Big Naughty  POV

It's been 4 hours since the song dropped. We were finally packing up to go back to our separate homes. Not going to lie this past 3 weeks have being fun, annoying and a form of exploration. As learning about stuff that we never really thought we will see. I mean being in a public eye have ups and downs and to be honest a lot of people are the outside more than behind the scene to make their judgement which is inaccurate but then again what you put out reflect your image. I really hope the Album does well and everyone continues to have fun.
I was chilling my girlfriend's room and I can't believe she is about to be 18 in two days. I mean she is already acting like it but in two days she will be officially 18. Because of the whole 10 - Teen activities it wouldn't be surprising if she forgot her birthday.
