Chapter 27 : YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!


Yuki and I both hear multiple explosions detonating below the floor. We were both on the 3rd floor right now.

Did an accident occur? Maybe it was one of those test subjects that they were experimenting on. This is coming from a building that involves the military.

"What was that? An explosion?"

My daughter moves close to my side.

All I know is that it could be dangerous. And it could be something that involved Hikigaya-kun's death.

"Let's just stay in this room for now and hope that person comes back for us."

What would Hikigaya-kun do? The most stupidest decision is to be standing in front of the door.

"Let's hide inside the desk and use it for cover."

I grabbed Yuki from the floor and put her under the office desk as well as myself.


No doubt. There were shots being fired. Which made my decision more smarter than I thought.

I instinctively cover Yuki's mouth just in case she is about to scream. Children tend to scream when they are stressed out or frustrated.

"Mommy, it's okay. I won't scream at all. Mister Fishman taught me not to scream whenever I hear something loud
Instead, I should analyze what that sound was and use every object to my advantage."

I'm so glad that he has taught my daughter these things. He truly is her father figure.

To think this has all happened on a particular special day. Of all the things, it happened to occur today. Today, was a special day that I will still not tell anyone.

"That's great."

The door to the room opens, footsteps were heard and it was coming closer and closer.

It was the person who showed me the files of Hikigaya-kun and his soldiers.

"Before I die, I want you to listen to this. We just found it right now and it is a very important aspect of this whole mission. The fate of this mission, lies on your hands now."

He grabs his laptop from the office desk and clicks something on the browser.

"Captain 8man, this is Tango! We're being ambushed by dozens of enemies from around the area. It was a set-up this whole time! Before me and Glock die. I wanna tell you one last thing. The man we interrogated had broke! The true identity of Kiryu Yakuza is Nishikio Yukinoshita! Do not trust Nishikio! I repeat again! Do not trust Nishikio! Glock, get down!"

My heart begin to drop again.

Why does my life have to be filled with misery and sadness.

"No.. I.. I can't accept that. But somehow... part of me knew it. Nishikio despised Hikigaya-kun. It was suspicious as to why he suddenly has become friendly towards him. Considering that his arm was almost torn in half by Hikigaya-kun just hours before they become 'allies'."

"It's no good. He and Hammer are dead. Nishikio got to them first. We were one step behind. Let's fight with all we got. We aren't going down without a fight!"

The following recording just shows gunshots being heard and explosions occurring every second.

"Your.. Your husband is the person who was behind all of this. I don't know how he found out about this building. But I want you to go to the first floor with your daughter. He only wants you and your daughter. And while you are with him, keep this G17 with you. Once you're alone with him, I am putting all my hope that you will kill him, before he decides to kill you and your daughter."

He hands me a pistol.

As soon as I touched it, I begin to feel the same feeling and adrenaline that I felt when I held Hikigaya-kun's pistol when I was in his apartment room.

But this time, I can control it.

I will let all that feelings loose, once I have the right chance. If he really intends on killing my own daughter, I won't hesitate to shoot him, anywhere.

"Thank you. I never caught your name."

"My name is none of concern. Go now, before people are killed. People who are disguised to be office workers."

"Follow me, Yuki."

I hid the pistol inside my pocket. A pocket that won't make it noticeable that I have a firearm with me. I'll only use it when things get out of my hand. Or if my life or Yuki's life is in danger.


"Ah, there you are. I see that the person has finally brought you downstairs."

I wasn't looking at Nishikio.. I was looking at Kiryu Yakuza.

I cannot believe I let this man sleep beside me, kiss me and become part of my adult years.

"Don't stare at me that way. I'm just doing what is best for the Yukinoshita family."

Since when did Kiryu start acting like Hayato? Unlike you, he actually did it for his family. You only did it for entertainment.

I walk towards him, passing by many workers who had their hands up and body on the floor.

"Let's go."

There were 2 men with large guns while also wearing a black bask.

Yuki and I followed Kiryu, the 2 men behind us and we were introduced with a grey van.

"Get in the back."

Kiryu said.

Like anyone who appreciates life, I followed his orders. Yuki and I sat on the back of the van. The doors on the back closes, we were hidden from sunlight.

"Where are we going, mommy?"

"We are going to avenge the person who I truly loved."

I was repeating myself that this wasn't Nishikio. This wasn't the man who I have let into my life for many years.

This was the man who killed my.... my boyfriend. Should I even use that term? Though I will never get Hikigaya-kin's consent ever again. This man has killed families, women, and children. And he's planning on taking over my hometown. The hometown that my boyfriend has been protecting and risking his life over.

My boyfriend trusted him... and he was betrayed.

'You have to trust someone in order to be betrayed.'

