Chapter 43

The two arrived at a corner of the staircase.

This location, nestled between the floors, was seldom frequented by students, ensuring privacy for discussions.

Bai Yu stood still, turning to face Shang Yufei, who maintained his grim expression, hands tucked in his pockets.

Bai Yu had rehearsed countless opening lines and persuasive arguments. Yet, when it came time to speak, it only escaped his lips as a gentle sigh.

"I don't wish to prolong this standoff," Bai Yu said. "I didn't come here to argue with you."

"...," Shang Yufei remained silent.

Bai Yu continued, "I'm standing here of my own accord. Can't you understand that?"

Shang Yufei furrowed his brows but said nothing.

Observing his reaction, Bai Yu murmured softly, "In that case, let's make a pact."

At these words, Shang Yufei turned to look at him. His emerald eyes narrowed slightly, "A pact?"

"I will become stronger," Bai Yu declared. "Strong enough to protect myself. I won't easily get hurt, nor will I let you worry."

"You can set a deadline for me. If, by then, I fail to meet your expectations..." he paused, "I will drop out."

"On the contrary, if I succeed, you must acknowledge my identity as a military academy student."

He clenched his fist and extended it towards Shang Yufei, stopping just half a meter away from him.

This gesture was customary among alphas when reaching an agreement of sorts. A fist bump symbolized mutual understanding and acknowledgment.

However, Shang Yufei merely gazed at his hand, making no move.

After a moment, he raised his hand, not to reciprocate the fist bump, but to grasp Bai Yu's wrist.

"There are more wounds," he said.

The skin still bore its cold, pallid hue, adorned with crimson scars that crisscrossed like intricate patterns on a white canvas, carrying a cruel yet captivating beauty.

Yet, for Shang Yufei, beauty was imperceptible in this scene of suffering.

He raised his gaze, meeting Bai Yu's eyes. "Such words shouldn't come from someone so wounded."

His grip tightened. "You must return."

Bai Yu hesitated.

He briefly closed his eyes. "Then, let me add one more condition."

"When I become strong enough, I won't easily get hurt again. And you'll be the judge of that strength."

He relaxed his fist and extended his hand once more.

Though Shang Yufei caught Bai Yu's wrist, he didn't exert much force, allowing him to draw nearer.

Then, the calloused fingertips lightly grazed his face.

Feeling the warmth, Shang Yufei tensed.

Bai Yu's slender fingers glided from behind his ear to his chin, tracing the sharp contours.

Shang Yufei seemed uneasy, as if wanting to pull away. But before he could, Bai Yu retracted his hand, closing his fingers.

"This is the only solution I can think of, one that both of us can agree upon," Bai Yu's lips curled slightly, a hint of helplessness in his tone. "But it seems it might not suffice, after all?"

"After finally arriving at this school, I had hoped for more time with you, not arguments," Bai Yu said, his voice softening as footsteps passed by upstairs, gradually fading away. After a moment, the stairwell returned to silence.

Turning slightly, his eyes a pale gray tinged with sadness, Bai Yu continued, "Anyway, I'll do my best." He glanced at Shang Yufei again and smiled, "Think about it carefully. I'll come find you again."

Ten minutes of break time might not be long, but it was enough for the two to discuss things. After Bai Yu left, Shang Yufei remained in place, lost in thought.

After a while, his hand slowly reached for the spot where Bai Yu had touched him earlier. With his head bowed, his bangs partially covering his eyes, his ears turning slightly red.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath.

Although Shang Yufei hadn't relented, for Bai Yu, it was a step forward. He understood Shang Yufei well, and from their conversation just now, he sensed the other's hesitation. At least one thing wasn't wrong: Shang Yufei indeed didn't want him to enter the military academy because he didn't trust his abilities and didn't want him to get hurt.

Perhaps not the sole reason, but certainly a significant one.

"Surrender, surrender!"

Qin Fei found himself on the ground, his hands tapping the floor in surrender.

Bai Yu snapped out of it and pulled back his foot.

This was their homeroom teacher's combat class. Learning from past mistakes, Fang Xing didn't allow free team selection this time; instead, he enforced pairings. Those left without partners were paired with him.

Over the past month, almost everyone had experienced Fang Xing's personal "training."

Qin Fei rose, holding his face: "Bai, you're improving too quickly."

He remembered when Bai Yu didn't seem adept at fighting. In previous classes, his performance was lackluster. But each time he appeared now, there was visible improvement.

Qin Fei felt he had made significant progress since joining the school, somewhat confident in his skills. But he couldn't keep up with Bai Yu, now reduced to being pinned and beaten on the ground.

