5 ▪ extremely hot ▪

( 3rd person POV )

"Bye-bye, fox."

All three of them are now lying on the floor. Closer he came to them, he mutters, "it's just like what you did, Nick." Humming and spinning his gun, the sheep escapes the building, leaving them to die...

Or not.

As soon as he left, a black limousine arrives at the front gates.

Mr. Big

The polar bear henchmen steps out of the car. Without saying a word, they pick Nick, Judy, and (Y/N) up and lay them on the cushioned seats in the car, beside Mr. Big.

Mr. Big claps his hands twice. "Let's go," he commands the henchmen, calmingly. Looking over at the three, he tells them, "You can wake up now."

Almost simultaneously, Nick, Judy and Arlyn open their eyes.

"Phew," Judy exclaims. "Thank you, Mr. Big."

"It's not a problem, sweetie," he replies Judy.

(Y/N) huffs a little laugh.

"W-wait.. But how did both of you survive the gunshot?" (Y/N) question them, not knowing what the answer might be. "It couldn't have been magic.."

"We wear bulletproof vests. After the night howlers case, the law about officers wearing bulletproof vests became stricter. Every officer wears it now," Nick explains. He sounded mature and professional, which making (Y/N) blush. Nick just smile at her.

Judy giggles. "But, really? Magic?"

Now everyone except the henchmen are laughing.

Then, Officer Wilde interjects, "Oh."

"What?" Judy asks.

"What about the sheep's gang that was left with us earlier?"

Knowing the answer, Mr. Big replies, "I've ordered another limousine to pick them up. They're on their way to the police station too."

Nick and Judy chants 'Yes!' for accomplishing more than a quarter of this case in just a day.


( Judy's POV )

*at the ZPD*

"Until we meet again." Officer Wilde bids adieu. They've gotten along since the case.

"Bye-bye, Mr. Big! Thank you so much! Oh, and don't forget to say hi to Fru Fru for me," I exclaim.

"Thank you," (Y/N) thank him, smiling. I smile along and close Mr. Big's car door.

Stepping into the department, we meet Officer Clawhauser.

"Officer Nick! Judy! Where did you go- the backup team was searching everywhere for you!" Clawhauser informs us.

"Sorry," I apologize, scratching my head and smiling apologetically.

Explaining the event to Officer Clawhauser, I made sure he knew everything.

"Ohh.. But, how did you get a hold of Mr. Big?"

"Oh, Nick made a plan before reaching the hidden building."


*in the car // to the hidden building*

Nick tossed Judy his phone. "Call Mr. Big."

Mr. Big?

"Huh, why?" I asked.

"We need him for later.. I have a plan."



"MmhHmm.." I reply. (Y/N) and Nick are standing beside us.

"Okay, but you really need to report this to Chief Bogo as soon as possible, because-"

Quickly, Clawhauser is cut off by (Y/N)'s mom.


Immediately, I can tell that (Y/N)'s cheeks are turning rosey out of embarrassment, but at the same time she's glad to be seeing her mom.

"Mom, Rosey! Hey.. Where's Levi?" She asks, like she could notice his unusual absence immediately.

"Ooh, yeah," Clawhauser joins in, "I was just going to tell you that. Uh.. He went to go look for you."

Instantly, (Y/N) freezes. "Where is he?!" She turns to each one of us.

"He'll be back with the backup team soon," Chief Bogo steps in to the conversation. We all turn to him.

"Chief Bogo..," Nick, Clawhauser, and I greet slowly.

"Make a report about what happened. We'll have a meeting about this tomorrow."

"Yes, Chief!"

( Y/N's POV )

My emotions are everywhere.

During the 20 minutes of waiting for Levi, I was deep in thought. I keep recalling, recalling, and recalling what had happened; I had been kidnapped and tortured by a gang, then two of the best officers in Zootopia had come to save me. Not to mention that we almost died. We got a ride in Mr. Big's car, and when we reached the ZPD... I find out that Levi had gone with the backup team to search for me.

I know that he fights and all, I just didn't vision the day that he would actually try to save me..

And Nick..

When he had come to save me.

When he carried me bridal style.. I remembered looking at him.

He looked..

extremely hot.


1. 😏

2. I'll be updating atleast once a week now because school had just started for me! ToT nuuuuuu

3. Happy New Year! Have a great year, all! 😘😘 ♡♡