I could still remember Hikigaya-kun saying the one sentence that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

I couldn't see who was driving since they specifically blocked the area where I have access to see the driver and passengers.

I don't have a clear shot yet.


The doors to the back opens again.

"Get out."

He says.

I held onto Yuki's hands and she held onto mine.

"The Yukinoshita building?"

Did Kiryu suddenly wanted to go to work again? But just with a few dangerous people and a single mother and child?

"You have a very important guest to impress."

It couldn't be Hikigaya-kun. He's dead. And besides, why should I need to impress him?

Could it be Nee-san? I haven't seen her in a while. But I doubt she would allied herself with the likes of Kiryu.

There was no one that I know in the building. They all seemed to be evacuated by someone. And there weren't any men with guns. Did Kiryu have a small army or are they at some place else?

"No one from work is here. That's strange. I could've swore that I made sure that today was a very important day to work on. Whatever, at least the guest is in my office."

Someone must've known beforehand. Could it be Nee-san?

We head to the elevator and went to the top floor, where Kiryu's office is at.

"Here she is."

He opens the door to his enormous office.


The woman who gave birth to me. The woman who had always controlled more than half of my life. The woman who was never proud of who I was.

She was sitting on Kiryu's chair. The windows behind her back as the sun begins to shine bright.

"Hello, Yukino. I hope that this doesn't surprise you one bit."

I begin to lose my self confidence. I couldn't hold the gun against my own mother. It's just... not right.

All I can do is..


Give me all her reasons.

"This is how we've been successful and have been earning lots of money."


I refuse to believe that I have been selling weapons and letting people die because of my own action.

"But.. But what about the paperworks that I receive everyday!"

"Do you really think that you are actually working by signing off papers every day? You were only signing off contracts that involved smuggling weapons. Of course, we hid the texts. Do you really think that we make inventions everyday and sell it? The only possible thing that I could possibly invent, was you and your sister, who decided not to side with us."


"What did you do to Haruno? Did you hurt her in any way?!"

This was the first time I have ever screamed at my mother. Not because I hated her. But because she was the worst human being possible.

"Not at all. There's no way I'm going to harm my own successful daughter. She's in her apartment right now, oblivious to the situation right now."

What kind of mother, puts her child and granddaughter at such risk?

"So why am I here? Why have you brought your daughter and granddaughter to such a dangerous place? Why have you not been telling us about this?"

"Both you and Haruno are unaware of this. But this was our whole family business. If we were to be found out, there is a 100% guarantee that this company will fall into the federal government's hands. And we must not allow that. And now that I have shown you it."


"No. I'm not gonna join you."

She seemed surprised by my answer. This is the first time I have ever spoken to my mother in such a loud tone. I was always afraid of her, always being controlled by her and always being ashamed that I was a 2nd daughter.

And now that I'm an adult. And I have gone through many hardships. I am ready to fight back against her by myself.

"You see here. You must comply to our will."

"And what if I don't?"

"You face death."

A part of me was a bit afraid of death itself.

But I have to remind myself...

Hikigaya-kun has encountered death itself many more times than the many seconds that I have lived for. A vast amount that it exceeds infinity. And not once, was he a coward.

I was prepared to take the pistol out of my pocket.

I need to remember how to turn off the safety feature.

Wow... I'm starting to be like him. He would always carry a gun around him and turn his safety on and off. I've seen it so many times to the point, I can identify it on any gun. And I'm proud of that.

"Sorry but I have more experience than you, mother. If you think you're all that hot shot. It's hard to believe that you would go into hiding and reveal yourself to your own daughter. And you have 3 men with you. I'd say it's an unfair advantage. How about we both fight with our bare hands?"

I'm tired of being the Yukino that is always afraid and yell at others for doing what I wanted to do. And now that my daughter's life is at risk. I will do anything to protect her. If it even involves killing my mother.

"Where did you learn that tone? Who have you been seeing with?"

Due to being my mother for 26 years, she has the ability to notice any change that I may have.

"I could say the same thing to you whenever I see you with a different man that isn't father."

Her expression was filled with anger and frustration.

"To think that hooligan has poisoned you this much. It was heavily necessary to kill him once he retrieved the DTD."

The information she had just said, shocked me quite a bit.

But with all of this going on in the family. I'm not even surprised anymore.

"Now that I just heard splendid information. I won't have to hold back. This is for ruining my life, my daughter's life, Haruno's life and most importantly... for killing the person who I loved the most."

With no second thoughts, no hesitation with myself, I grab the pistol from my pocket and swiftly aim the gun as accurately as possible to my mother.


Dammit, I forgot to turn the safety off.

I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head.


I fell to the ground, looking up to see one of Kiryu's men had hit me with the butt of their guns.

"To think she has the audacity to aim that weapon at me. I have no choice but to say this. Kill her!"

I am not prepared for this. I touched the part of my head where I have been hit at. Blood..

