Big Naughty POV

10-TEEN Group Chat
*Kailyn sent a message*
Kailyn: this is for the girls if you guys don't know what to pack.

Packing lists (3 suit case, a duffel bag and 2 backpacks)
1. Clothes(undershirt etc) (how many you will need)
2. Shoes - sneakers|sandals|flipflops|flats|
3. Gears - backpack| purse| day pack|makeup bag
4. Hair and Makeup- | things for hair and makeup|
5. Technology - iPad| phone| laptop| charger| headphones/headset/AirPods| portable charger
6. Skincare - | whatever you use for skincare|
7. Accessories- sunscreen|water bottle| jewelry| sunglasses| wipes| hand sanitizer| mini fan| essential things.

Jmin: where is one for the boys?

Stella: make one urself🤨. Anyways so we carpooling all y'all wanna go separate?

D.Ark: carpool, there is no fun in going separate

I joined the discussion and we decided to go together, carpool. I slept on the phone with Kailyn after she helped me pack the things I needed. The only reason I agreed to this whole moving in is for the experience. About 4 hours later we had all gathered up at the company about to leave, everyone got their cameras as we were filming for our YouTube channel. After the camera was setup in the car we were finally on our way. We jammed to music and sang along to it. It was fun but I got knocked out half our way over there. The next thing I woke up to was Trade L talking to the Camera.  When the car came to a stop we all couldn't believe our eyes.

(I do not own the picture)

Soyeon: this is going to be fun.

We Made our way inside going around, everyone trying to get the biggest room which ended up with YLN Foreign and D.Ark doing Rock Paper Scissors and of course YLN won. He ran back and forth as we all just laughed.
After settling in, we had an hour 30 minutes to unpack then go for dinner since it was almost 8pm.
