9 ▪ date ▪

In a gleeful tone, Amber replies to Levi, "Okay," smiling, her eyes squinting with happiness. Now everyone turns to (Y/N), expecting for an answer. (Y/N) turns back to me, gazing into my eyes, instantly shooting a cupid's arrow to my heart. Pursing her lips and smiling, (Y/N) nods repeatedly, agreeing with blithness, she says "Yes."


(Y/N)'s POV

"Oh my goat, I can't believe you confessed!" I exclaim unbelievably, skipping merrily into our hotel room after Levi had opened it.

"What's wrong with me confessing?" Levi wonders, following me into the room.

"Well, the genuineness. You slayed the moment." I tell him proudly.

"Nick slayed the moment as well," he mention, smirking a little. He seem like he's in a good mood, and that doesn't usually happen. Or maybe I could never see it. He always have had a straight emotionless face, which must mean that he really liked Amber. Awh.

Hopping on to the bed, I smile. All the butterflies in my stomach makes me want to puke with love.

Suddenly, Amber barges into hotel room, cheering, "WHAT'S UP, HOMIES."

"Amber." Levi says, smiling at Amber.



"Because girl talk.. So yeah."

"Did you just assume my gender?" He jokes, still smiling.

"I've known you for 10 years, I know your gender."

"Right." He says respectfully, straightening his *pattern and material* grey long-sleeved top. "I'll go then."

As soon as he left, Amber closes the door behind her. Running towards the bed, she hops right on to the bed.

"Wasn't that the sweetest confession? What the hawk?" I express, lying next to her.

"I know right, oh my goat!" We keep silent for a second before squealing and fangirling, kicking the air and smiling.

"I hope this works out."

"Same, (Y/N).. Your brother is none like any other and I love that."

"Tell that to my brother." I laugh. "Have you ever liked him before this?"

"If I actually did, I would've told you, but I'd be lying if I said that I've never had some sort of feelings for him."

"Mmhhmm.." I said, grinning.

"What about you?"

"Oh, you know.. We had something going on."

"Did you kiss?"

Instantaneously, my heart leaped into my throat and I jerk up a little. How did she..

"Wh- Uhmm.."

She gasps. "You two kissed?!"

"Like maybe a brush on the lips.."

"Awhh!" She squeals.

I giggle a little. Thinking about the future, I mention, "I absolutely want this to work out, man. Nick seems like everything."

"I know, like the perfect puzzle piece to complete the picture."


We sigh. "Well, I've got to get back to my room, or my mom will be mad."

"Can't you stayover tonight? You can sleep with Levi." Trying to convince my best friend which isn't that hard, I ask her in a sweet and pleading tone.

"I guess that's possible then." She reply in a 🌚(molester moon emoji) tone.

Chuckling, I exclaim, "Awesome!"

(Amber's P.O.V)

The rest of the night was spent talking about what dress to buy tomorrow at the stores nearby, how'll the date be like, and creating answers and comebacks if the boys ever said something or joke about something.

Nick/Levi: The steak(or whatever food we are going to eat) is amazing, don't you think?
Me/Amber: You're amazing, don't you think?

Levi: What (movie) should we watch?
Amber: I think watching you sleep last night was enough of a movie.

Nick/Levi: Do you want ice cream?
Me/Amber: Sure, but it's better if you can make me scream.


When Levi comes back to our room and we decide to record a video.

"Who's most likely to... get into a car accident?" I ask in my turn.

"Not me." He immediately says.

"Me neither." (Y/N) states, making Levi look at her in disbelief. "What?"

"You hit a cone once."

"I DID NOT." (Y/N) protest.

"SHE'S LYING." He announce assuredly to the camera.


*night description * I'm sleeping on Levi's bed, with Levi, who woke me up with his squinting and looks of pain, his eyebrows furrowed. Quickly, I interlock our hands, holding him warmly. I whisper in his ears to assure him, "Hey. It's going to be okay. I'm here for you. I'm not going to let anything hurt you."

Slowly, he calms down. It's beautiful how human brains can construct what someone says even when he is unconscious. Asleep, he turns to face me then wraps his arms around me. Even though he's awkward when conscious, I can feel that he's warm deep inside, and this proves it.

Goat, I want us to be like this forever.


(Y/N)'s POV

We bought our outfits at the same mall we went yesterday.

*outfit pics*

Driving home, Amber receives a text from Levi, telling her the time to meet for the date.

Levi: 4p.m. This includes for Miko.