Was this the gap between S+ level and them?

Thankfully, he hadn't agreed to practice with Bai Yu initially. Enduring daily beatings like this—how could he bear it?

Qin Fei sighed heavily.


Suddenly, a stern voice came from behind. Qin Fei trembled and turned, seeing the fierce teacher glaring at him.

"Just falling down and giving up! It's been so long, why haven't you gotten over your fear of pain?"

Qin Fei looked pitiful: "Teacher, it's not my fault. Other classmates are fine, but seeing Bai's legs makes me tremble. It hurts physically, but even more emotionally!"

The lingering effects of released pheromones during the first class had plagued Qin Fei, leaving him still not fully recovered.

Fang Xing had snorted coldly, "Excuses."

"When facing the enemy, no matter how scared you are inside, you couldn't show it. What mattered was your demeanor, got it? Those who showed fear first were the ones who lost!"

Qin Fei had nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes."

Fang Xing had continued, "You still had more to practice. From then on, you were paired with Bai Yu for combat classes."

"Yes, yes..." Qin Fei had suddenly realized, "Huh?"

After that, Fang Xing had paid no attention to the students' reactions, turning to Bai Yu, "Come with me, I need to talk to you."

Bai Yu had nodded. As he had been about to follow, someone had grabbed his clothes. Turning around, he had seen Qin Fei.

"B-Bai, buddy. You should talk nicely to the teacher. Fighting with me all the time wasn't good for your progress either."

Bai Yu had patted Qin Fei's shoulder, giving a slight smile, "Keep it up."

Qin Fei had been momentarily stunned.

"Do you want to practice with me after class? It might have helped you overcome your fear faster," Bai Yu had suggested sincerely.

Qin Fei had dashed off instantly.

The combat class had continued. Fang Xing had stood on the sidelines, watching the students' skills.

It had to be admitted, everyone had talent. Their progress had been swift compared to ordinary students. But when compared to one person, their improvement had seemed lacking.

When Bai Yu stepped out, he spotted Fang Xing standing nearby, wearing a pensive expression. Bai Yu didn't disturb him, simply stood quietly aside.

"Bai Yu," the teacher suddenly called out.

"Here," Bai Yu responded.

"How do you see your classmates?" Fang Xing inquired.

Bai Yu was momentarily taken aback.

Fang Xing turned to him, "During this period, you've interacted with them two or three times. Any observations?"

Bai Yu understood the teacher's intent.

Glancing towards the classmates engaged in intense sparring inside, Bai Yu remarked, "Liu Cheng strikes fiercely, with broad and forceful movements. He must have ample experience in fights. However, he's prone to anger and lacks finesse, making him vulnerable to being subdued."

Liu Cheng was the alpha who provoked on the first day of class, constantly at odds with Qin Fei. Though he didn't resort to physical violence often, he frequently engaged in arguments.

Afterward, Bai Yu glanced towards Qin Fei, who seemed as if he had been struck, huddling in a corner, tracing circles with his finger.

"Qin Fei..." Bai Yu cleared his throat, "He seems to have some training background, but he holds back in actual combat."

Just as the teacher had mentioned, Qin Fei was very averse to pain. To avoid injury, he was extremely cautious in his attacks, often prolonging fights significantly.

Bai Yu provided assessments for each student he had observed in the order he had seen them.

When he reached the fifth one, the teacher interrupted him, "I understand." He turned to Bai Yu, "Now, what's your evaluation of yourself?"

"I..." Bai Yu hesitated before responding, "My basics still need work, and my timing in action isn't always accurate. Sometimes I rush in too quickly..."

Fang Xing remarked, "You're spot-on in assessing others, yet you're overly critical of yourself?"

Bai Yu didn't quite grasp the teacher's point and stayed silent.

Fang Xing continued, hands clasped behind his back, "I've always thought highly of you, but your progress..." He smirked, his scars stretching with the expression, "it's beyond what I imagined."

From the very first class, it was evident Bai Yu lacked fundamentals. Yet, in less than a month, his progress was striking.

It wasn't just physical improvement, but also adaptability and the ability to learn from practical combat. Additionally, he showed precise judgment of both "enemies" and "comrades."

This was vital for soldiers as they could rise to command positions in the future.

Fang Xing looked at Bai Yu, "I'm thinking of recommending you for the Patrol Team selection."

The Patrol Team selection occurred annually and only among freshmen. To save time, it operated on recommendations, with each first-year teacher allowed to recommend only one student.

Initially, Fang Xing had another person in mind.

