7 • fun & ice cream •

I made sure to sleep extra early last night for this. Waking up six in the morning in the dimly lit room, I push the covers off myself and got up to get ready.

"'I do my brother's makeup while he's asleep' shall be my video title," I cheekily whisper to myself. Putting on the last touch of makeup (my favorite cherry matte lip), I keep my makeup kit back into my bag. As I place my camera on top of the T.V, I click on the record button, setting it to 5 seconds. After five seconds passed, it makes a click sound, signalling that it's recording. Quietly, I present my mission.

"Hey! So I just put makeup on my brother.. here is his reaction." I giggle, feeling very satisfied to have come up with this idea. Silently, I laugh at my brother as the camera film us. The scene's like in the vlogs I watched. I decide that I should take this blanket and make a wavey blow on him, which, sure enough, woke him up.


He covers his face with his arms to prevent any light shining on him. Noticing my suspicious tone of laughter, he looks suspisciously. Feeling a cover of something on his face, he wipes some of the highlights, blush and foundation off his cheeks and looks at it.

"... What the heck?" He said huskily from his morning voice, furrowing his eyebrows.

He drags himself to the bathroom. As I take my camera, I run to the bathroom record his reaction through the glass. Due to the clear glass, the camera showed a clear picture of his reaction. This will be a hit on YouTube.

Knowing Levi was going get revenge, I ran out of our room down the elevator to ground floor for breakfast.

"Oh, good morning, honey!"

"Oh! Good morning." I said, panting like a dog in the heat, tired from all the running.

"Where's Levi?" She asks.

"He needed to take a dump." I said, pursing my lips and then exhaling quickly.

"Oh, my. Okay."

Soon after, we walk to the table my mum had picked with Rosey.

"Go get your food, Rose and I will stay right here."

"Okay." I agree. I picked two soft scrambled eggs, dotted with cheddar cheese; three juicy sausage patties, flecked with red pepper; two Belgian waffles, drizzled with Vermont-fresh maple syrup; oven-fried red potatoes, laced with bacon and green onion; and ice cold Florida orange juice. It was a feast for the eyes and a certain delight for the palate.


*at the museum*

"What is it called again?" Rosey asks.

"It's an art museum, sweetie."

"It's beautiful." She admired all the art and paintings. They were aesthetic and unique.

Before leaving for the amusement park, we got ourselves blended chocolate drinks from a mini stall outside the exit of the museum.

"Oh, " my mom notices, "And what happened to your face, Levi?"

"(Y/N) put makeup on me."

My mom giggles in response. "She's pretty smart."

Levi's response? He just looked dully.
pew pew

The car ride to the amusement park was silent between my brother and I. The only one really talking was my mom, she chattered about everything I didn't pay attention to. Thinking about the plan Judy and I made earlier, I reached out for my phone from my pocket to text her. I had about 4 days left.

(Y/N) : Hey.. Are you free tomorrow?

Without surprise, she immediately answered me back.

Judy : Yeah! I'll come pick you up! Just send me your address later.
(Y/N) : Okie.

(Y/N) : Floor 2, No. 180, MaStar Hotel.


*at the amusement park*

The first thing I notice as I get out of the car is the long line of animals lining up at the entrance gates. As we approach the gate, we can hear the thick clanking of rides moving, the shuddering of rails and tracks, and the screams of their passengers as they are whipped around.

We pay our entrance ticket and take in the courtyard with its souvenir shops and concession stands. Everything is a bright happy color, from the light poles to the benches to the garbage cans to the t-shirts of the employees who look like this might not actually be the happiest place on Earth. The smell of hotdogs and popcorn is in the air, as well as the odor of several dozen people standing in the sweltering heat, practically pooling in their own sweat. It certainly does wonders for the appetite.

We make our plans and consult the handy (and only partially vandalized) park map. No one decide to play it safe and hit the merry-go-round and log ride. All of us are and will always be down for risks.

We agree to meet up later and part ways. Rosey and my mom, and Levi and I.

if only Amber, Levi's crush, was here to accompany lonely Levi.

"So what do you want to ride?" He ask me.

"Let's ride the Tower of Horror!" I suggest in my fangirl body position.


"YAY!" Grabbing his hands, I pull him across the park to where Tower of Terror is. Suddenly, I notice two familiar mammals; a fox with the same fur color as mine, and a bunny lining up for the Tower of Terror. Still gripping onto Levi's hand, I jog towards their direction.

I tap on her shoulder. Turning back, she cheers, "(Y/N)!!" And pulls me into a huge hug. Officer Nick, on the other hand, smile and nod at Levi. Noticing some blackness in his eyelids, he asks, "Wow, what happened to your eyes?"

Holding my laugh, I purse my lips. It was the eyeliner I put in the morning.

"Well then," Judy says gleefully, "That means that we can have our ice cream date now! Of course, after we ride the Tower of Terror."


The ride was awesome! What amused me most was how Levi was able to keep his stone face while sitting in an elevator that was elevating up and down quickly.

We stop for the restroom before getting ice cream. Judy and Levi decided to go, whereas Officer Nick and I decided to wait outside for them. Honestly, just standing beside him alone is the most intimidating thing ever. I can feel him looking at me.

"So, eh, (Y/N). Exactly how old are you?" He start.

"Seventeen." I smile anxiously. "What about you, Officer?"

"Oh please, call me Wilde.."

"Okay." I laugh a little.

"When we're in bed." He mumble, smirking alittle.

For a second there I was speechlessㅡ Expressionless. Did he just saidㅡ

"Sorry it took so long!" Judy hops up to us, with Levi following behind her. "C'mon! Let's get our ice cream!"