"Oh, it's 3 hours from now, nice."

I'm expecting it to be the best.

My body starts to feel giddy and jumpy as time passes by. Amber and I got dressed and did each others' makeup, hair, and shaving.

We hear a knock on the door. Opening it, Amber sees Levi and Wilde. Speechless, we just stare at them. *what were they wearing?*

"You look so hot, oh my goat." Amber announces to the hallways of the hotel.

"Really?" Wilde asks, *smiling* at both of us.

"I was talking to Levi."

Laughing, I join in, "It's okay, Wilde, you look hot too."

"MmHhmm, I know that," Wilde answer, walking out of the room and hotel with them.

"So what are we going to do?" Amber asks in curiousity.

Levi clears his throat. "Firstly, we'll be at the mall. You and I will be having dinner first." Levi informs us. They continue the conversation between themselves, leaving Wilde and I with our own.

"We'll be shopping first.. After that, we'll have dinner somewhere special." He tells me as he *pats* on my hair.

*at the shopping mall*

As we walked up to the elevator, Levi shyly interlocks his hands with Amber's infront of us. Smiling, I was happy for her. Wilde must've seen the way I looked because he then traced his fingers down my arms to my hands and held it, making me have the chills. Levi leads Amber to the stairs and they went their way to dinner, while Wilde and I wait for the elevator.

As we reach Level 1, we pass through the mall, passing by cafes and restaurants and shops. Still holding my hand, he leads me in to Fürever 21. At this point, we stop holding hands to *look* and pick clothes. "Pick what you want," he allow me. Following me deeper into the shop, he picks out some clothings and places it infront of my body, checking me out on it. The last one had *description of dress*

"How do I look?." I smile at him, tilting my head.

Biting his bottom lip, he compliments me. "Damn gorgeous."

Blushing, I look for more clothes to hide my pinky cheeks. After an hour, I've finally finish choosing my clothes, we bring it to the counter for Wilde to pay for it. Walking out of the entrance of Fürever 21, he places one of his arms around my shoulders. "Why don't we shop for movie tickets?" He asks me, sounding like he had planned it already.

"Absolutely." I agree. It's going so smooth, I wonder if it were a dream.

Using the escalator, we reach the toppest floor of the mall, where the movie tickets and cinema are. After we've bought the tickets, we wait for the cinema to open. We chose the movie 'Zootopia'. Luckily, the city-based movie we chose will start 10 minutes from now.

Suddenly, we hear the sound of a shot gun coming from a French food restaurant infront of the cinema ticket booth, following a shout, "GET OUT!" Everyone stops their movements and looks to the direction of the restaurant. Screams of customers and the yelling of a familiar sheep's voice are heard in the restaurant. Immediately, Wilde carries me bridal style into the cinema hall, jumping over the ticket checking counter. I wrap my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling. As I trust Wilde, I didn't say anything against what he's doing.

how wilde.

He delicately, but quickly lay me on the nearest seat from the entrance. The hall was empty. "Stay here, okay? Don't go anywhere else." He tells me before running to the exit.

"Wilde, wait!" I call for him, trying to stop him forawhile.

Running back to me, he pecks me on the cheeks. "Don't worry." Then he sprint out of the exit, disappearing from my sight.

(Nick's P.O.V)

Suddenly, we hear a gun shot coming from the French food restaurant, following a bunch of screams and a familiar sheep's voice shouting, "GET OUT!"



Not today.

I was praying to God that this won't happen today..

Looking over to (Y/N), I notice that she was as worried. My first instinct was to carry her bridal style which was the easiest way to get her in a safe place efficiently. Since it won't be convenient for Shane to get into the cinema hall where it's deep behind the ticket checking counter, I carry her there and placed her as gracefully as I can where she'll be safe and sound.

"Don't worry." I assure her with the most assuring tone I can voice, pecking her on the lips before running off to protect the citizens and the ones I love dearly.

Promptly planning my defense, I sprint across the cinema to the French food restaurant. With my walkie talkie watch, I call for backup. I lean against the wall on the other side of the restaurant, probing where Shane is. Taking my gun out of my pocket, I load the cartridge into the firing chamber. After loading the cartridge, I speedwalk into the restaurant.

"Don't. Move." I demand him, facing his back. He raises his hands in the air, slowly turning around. On the other side, I see Levi whom Shane was facing. Luckily, I am not alone. My eyes widen. Assuming that he knows who Shane is, I wasn't worried that he'd be confused, we were ready to end this.
