Chapter 20 : We're Always Watching You

I answer the phone call.. and who is the voice that speaks?

Kiryu Yakuza.

The specific arms dealer that has been smuggling illegal firearms to the gangs of Chiba. Why specifically Chiba? No one knows why.

The second I heard his voice, I grabbed my M1911 and point it right at the 'boss' forehead.

"N-No! Please!"


Not even blinking once from the loud noise it made, his head hung down.

"Who was that, sir?"

"Yakuza.... Kiryu Yakuza...."

I've been trying to track him down for 3 months. The CIA and Task Force 2-4-2 has been aiding me as well but it just isn't enough. I need more people to help me.

This man is on the loose and he's causing havoc in my hometown. 2 families and 1 that was about to be has died because someone planted explosives on their cars. And it's my responsibility that they have died for no reason.

"Did you try to track the IP of the caller?"

One of my men suggested.

"We already tried that 2 months ago. We got led into a trap and almost got squished by the falling building."

"We should've asked more information instead of shooting him."

"He killed 3 families for no reason. I believe he deserved more than just a few punches and a quick death."

Dropping the phone, I stomped it to the ground and exit the room.

"The raid was only beneficial for more lives saved. We should report to HQ that the current raid was unsuccessful and we didn't get enough intel. Report it by tomorrow morning and ask for further detail about the situation."

"What situation?"

"Do not make me say it in front of her."

[ Yukino's POV ]

The next morning....

"Care to tell me why you're at the front door of my house?"

The door bell had rung and as I opened it, I see Hikigaya-kun in casual clothing as if last night was just something that normally happens.

"Would it make it more uncomfortable for me to send a person that you don't know? I'm fine with that if you want."

Never mind.

"I thought we agreed that there would be only security cameras all over my house. Besides, I think it isn't a very terrific idea that you should just randomly show up in our lives and act like every thing is normal."

His expression changed to a confused with passive anger.

"Excuse me? I wasn't the one who mistaken a goddamn address for a meeting about guns? The cameras were already installed when you were sleeping."

How did the security alarm not turn on?

"Let's make this straight, Hikigaya-kun. I.... a normal woman who lives in the workforce.... had just seen a person being killed by a friend of mine. And you know the best part? He has been doing it for the past 6 years and never told me about it. And what was even better, he told his friend's daughter! A young child!"

I was fairly traumatized by it. Though I am aware that he had suffered more than I have.

"I understand about your current mental health. There are some secrets that not everyone should hear. I also believe it's not wise to talk about people's personal life. I've never asked you how your marriage life was."

"You could've just politely ask me to leave the room. And why did you even bring me to the raid? You know the possibilities of me being killed is higher than yours! Are you insane?! I just wish that I could forget that night. I'll even take a bullet to the leg to make myself forget that!"

This wasn't what I imagined when we were to meet again.

I imagined an awkward conversation and we would both be smiling eventually.

But the reality was a turnoff and we are just arguing about last night.

"Would it feel better for you to be left alone? That certain part of Chiba is infested with illegal crimes occurring."

After high school, a certain area of Chiba was left abandoned due to various crimes occurring. All of the people in that residential area left and moved to a different city. It may sound unbelievable but it was true.

And now criminals use the abandon buildings which cops don't go to do their crimes.

"Wait... if Nishikio sent me that address and I unconsciously drove to that specific part of Chiba. Was it possibly the wrong address?"

"It could be. Are you done with your fury over me?"

I quickly nod and allow him to enter the house.

"I am definitely not entering your house. Your husband might mistaken this as an affair."

A slight blush and it disappeared a second later.

"Do you believe I would have feelings for you? You are quite possibly mistaken as usual. There is no reason to go out with a man with horrible looks and a horrible personality."

"I get it. You hate me. Look, I'm just following orders. My superiors have told me to keep a close eye on you for many reasons. I'm just gonna ask them to send someone else so I can get this over with."

He leaves without baring any sympathy from my desperation.

"Wait! No!"

"Mister Fishman?"

2 words it took to stop him. And those 2 words weren't mine.

He turns around and sees Yuki with a messy bed hair and a Pan-san plushie that I bought for her. She rubs her right eye and yawns for a few second before realizing what she had just said and saw.

"Mister Fishman!"

She drops the plushie and runs straight at him to give him the biggest hug he will ever receive in his life.

"Oh hey, Yuki."

He bends down to give her a pat to the head like he always does.

"Is this a dream? Because if it is, I'm gonna cry..."

