Chapter 17

I got my phone out and posted some pictures on my Instagram.

CAPTION: myGo2๐Ÿ˜˜~
Umm. Am I the only one that actually ship them together
What is the point of posting this? Cheaters.
Like u make good music but the cheating thing is disgusting.
Am sorry but y'all haven't even heard his side of the story and already accusing him?? Fake fans๐Ÿฅฑ
Idc who cheated and who did what they make a cute couple๐Ÿ˜‚.
Am sorry but y'all are really trusting a random girl than him and plus he didn't even say anything about the situation yet.
Ik that girl was messy, they look cute though.

As I read the comments, I felt disappointed with myself, I was hoping Kai won't see this comments but she did.
"Lol y'all comments are funny" she said getting her laptop.
"Can you take a break of Instagram?" I asked her.
"No I want to see what happens" she replied.
"Hey, the studio is ready for you" ph-1 hyung said coming to my studio. "Damn are y'all good?" He asked when I didn't reply.
"Actually, his recordings will have to be later today" boss said walking in. "The issue just got bigger, she made a YouTube channel explaining what happened between you guys" boss added.
"Am dead, what is she going to talk about? Air? Cause non of that happened between them" she teased.
It's been two weeks since the rumors started and it's has gotten bigger and worst, the company haven't released any statement yet because we need a solid evidence before we put out anything. A lot of the fans know am still together with Kai and a few are supportive the rest are just sending me threats and hate speeches that I can't even go to bed with having a mental breakdown, I have to call Kai everyday at night because I can't sleep I tried taking some pills but they didn't help. Am not feeling well today but I decided to go to the company, on my way there I had a bad feeling about the whole situation but I went anyways.
"There he is!" I heard someone yell when suddenly a bunch of eggs were getting thrown at me. I quickly ran to the company while the guards tried to stopped them.
"Are you okay?" I heard Kai asked as she hands me a towel.
"I am, I didn't know they will stock me over here to" I told her as I wipe the eggs yolks and whites off me.
"So umm we a putting out a statement today, we don't have enough evidence but we have thought about making you take a break on being on screen, social media, you haven't been feeling well this past weeks maybe you should rest" boss said as everything within me fell apart but I agreed to it. After 15 minutes later the statement was released.

Regarding to the controversy surrounding our artist BIG Naughty, we deeply apologize to all fans and supporters out there who are disappointed by this issue but to the fans who have been disturbing his privacy we will take legal action and deal with all the harassment, threats etc sent to him online or even in person. As a company we take each and everyone of out artists life's serious and for that matter BIG Naughty will be taking a break from Social media and all his activities, like interviews, Collabs and of course his album which was drooping this weekend will also be pushed forward to we get a better understanding and explanation for the situation. A message from BIG Naughty "thank you to all my fans out there who are still supporting me even in this time I hope you will continue liking my music as I work to build a better me". Thanks for listing to our request if any news we will let you guys know.

After reading the news I couldn't help my tears. As I hug Kai she also looked furious and sad but she tried to hide it. Another week passed with the same situation got worst to the point a police officer got involved, the girl made another video talking about how I abused her and called her certain names And Kai have also been really distance, she takes forever to reply to my text and even don't answer my calls. I leave to a private care center today and am trying to see her before I leave but I couldn't.