While Bai Yu's genetic potential was impressive, his lack of skill couldn't be ignored. Considering the Patrol Team's perilous tasks ahead, risking an inexperienced student was out of the question.

Yet, things had taken a turn.

Bai Yu's remarkable progress was pleasantly surprising.

Fang Xing cautioned, "Joining the Patrol Team has perks, but be aware, they tackle many dangerous missions. Take your time to decide; I won't push you."

Bai Yu met his teacher's gaze.

Since club recruitment day, the Patrol Team had piqued his interest.

Military accolades, wielding authority, and prospects of future promotions—it was an opportunity too good to pass up.

"No," he grinned, "Thank you, teacher. I'll give it my all."

As daylight waned, the setting sun painted the sky a soft orange. Under its glow, students of the Emperor's Military Academy wrapped up their final afternoon class and poured out of the teaching building.

The scene buzzed with activity, people coming and going.

Leaning on the railing, Shang Yufei felt the breeze tousle his dark locks as he mulled over Bai Yu's words.

Although he didn't believe his own thoughts would change, the other party's seriousness caught him off guard. It seemed like the first time he had witnessed such a clear expression of the other's thoughts since he had known Bai Yu for so long.

Bai Yu usually had a good temper. Even during occasional conflicts, it always ended with Bai Yu taking a step back. But this time, things didn't seem so simple.

For Shang Yufei, even if there were secondary disagreements, Bai Yu remained Bai Yu in essence. He didn't think this "person" would undergo any fundamental change.

Looking back now, had he been too naive in his assessments?

Shang Yufei felt increasingly frustrated, running his hand through his hair in agitation.

Contemplating such matters was never his forte. Whenever encountering unsatisfactory people or situations, he preferred action over words. But this approach didn't seem effective with Bai Yu.

What exactly should he do?


In the end, he kicked the railing in frustration and turned to walk away.

This was the rooftop, situated at the highest point of the teaching building, enclosed by a railing. Normally, it was locked, and ordinary students were not permitted entry.

However, Shang Yufei managed to acquire the key.

As he approached the door, his hand brushed against the handle, just as he heard hurried footsteps outside. He furrowed his brows slightly and swiftly dodged behind the door.


With a thunderous shout, someone forcefully kicked the door open.

It was Wu Zihao.

Ignoring him, Shang Yufei continued towards the door.

Wu Zihao had hoped to find the boss here, but to his surprise, the space was empty. Confused, he scratched his head, turned around, and saw the person he was looking for about to leave.

Hastily rushing over, he exclaimed, "Wait, I've been looking for you!"

Shang Yufei, clearly impatient, asked, "What is it?"

Wu Zihao knew the boss was in a foul mood. Since the visit from that omega earlier, it seemed like his irritation had escalated. But every time he attempted to inquire, he was met with a fierce glare, making him hesitant to proceed.

But now the matter was urgent, and he had to report it to the boss.

"The selection for the patrol team is starting next Monday; we need to take action."

Upon hearing that, Shang Yufei couldn't help but recall. Just last year, shortly after starting school, he also organized a similar damn activity.

Back then, he was inexplicably recommended to participate in the selection process. It was during that time he met Fu Cheng—then a freshman, now the captain of the Discipline Inspection Team.

Fu Cheng was one of the people he couldn't stand the most.

However, it seemed the feeling was mutual. That's why the guy kept bothering him time and time again.

Adding fuel to the fire, Wu Zihao exclaimed, "They treated you like that last time. We can't just let it slide!"

Shang Yufei glanced at his little brother.

Honestly, his mind was solely on Bai Yu right now, and he didn't have the mood to think about anything else.

Moreover, now that he had decided to stay in Emperor One, he couldn't act as impulsively as before.

He needed the identity of being an "Emperor One Military Academy student" to climb up the ranks in the military in the future.

As for the long period of being locked up last time... that grudge could wait to be settled another day.

So, compared to his little brother's righteous indignation, Shang Yufei remained remarkably calm.

"Let's leave it at that for now, don't take action against the Discipline Inspection Team."

After saying that, he turned and walked out of the rooftop.

Wu Zihao stood dumbfounded in place: "B-boss?"

Ever since he came out of solitary confinement, the boss seemed like a different person. Not only did he stick with Omega, but he also turned a blind eye to their biggest adversary.

Clearly, in the past, they didn't even need to inform him; the boss would have everything arranged and would just wait for them to carry it out.

Watching Shang Yufei walk away, Wu Zihao finally snapped out of it and hurried to catch up: "W-wait for me!"