With immediate action, Yuki grab the gun from my hand and turned off the safety.

One of Hikigaya-kun's teaching that has actually been useful.

"Don't come near to my mommy! I swear to god, I'll kill you all!"

Her language was also changing to Hikigaya-kun's language.

"Don't shoot the child. She has no idea what is happening and acting for herself. Persuade her to drop the gun and then subdue her. She won't remember any of this."

My mother said.

This was not my mother. I don't care if we are blood related. I will force her to disown me once this is all over. If I make it out alive..

"Ma'am, if you looked closely enough. That little girl knew how to turn the safety off. It looks like she knows what she is doing. And I believe that she is smart enough to remember all of this."

Kiryu informs.

"A distraction is a safe approach. Look, your auntie is here."

Yuki didn't look back, instead focused on the 4 people who were about to harm me.

"Someone has definitely be teaching her how the real world is. Just who."

The same man who you killed.


Like any other ordinary child, Yuki was unprepared to head that loud noise and covered her ears.

Kiryu shot a bullet in the ceiling to scare Yuki. Then one of his men grabbed the pistol from her and kicked her to where I was laying down.

"Stay with me, Yuki. I'll find a way."

Kiryu slowly approached us, with a revolver in his hands. He kept smiling, staring and chuckling at the 2 of us.

"5 years ago.... I lost both my father and mother, who both died because of the Prime Minister's fatal mistake. And the world just fucking watched."

He loads his bullets into the revolver. It seems to be the shot to the ceiling was his last bullet and he had to reload.

1st bullet.

"There is no one to save you."

2nd bullet.

"But it is best for you to pray that there is a God."

3rd bullet.

"Before I take you to him, I want to give you a few sentences. Last words, you could say."

4th bullet.

"You were only a pawn to us. In order to go undercover as Nishikio Yukinoshita, I had to legally marry you. But let's just say, you're a widowed mother now. And your child is about to be an orphan."

5th bullet.

"These past 5 years.. I have to admit. You are a really beautiful young woman. I think I had almost fell in love with you a few times. Though we never had any sex, our moments were enjoyable."

6th bullet.

"But this is for the sake of my own gains. The sake of your mother and the whole Yukioshita family. I know you understand....."

After loading his revolver with his bullets, he hovers his gun to my head.

My breathing pace had begun to increased. The fear that I have kept pushing out of my system has finally kicked in.

Well then... I'll make sure to slap Hikigaya-kun in the heavenly world.


The windows behind my mother begin to shatter.

Everyone's attention was hooked onto the person who shot and kicked through the window.

A man with a skull mask that was hanging onto a zip line that was hooked onto the roof of the building.

He crashes through the window and room, quickly subdues my mother by putting her both of her hands on top of each other and on top of the office desk, then pulls out a large knife, stabbing both of them together, and into the desk.


I could hear her scream in pain. She was unable to move and take out the knives from her hands.

The man with the skull mask grabs his pistol and shoots one of Kiryu's men.


Kiryu's 2nd man reacts and attempts to aim his large gun at the man with the skull mask.

But he runs in a zig zag pattern, making the man lose control on where to aim and where to shoot.

In less than a second, he grabbed the gun from him, throwing it at Kiryu to make him distracted for a few seconds. The man with the skull mask grabs another knife from his pocket and begins stabbing Kiryu's 2nd man in the neck multiple times, silencing him.

With no time to even take out the knife from the neck and deciding to leave it inside, as well as letting the body fall to the ground first, he ran towards Kiryu and tackles him to the ground.




He didn't kill him.

Instead, he just kept punching him repeatedly in the face, in the stomach and in the throat. With all the gadgets and weapons, you'd think he would use it already. But no.

I could feel the rage of the man with the skull mask. He wanted Kiryu to feel as much pain as possible to suffer a horrible death.

A few more punches later, he finally grabs the 3rd large knife from his pocket and stabs Kiryu's left hand, the sharp knife dug deep into the carpet and into the wooden floor, preventing him from moving at all.


Before things could get dangerous, he disarmed Kiryu from his revolver and accidentally kicks it towards me. I quickly grab it in order to feel safe from him. Wait... did he kick it towards me on purpose?

Then he grabs a 4th knife and stabs Kiryu's right hand, deep into the ground, hearing more screams from him.

"Dammit, who the hell are you? How the hell did you know about this?"

Kiryu weakly says, looking above to see the man with the skull mask looking down upon him.

With one swift move, the man pulled out his skull mask and finally reveals himself.

It was too good to be true.

My mouth drops to the floor, and my hands almost drop the revolver.

Yuki's eyes begin to widen and form a smile, while tears were streaming.

Both of my mother's and Kiryu's faces were a look of shock.

"You can't kill me...."

Hikigaya-kun spoke.
