Chapter 11 : Intense Training

"Now, I want each and every one of you to find a partner and practice close combat martial arts. Now, some of you may think that it is useless to a gun fight. But if you're out of ammo, and your enemy has a knife on you. Guess what? You'd be dead in 5 seconds! Is that clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"


"Hmm... What should I do to get back at Yukinoshita for making me clean up her mess."

Last night, I finished the delicious food she made, but left everything. I do feel like it's my responsibility to clean it but she insisted of making it for me. Therefore, it should be hers, right?

But.. last night was also intense.

She almost found out about my past. Inside a wooden box, lies my medals and military uniform. I'm not sure if she even saw it but I really hope she didn't.

I didn't want to hurt her or anything. The note was just to scare off anyone who accidentally find it. If there even is anyone who would walk into my apartment.

I sat on the wheel chair that had been left out for a month or more, thinking of a plan.

Wait a minute.. a wheelchair?

Outstanding move, Hachiman!

I'll fake my leg injury and scare the heck out of Yukinoshita and her kid.


In fact, here they come.

"The doors unlocked."

Anyone would be dumb enough to walk into the wrong apartment at the wrong time.

"Pardon the intrusion."

Yukinoshita and Yuki appears.

"Hey, kid."

Gosh, I sound like a man in his 40s who has seen some things.

In fact, I'm a 24 year old man who has seen some things.

"Mister Fishman-"

They both see my condition and were questioning why I was on a wheel chair.

"Hikigaya-kun, did something happen to your leg?"

She was visibly filled with worries and so was Yuki.

"Mister Fishman, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not. Your babysitter has to go to the hospital to have leg surgery. They might even say that I may not walk again."

They both gasped.

Yuki began crying.

"Waahhh! It's all my fault! It's because I made you go to the summer festival!"

Fuck! Fuck!

Not part of the plan!

The original plan was just to shock them, not make a child cry.

I stood up.

"It's okay, Yuki. It's not your fault! Right, Yukinoshita-"

Then both of their faces had the same exact expression. A cold stare with empty eyes.

I realized that I had just stood up.

"How could I fall for this obvious trap."

"Serves you right for making me clean up your mess. And tricking me to go to the summer festival."

"You made Yuki cry. Do you know what happens when you make a child cry in front of their mother?"

I gulped.


"I'm running late. I'll do it when I come back tonight. Goodbye, Yuki."

"Bye, mommy!"

Yukinoshita closes my door and lives to tell the story.

"Did you really have to fake cry? Now I'm gonna get in trouble once she comes back!"

Yuki was part of the plan all along.

After tricking me into going to the festival. Me and Yuki discussed how to get back at her mother. And I told her I would have a plan by the morning. And as soon as Yuki saw me in a wheelchair, she knew exactly the plan.

"You forgot to realize that you were trying to make mommy cry as well. No daughter wants to see their mommy cry. That's why I devised a back up plan!"

Are you telling me that she was faking her tears to get back at me as well?

This little girl... she's dangerous..

So dangerous that I'm gonna double her training.

"20 push-ups! Do them now or you won't get to watch Pan-san on T.V."

She grew very shocked by this.

"B-But, 15 is my limit! Why do you want me to do 20? My current age prevents me from doing that many."

Yet she was able to make 15 at the age of 5. If she can do 15, she can do 20.

She needs very intense training.

Hah! I did it again! I referenced the title of this chapter!


"Then I supposed I should give the store owner his big Pan-san plushie back."

"You don't even know where I live. Even if I did, I would tell mommy right away. It's also kind of strange to know a stranger's address. The cops will be called."

Forgot that she was smart for someone her age.

"Fine, 15 push-ups and I'll teach you some techniques to defend yourself."


We didn't even make any agreements...


"Wow! Is that really how you win a fight with a knife?"

"Mhm. I don't want to spoil you the details. You're too young to even hear about them."

I was teaching her how to..... stop a person from moving with a knife.

Okay screw this. I was teaching her how to effectively stab someone to keep them from moving.

I know that it's gruesome for a 5 year old to learn this. But.. I need to carry on my teachings. Should I really be teaching a child, techniques used to kill?

The answer...

I don't even know.

"Wanna go outside, Yuki?"



I took Yuki to the playground to have some fun. I realized that she was always in my house every time she came over to stay. But today, is still training for her.

"You see those bars?"

I pointed at a set of bars being held up by 2 poles. It was at Yuki's height so she shouldn't have a problem grabbing them.

"I want you to do at least 2-5 pull-ups. But if you can, try to do your best to reach more than 5."

I don't know why.. but I felt like teaching Yuki every thing I know.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

She goes into enemy territory, by that, I mean she's gonna talk with other kids. You never know if even a kid could be your enemy.

I learned that the hard way during my time with Afghanistan. Child soldiers were common among the area. It took a psychological effect on some of our soldiers.

