Chapter 16


BIG Naughty

After editing the lyrics it was around 6:45am so I decide to go to the company, on my way to the company I discovered something on my Instagram, when I got there, boss was already there having a meeting I greeted him and went to my studio. As I was editing some songs I heard a knock on the door when I opened it, Kai was standing in front of the door. I picked her up when she hugged me.

"how come you are here?" I said as I try to walk slow so she doesnt fall down.

"I just wanted to be here while you record your song" she replied.

"but aren't you suppose to hang out with Daniel?"

"we were not hanging out, he just needed help finding some books" she replied as I put her down.

"ohh okay, did you check your Instagram today?" I asked her.

"no, it's too early for that" she replied getting her laptop from her backpack.

"something happened, uhh I went on Instagram on my way here and it seems like the girl I danced with posted a video of us and people think am dating her" I tried to tell her.

"the main dancer girl?" she asked. "did you ever talk to her before the day of the audition or were you guys friends?".

"yes her, the main dancer and we did talk" I replied when she looked at me weirdly.

"what did you guys talk about?"

"uhh well two weeks into us practicing for the dance she texted me on Instagram asking if I was really dating someone like the rumors are saying and I said yes but she told me she likes me, and I told her am in a relationship and then she-"

"and what?" she asked closing her laptop.

"she sent me a picture of us hugging each other in the dance room and told me if I don't go on a date with her she will post it and make rumors about you"

"don't tell me you agreed to go on a date with her".

"am sorry, I didn't want those rumors going around and plus I didn't say I agreed to the date I just got annoyed and told her we are really dating and she knows we are dating" I told her.

"why do you look scared and sad?" she asked me.

"are you not mad at me?" I asked her.

"no at least you didn't go on a date with her and plus I don't care if she post us" she responded.

"I didn't go on a date with her I promise" I tried to convince her.

"I trust you and don't worry about it" she replied.

"then can I get a kiss?" I asked her.

"uhh no"

"right get that kiss later" I heard bosss voice. "we have an issue" boss added and took a seat.

"I think I might know the problem" I told boss.

"so you did text her to meet you at a café?" boss questioned when Kai looked at me.

"no I didn't I just told her about Kai" I replied to him.

"should I leave you two alone?" Kai asked.

"you should stay" I told her.

"uhh well she posted some of y'all conversation on her story and called you out for cheating on her and even told everyone that you cheated on her with Kai after she told you she didn't want you to put the relationship out there, and we can't really give any statement or information out until tomorrow and the music video you made is out" boss said when I looked at Kai who was typing something on her phone.

"lol, I thought you were decent, but I guess not, over here stealing people man" Kai said randomly. "uhh at least I can steal someone how many do you attract?" she said again typing.

"kai what are you doing?" boss asked her.

"replying to hate comment I told you I got it" she said and smiled. "another one, I was starting to stan, but this is disgusting do better than stealing people boyfriend" she read on her phone.

"yeah I will have to take your account back" boss told her. "don't read the messages to even reply to them and I believe you guys have something to talk about" boss said leaving the room.

"am sorry, I didn't want to get you into any scandal and I ended up doing that" I apologized.

"why are you sorry? Am not angry and plus this hate comment are fun to read" she replied looking on her phone.

*sorry for grammar or spelling errors*
