6 • bonds •

Levi returned with the backup team.

Apparently, the sheep leader, Shane, is still on the loose. The gang (while being questioned) admitted that he had been targetting for Nick since the day Doug was put in jail. They've mistaken me for Nick.

We've already finished reporting; my mum, Levi (and Rosey), Officer Nick, and Officer Hopps as witnesses, and me as the victim.

Saying our goodbyes, I look over to Officer Hopps, Officer Wilde, and Chief Bogo near the receptionist counter.

"Was that really the most tragic case? I mean, the night howlers case was harder." Nick states.

"Yes, they are physically the best in crime. I don't know how you and Officer Hopps do it, but well done."

Nick winks at Chief Bogo, rather cutely.

Even though it'd just been a day, I feel like Nick and I have been friends for months. This goes for Judy too. Why do I feel this way?

I'm probably just acting up with my loneliness.

And I know where this will lead to.

'Stop it, (Y/N)' I told myself. I do not like him, and Officer Hopps and I will never besties, or anything.


"Huh?" I stumble a little.

Judy, displaying a worried look at first, smiles. Reverting back to reality, I quickly respond, "Oh. Hello, Officer Hopps."

"Oh, pfft. No need to be formal!" She hit me on my back.


"I just want to say that Nickㅡ I mean, Officer Wilde and I are so sorry for involving you in to this. I have no excuse."

"No, no. It's alright." I started getting anxious. I felt anxious ahen we were reporting to the police earlier. Knowing my social phobia, I try to keep myself calm.

"Oh.. Uh, Maybe we can grab an ice cream some time this week? So that.. I can.. Present my apology!"

Who would say no to ice cream? "Okay..!" I agree nervously.

"Okay! Here's my number." She writes her number down on her notepad and tears out the paper for me. She smiles. "Text me."

Out of awkwardness, I look over at my family who are at the receptionist counter with Officer Clawhauser. My mum calls out for me, signalling that it's time to go. I turn back to Judy, who is smiling and waving goodbye.

"Bye," I whisper. I'm so shy, oh my goat. "And uhm, thank you for saving me."

And with the sweetest voice, she replies, "Anytime, (Y/N)."

As I left, Officer Wilde walks coolly up to Officer Hopps. From the looks of theirs, I can tell that Judy's telling Nick about us three getting ice cream this week. He looked a little hesitant but then replaces it with a smile.

Being the worried fox I am, I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel rejected by him at all.

My family and I left the ZPD and got a cab to drive us to the hotel.


A five star hotel.. Did uncle really spent that much money for us?!

We check in the hotel and the employee leads us to our room. Levi and I will be in one room, and Rosey and my mum will be in the other.

I turn to my mum and ask quietly, "Do I really have to be roommates with him?"

"You know how much I want to take care of Rosey, (Y/N)." My mum loves us all equally, but this is my mom's last experience of taking care of a kid. She wants to make it a memorial experience.

Levi scoffs. "It's not like being roommates is a bad thing."


I turn to Levi. As always, he appear emotionless while trying to get the room card scanned on the door.

"Anyway, we are having breakfast at Ground floor, then we are going to the museum at noon. In the evening, we will go to the amusement park we missed. Goodnight, loves."

"Night!" I say as I walk into the room with my pastel rainbow colored luggage bag after he had opened the door.

The room had a small T.V, 2 single beds, tables, and a glass bathroom.

"Wait... What?!"

Levi closes the door and passes by as if nothing is wrong.

"Uhm?" I try to signal him.

"What?" He looks over at the glass bathroom. "It's just a shower," he points out, "What? Is there dirt?"

"Does Levi Han is stupid?"


"You're not watching me shower!"

Making a little disgusted face, he tells me, "Who do you think I am? A pervert?"

I keep quiet. "You're a guy."




"I see you've had experiences with perverts."

"No! what the hawk?"

After a second Levi pushes himself off the bed and walks towards the door. "I'm going out for a take-out, see you later."

I keep silent until he left. As soon as I hear the door close, I exclaim, "Phew!" That was so embarrassing.

I begin to strip, from bottom to top. While pulling my pure black leggings down, I guard the door. Then, I proceed to take off my topㅡ a grey turtleneck sweaterㅡ my favourite autumn top.

Suddenly, the door opens.

"Oh my goat!" I yell.

Levi walks in hurrily and grabs his wallet. I watch him walk in and out of our room. He didn't even show acknowledgement to my presence.

Panting, I interject, "tch.."

After showering, I sit on the chair where the study table is. Levi comes back with 2 packs of take-away chicken. Together, we eat and chill in our room.

I text Amber, my best friend, all about what had happened today.

Amber: "WTH (Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY."

I laugh at the way she asked me. Levi then rolls over to me on his bed, which is the nearest to the table. "Who're you texting?" He ask curiously.

"Amber. Why?"

Ignoring my question, he asks again. "Oh. Um, how's she doing?"

"Just fine?"

"Great. Uhm, how's her boyfriend?"


Levi grins at himself.



"...Oh my goat, no way. Levi?!"

Pursing his lips awkwardly, he immediately rolls back to a comfortable position on his bed, covering himself with the blankets. "Night."


I feel weird, but...

(Y/N): "I approve of you and Levi, you have my blessings."

Amber: "what?"


1. Okie dokie! Chapter 6: accomplished!

This is just a fun and calm chapter.

2. If you're wondering how Levi looks like as a fox, I'll ezplain.

❥ Think about Gideon Grey.
❥ Levi has Gideon's fur color.
❥ Appearance: a mixture of Gideon Grey and Levi Ackerman(the pictures I'd put for Levi).
❥ thinner, taller ;) I'm giving you all AOT fans a chance to have a tall Levi as a brother, okay!
❥ strong-looking like Gideon

3. I want to thank queenhistoriareiss_ for helping me out on some of Levi's part. She's the one who introduced me to him. ;D

☆ Buh-bye! ☆