Watching Yuki, I thought it was best if I could sit on a bench with no one.

She does 2 pull-up.

Another one.

3 times the amount of her original.

"Excuse me, but may I have your number?"

A woman on her early 20s, sits beside me.

"I'm sorry. But I don't even know who you are."

I questioned her judgement. Of all people, why me?

"You don't have to worry about my name. Can I still have your number? Just in case my boyfriend dumps me."

What was she talking about?

Was she just here to show off her relationship status to a single man?

I sigh.


It was the best I could do to get rid of her. She seemed such a nice girl. I hate nice girls.

"Thank you."

"Uh.. no problem.."

Thank god, she's gone.

"Mister Fishman, I did it! I made it to 5 pull-ups!"

Already? I was probably too distracted by the woman and I didn't even watch Yuki do it.

"That's great. Now do 20 squats, and make sure to go all the way down as best as you can. Also, don't fall or you have to start over again."


This was the first time she was uncomfortable from my demands.

"If you want to become a strong woman, you gotta do what I say. Am I clear?"

Since when did I use those terms of words on Yuki? What was going on inside my mind?

"Sir, yes, sir!"

She proceeds to do what I ordered her to do.

30 seconds later, she completed them.

"I'm very tired, Mister Fishman. Can I have a rest? My arms and legs are starting to hurt."

Did I tell her to disobey orders?

"You sacrificed your own free will to protect this country. Do as I say, or you're out. 15 push-ups."

This will teach her to learn discipline.

"You're.. You're scaring me, Mister Fishman."

I'm scary? I've known more horrific people than you can possible imagine.

"If you think being strictly trained is scary. Then I think you should leave the training camp."

"Training camp? We're at the playground."

"A gunfire battle is a goddamn playground."

"What does guns have to do with a playground?"

I realized what was happening...

I was literally, yelling at a 5 year old, for disobeying an adult. I was literally forcing a 5 year old to train her body. She's 5-10 years too young to even think about it.

I have to correct my judgement and my mistakes.

"Forgive me, Yuki. Your babysitter just had some flashbacks. He's okay now. You can go to the playground and have fun with the other kids."

"Okay! Thanks!"

Didn't she just said that her arms and legs were hurting a few seconds ago?"


"I'm back."

Yuki opened the door for her mother so she can enter my apartment.

"Welcome back, mommy."

Please don't say that like I'm part of the family.

"And now, for your punishment."


I forgot about that.

Yuki created a backup plan to get back at me for trying to make her mom cry. And now I'm suffering all the punishments.

"I'm still thinking about it. For now on, I'm gonna stay here for a while."

"How come? Did you lose something in my apartment? I could help go look for it if you need me to."

"No, I didn't lose anything. I won't even allow myself to bring my own stuff to an apartment like yours. I fear that it would easily get infected each minute I stay here."

Yet she secretly stored ingredients in my fridge...

"Suit yourself. I'm gonna go sleep in a few minutes. Wake me up so I can lock the door for you and Yuki."

As I start to head into my room, I felt something grabbed my shirt from behind.

"Can we just... watch the T.V... together?"



After 24 minutes of agony from watching Pan-san recent weekly episode, Yuki finally fell asleep.

"Should we wake her up?"

"You're her mother, I'm not the father. Just a babysitter."

"Which means you are her guardian, which is the same as a mother."

"Except I don't buy anything for her, feed food to her or take care of her for the rest of my life. Once she starts going to school, that means she can finally get out of my apartment, which you called, so disgusting that you wouldn't even leave your purse on the table."

Now that I said it.

If Yuki doesn't come to my apartment anymore, that means Yukinoshita won't stop by anymore.

A good thing? Not necessarily.

A bad thing? Hard to even say it is.

"Oh.. that's right. Once Yuki goes to school, I won't be able to see you that often anymore."

Why is she sad?

Shouldn't she be delighted?

"Give me your phone."


"Just give me it."

The few times I would obey Yukinoshita's demands. I hand her my phone and she starts to go through it.

"Just as I thought."

"Hm? Thought what?"

She showed me a name in my phone app.

"Haruno Yukinoshita?"

Since when did I add her? Last time we talked, was during the high school reunion.

"She said she saw you at a playground, by the bench. So she disguised herself as a random woman and asked for your phone number. Honestly, why did you even agreed to exchanged numbers?"

"Probably because if I didn't, she would've saw Yuki by now."

She seemed surprised by my reasoning.

"That is indeed true. But, you would add a random woman than add me?"

"I never said that. Look, do you want me to delete the phone number or not? Though if I do, she would probably assume that you were involved in this."

"For now, don't delete her. Let's see how things go-"


The sudden noise startled both me and Yukinoshita. My body begin jump over the couch and hide for cover.