"No. No. This isn't a dream. This is real. This is reality. I'm here."

A rare small smile plastered onto his face

"Where have you been? I thought you were gone. Mommy told me that you were gone forever and we wouldn't be able to see you again."

He glanced at me and then back to Yuki.

"Rest assure. I'll stay in Chiba for a while."

A while...

"Can you tell me why you were gone for 3 months?"

He looks down and tries to find a good reason.

"I am on a mission... to find whoever took Yuki's happiness from me."

I could say the same thing..

"Please find that man and use one of your killer techniques."


"Okay! No more talking about that! Let's get Yuki ready and go explore!"

"Isn't your husband home?"

He asks.

"He's at work. Everyday, he's at work. He's only here in the house 2-3 times. 4 times if it's a holiday."

It wasn't a fact.

It was what Nishikio says all the time. Every time I would ask him because of Yuki's happiness and love for her father. He comes up with that same reason and I can't argue with it. He's the CEO of the Yukinoshita Company.

"Actually we are not going to explore."


"I'm gonna show you something once we get there."




"Remind me why I'm forced to be watched by you and I have to follow you into this 'HQ' building."

It wasn't even an HQ building.

All it said was 'Scott's Tots'.

It did look like a business building but the name feels like it's an American restaurant that had just recently open a few weeks ago.

"Here's a quote that you should listen very carefully."

"I'm listening.."

"You have to trust someone in order to be betrayed."

I looked at him with a bit of sadness inside me.

"Do you trust me?"

He didn't say anything.

Did I trust him?

"They don't trust you. So we'll have to walk in this building and then exit like nothing ever happened."

"And what will that benefit us?"

"You'll see."

I told Hikigaya-kun to stay in my house for just an hour while I get ready and Yuki ready for school. I told him that Yui was watching her but it was a lie. I actually dropped her off to school.

We both walked into the building and were greeted by some office employees.

"I feel uncomfortable.. Why are we just walking inside this building?"

There was a blonde lady who was smoking inside the building, and as she stares at me while I walk past her, she blows to smoke to intimidate me.

Next, there was a man in his 60s, reading his newspapers and staring at me at the same time, with those ominous eyes.

"Why are they staring at me like that?"

I ask Hikigaya-kun out of fear.

Looking at the corners of the wall, there were security cameras following wherever I go when following Hikigaya-kun. Their lens turning every second as if it was zooming right onto my face.

As soon as we were in the elevator to go to the next floor, I was about to pressed the button but noticed there was a mic or voice recorder inside the elevator that was installed right next to the buttons.

Was it going to record our conversation or something?

I didn't even want to ask Hikigaya-kun right in front of an object that records voices and conversations.

We reached to the 2nd floor and I was introduced by the same menacing feeling from the 1st floor. They were all staring at me at their desks with their computers on.

Were they actually doing any work or focused their entire subject on staring at me.

Looking back at Hikigaya-kun, he seemed unfazed by all of this. As if this was all planned.

Please let this end. Why does it feel like my life is being controlled?

While passing by a computer screen, I noticed that the screen had a familiar video or recording that even interested me. It was recording what seems to be the inside of a house. Upon closer observation while walking, the video was something that almost brought myself onto my own knees.

Those recordings were coming from my own home!

Everyone in this building has access to the security cameras and has the ability to watch my every move. They can watch me sleep, watch me eat and watch me continue my daily life.

What made me more furious was that the same thing was happening to Yuki. And it shouldn't be happening!

This was not how liberty works. My life was most definitely being controlled right now.


Exiting the building, I didn't feel relaxed or comfortable at all.

But the moment I exit those doors, I begin to breathe all the fresh air my lung could take and exhale all of it out. I repeated the same procedure a few times and finally managed to calm myself down.

Looking up at Hikigaya-kun who kept staring down at me like he knew it was going to happening.

"We are watching every move you make, Yukinoshita. This tour through the building was to show you that we mean it. I didn't ask for this. I'm just following orders."

"This is controlling my own freedom. Almost a 100 people have access to my own life!"

"They are also loyal people. Do not worry, they will not share those videos to the social media. I promised."

"Promising is something that eventually leads to betrayal in 1 way or another. But as you once said, you have to trust someone to be betrayed."

I know my exact answer now...

I couldn't trust him... not even I could trust one of my important friends.

"I'm going to work now. I hope you had fun tormenting my own health."

Before I could leave, he grabbed my shoulders, asking for my one last attention.

"Every step you make, we will reflect and assume on that. So don't forget. We're always watching you."
