I."

A breeze passed by, gently lifting the light gray strands of hair. Occasionally, the noise from the sports field could be heard.

Shang Yufei averted his gaze. After a while, the corners of his mouth lifted imperceptibly: "You have a point."

Bai Yue: "Moreover, others are afraid of you, something I knew before I enrolled."

"As long as you're not mixing up with a bunch of delinquents like before, it's fine."

He continued walking forward.

But after a few steps, he realized Shang Yufei hadn't followed.

Bai Yue looked back: "?"

"No... It's nothing."

Shang Yufei, agitated, ran his fingers through his hair and followed: "Of course I wouldn't mix with those people."

At the same time, Wu Zihao was flirting. Suddenly, he sneezed loudly.


The two omegas looked at him with disdain and quickly walked away.

"Hey, wait!"

He couldn't keep them, touching his nose helplessly.

Who was thinking of him? Could it be a good-looking omega?


After the pre-competition briefing ended, Bai Yue continued his patrol duty.

When he finished his last shift and returned to the dorm, he found Shang Yufei waiting for him at the front.

Bai Yue took off his armband: "How long have you been waiting? Why didn't you contact me earlier?"

Shang Yufei didn't speak and handed over his phone.

It was Du Qin's phone.

Bai Yue understood.

Some words were inconvenient to speak outside. He brought Shang Yufei back to the dorm.

After closing the door, Shang Yufei finally spoke: "The lock is unlocked, and the content inside has been investigated. But..."

He frowned, "The sender was very cautious. The email was disposable, with no traces of other uses."

Bai Yue opened the phone and went through the emails from the beginning.

The person was indeed cautious. Even when delivering items, they never showed up personally but had Du Qin go to a specified location to pick them up.

The locations changed every time and were outside the school, in places with heavy traffic, making it impossible to identify the person.

However, some contents were noteworthy.

"Perhaps it's related to the selection process."

Bai Yue picked up the phone: "The first email was sent shortly after the patrol team's preliminary selection ended. He has been monitoring Du Qin."

And it seemed he knew Du Qin bore resentment towards himself, constantly provoking and enticing him with his words.

"You mean the patrol team?" Shang Yufei frowned.

"Although those fools..." he realized something and corrected himself, "excluding you."

Bai Yue smiled, not minding.

Shang Yufei: "Anyway, these people are just blockheads, I don't think any of them could be a federal undercover."

Indeed, even if there were federal agents among them, sending a student of their age to do such a task would be highly risky.

Not to mention their abilities, their temperaments were not yet stable. It was very possible for an undercover mission to fail and for them to be tempted instead.

Because of the selection process, the patrol team had been openly monitoring them. But if not the patrol team's students, who else would know their movements so well?

After all, whether it was the preliminary or final selection, the patrol team did not disclose details to the outside.

Except for that organization.

Bai Yue thoughtfully: "...masks."

Hearing this, Shang Yufei's eyes flickered, and he countered, "What mask?"

"During the final selection, I was saved by someone wearing a mask. They must also be students of Di Yi."

Bai Yue asked, "Haven't you heard about it?"

"I have," Shang Yufei paused, "Not interested."

"The seniors in the patrol team seem to dislike those people quite a bit," Bai Yue chuckled, "I didn't quite understand before, but now I think I get it a bit."

Shang Yufei was silent for a while, then asked, "What about you?"

He inquired, "What do you think of those people?"

Hearing this, Bai Yue's gaze moved from the phone to Shang Yufei.

In the night, the noisy chirping of cicadas could faintly be heard from outside the window.

He was about to speak when suddenly, the dormitory door opened.

Both of them paused and turned their heads to look.

The person entering was Mu Sihan. Upon seeing a stranger in the room, he involuntarily frowned.

Bai Yue got up: "You're back? They called for you at the mobilization meeting today; you seemed not to have heard."

He turned to introduce...

"Your high school senior," Mu Sihan interrupted, his tone cold, "We've met before."

It was then Bai Yue remembered; indeed, they had met once during the club recruitment.

Shang Yufei hadn't expected that the alpha who had been mingling with Bai Yue these days was actually this person.

He had seen this person on Lya Star before and thought he was an omega.

However, it seemed that the person was not very welcoming of him.

Shang Yufei stood up: "Let's get in touch later."

He grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and walked outside. As he passed by Mu Sihan, his gaze fell on the other.

Both hair and eye color exuded a coldness.

A stark contrast to Bai Yue.

The other also looked over. When their gazes met, it was as if an invisible spark was ignited.

Shang Yufei paused, then turned to face him: "I heard you're called Mu something?"

He smirked, "Thank you for taking care of Bai Yue during this time. As his senior, I will take up the responsibility of training him in the future."

Mu Sihan squinted his eyes displeasingly.

One was like a raging flame; the other, like the deep snow on an iceberg, cold to the bone.

The dormitory door slammed shut.

Bai Yue watched as Mu Sihan came in, tossing his backpack, which contained training clothes, onto a chair.

"Sorry," Bai Yue said, "He might have been... in a bad mood today."

He didn't quite understand why Shang Yufei had left those provocative words before leaving.

Mu Sihan didn't reply, heading towards the bathroom door.

But he paused, hand on the doorknob, and looked over: "I said to cancel the training earlier, and you agreed so easily because you had an alternative."

An alternative? Referring to Shang Yufei?

Bai Yue was startled.

In his impression, Mu Sihan wasn't the type to care about such things.

Seeing Bai Yue's expression, Mu Sihan seemed to regret saying those words. He averted his gaze: "Forget I said anything."

He was about to enter when he heard the person behind him speak:

"Although we've been practicing together these days, we haven't done any combat training. Because that person... might not actually be serious."

Plus, he now had enough military merits to use the virtual training field.

Bai Yue: "I didn't mean to use you."

"..." Mu Sihan's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression complex.

After a moment, he turned his head away.

"I know."