"Hikigaya-kun? Why are you hiding behind the couch? Those were just fireworks."

Fireworks? Again?

"I thought the summer festival was already finished."

I sat back on the couch.

"That is in fact, true. That means that some people are doing illegal fireworks. I should call the police about this."

Before she could grab her phone, I stopped her.

"No, there's no need to call the police. I'll tell them to stop. Just stay here."

[ Yukino's POV ]

"Are you sure it's safe for you to go alone?"

I asked him.

"Don't worry. If anything goes south, a gun would always be the solution."

Never have I ever seen Hikigaya-kun ever say those sentences. More like I didn't think he would. But I felt the same when I first held his pistol but I stopped myself before feeling very uncomfortable about it.

"Okay. I'll wait for you."


A minute later, I went to the balcony and went to check how things were going.

Let's just say.. it wasn't good.

"Listen old man, let us have fun with our youth. There is no reason to call the cops on us high schoolers."

High schoolers.. troublesome kids who only think that school is a time for fun and jokes. 25% of them will either be jobless or homeless. The rest? Probably an underpaid job.

"I'm not an old man. I'm 24 years old. All I'm asking for you is to stop launching illegal fireworks. I don't want the police to be involved in such childish matters."

Hikigaya-kun was still trying to persuade them.

"Look, how about you leave old man. Or else all of us will do something to you that is unimaginable."

With that sentence, I would've called the police already.

But I trusted Hikigaya-kun to handle this professionally.

"Though I wouldn't want to escalate that far and not cross the bridge. Just stop with the fireworks? Alright? This is your last warning."

Usually Hikigaya-kun would stay calm in this situation. But something tells me that those fireworks did just more than startled him.

After he walks away, the high schoolers went to talk behind his back.

"Final warning, my ass! I'll totally kick an old man's ass!"

"It's 6 against 1! What is he gonna do? Fight the 2 girls?"

There were 4 males and 2 females, all are in their teenager years.

This is why I don't want Yuki to be raised like this. Parents who don't look after their kids just because they have an extremely important job.

Another minute later, he enters the apartment with a frowned expression.

"Let's hope that they won't launch those fireworks again."

"Same here. But why do you personally want to handle it? Those high schoolers just threatened you. That's the deadline where the police needs to be involved."

"They're just kids, just like we used to be. But now we're the adults. The police is only here to discipline the adults, while the adults are here to discipline the kids."

That does make sense, only 50%.


Those damn kids just released another fireworks.

This time, Hikigaya-kun seemed kind of pissed off and walked back out there.

As I went to the balcony again, I could hear them argue.

"Didn't I just say to stop doing fireworks? People are trying to sleep here."

"Wasn't this our last warning, old man? What are you gonna do? Hit on the girls?"

"If she attempts to hit me, I'll hit her back. But that isn't the point. What you boys need to do is pack up your things, go to sleep and finish high school."

"Pfft! Who needs high school! When we got parents."


I was told that in America, once you're 18, your parents can legally kick you out of the house whenever they want to. These kids should really be glad that their parents make enough to support them and school.

"This is your final warning. Any more of this, and I'll have to settle this."

"Settle with what? The police? You adults always rely on the police."

Just like you rely on your parents for food, shelter, and healthcare?

"This is your only, final, and last warning. Don't push it."


"Damn kids."

He angrily sat on the couch, right next to me.

"I don't want them to wake up Yuki, but I really should call the police. Is that alright with you?"

He shook his head.

"No, I believe they have listened to me-"


This time, I wasn't startled by the loud noise.

But Hikigaya-kun... was behind the couch again.

"Are you okay? You seemed to be sensitive to loud noises."

"It's not that I'm sensitive. It's... it's very complicated. I don't want to tell you."


We could hear their laughters and mocking Hikigaya-kun.



We just sat on the couch, and took it. My instincts were telling me to already called the police.

But I trusted Hikigaya-kun.

I looked over him and he seemed to be suffering a lot.

5 fireworks later...

"Are you fine, Hikigaya-kun? Are you receiving headaches?"

"I'm.. I'm fine. It's just that, my head is hurting every time those goddamn fireworks explode."


He fell into the floor, covering his ears to stop the noise. But it was futile.

More fireworks exploded, the more Hikigaya-kun suffered.

Was this going to lead to a seizure? Did he have this condition during his time in America?

"I'm calling the police."

The moment I grabbed my phone, I look back at Hikigaya-kun.

He was gone.

How did he disappear so fast?

I quickly ran to his room to see if he was there. 

He wasn't.

I looked at the contents of his room.

But the I noticed something odd..

His alarm clock..

No.. it wasn't his alarm clock.

His gun was gone... the pistol that he would always put down beside his alarm clock.

Then I had a recent flashback to the first few minutes ago.

"Don't worry. If anything goes south, a gun would always be the solution."
