Chapter 13 - Guilty or Not Guilty

"May the defendant stand up?"

The judge asks Hikigaya-kun. He slowly stands up, facing the judge.

"May I ask your name and a brief history?"

"My name is Hachiman Hikigaya. I'm 24 years old. I have recently came back to Chiba after living a few years in America."

Just a few sentences and the judge already grew interested in him.

"Interesting.. May I ask why you had to move out of Chiba?"

"My parents found a job with better payment. They said they were offered high-paying jobs but would have to move to the U.S.A."

"May I ask what do they work as?"

There was a small bit of silence.

"I don't remember."

"And why is that?"

"I was 18 years old at the time. After I settled in America, I left my family and went to go support myself on my own."

But.. wasn't Hikigaya-kun taught how to hunt animals by his father? Did he visit his family only a few times.

"Fair enough. Alright, let's see what the papers say. You may sit."

He sits down.

"Hikigaya Hachiman.. only a few charges. You are accused of pointing a gun at a bunch of minors, teenagers. Do you have a permit for that?"

"I'm authorized to use it and keep it by me at any given point. While I don't have my license, I hope for you to trust me on that."

The judge flips the paper.

"Huh.. It says here... I can't even see it..."

Everyone in the room was confused. Did the judge have vision problems?

"Is there a problem, your honor?"

Hikigaya-kun questioned.

"My vision is at it's best. It says here.. you have no background history or files. And all of them are covered in black lines. Did the printer get busted again? I'm gonna have to ask for another copy of these files."

A security guard grabs the useless files and heads to find a printer somewhere inside the building.

As I have repeated many times. There was something off with the judge. Was he... sweating?

"Now.. may the victims and the lawyers stand up?"

My elder sister and the teenagers all stood up.

"Tell me your story. One by one. First, let's make the teenager whose parents hired the excellent lawyer. Come, boy, sit on the witness stand."

Even the judge holds expectation for Haruno. More like he knew she was a great one.

One of the male teenagers went to sit on the witness stand.

"Give us your perspective of how the crime went down."

Suddenly, tears starting streaming out of the witness's eyes.

"He.. He pointed the gun at me and my friends. We were just walking home after soccer practice and a date with the restaurant. Suddenly, he showed up in the middle of the night and pointed at us for no reason. He even threatened to shoot us if we didn't listen to him. We didn't do anything wrong."

About 86% of that were lies..

"I see. Tell me the words that he said to you."

"He threatened to shoot our heads, fired many shots to the ground to scare us. I... I was frightened. Not knowing if I would live the next few seconds. It was when she stopped him, was he able to control himself."

He points at me. The only person sitting behind Hikigaya-kun and his lawyer.

Nee-san looked pretty surprised but suppressed it hard enough to not gain any attention.

"Very well. Though I may ask, it is pretty surprising that there is only one person to show up for Hikigaya's trial. May I ask who you are?"

I stood up, clearing my throat.

"Yukino Yukinoshita."

The parents of the teenager's eyes grew surprised.

I don't seem that much. But I hold the lives of many people. I can fire anyone I want and whenever. But I don't abuse my authority to be better and feel superior. I usually use words to do that. Not jobs.

"Well that is really surprising! Come, Yukinoshita-san. Sit on the witness stand."

The witness's turn was up and now was mine to represent.

"Speak behind your perspective of the crime."

"I... I had just finished shopping with my daughter. It was getting extremely late and I knew I would probably be questioned by my husband. But I have taken self-defense lessons do I could stand up to a few people bigger than me. It is true that Hikigaya-kun had pointed the gun at the children. And he had no right to. But-"

"Objection! Your honor!"

My sister playfully says, startling me a bit and interrupting me.

"You may speak."

"I believe that my sister was not shopping with her daughter at all! Shall we check the security footage?"

The judge's door opens and a few security guards were pushing a cart with a big T.V. screen. It had a VHS and DVD player. One of those old technologies that people still used.

"Shall we play the footage?"

She puts the VHS in and the screen turns on.


The footage showed an angle where it presented the teenagers launching illegal fireworks.


They were laughing, not because they were enjoying it. But because they knew they were waking up everyone from their precious sleep.

Then it shows Hikigaya-kun coming out, to tell to to quit launching them.

As they ignored his warnings, they began to launch more fireworks to piss him off.

Hikigaya-kun showed up the 2nd time, this time looking more pissed off than the last one.

"Listen old man, we don't want to beat your sorry ass. But if we have to, we will do it. I'll even record it and send it to social media where you can be humiliated. I'll title it, '2 girls kicking a grown man's ass'!"

Even I didn't hear that when I witnessed it.

"That's the last and final warning."

He heads back to the apartment.

10 minutes of the teenagers launching fireworks and no one did a thing about it.

That was until...


The footage showed the last firework, being shot to the ground.

"Whoever launches another firework, the next shot is going through your hands! What did I fucking say? Your last fucking warning and you blew it like blowing all your money that your parents give you?!"

I could hear the frustration in his voice, and the pain in his voice.


A few shots were followed but weren't meant to harm the minors. Just to get their attention.

That was when I stepped in.

The security footage was now showing me, attempting to stop Hikigaya-kun. Though it was futile. As I was never able to tell him what to do or what not to do. I don't blame him. I'm not his mother..

"Listen, I never meant to harm you kids. But it's way past your bedtime and you should be studying. There are people who needs sleep to feed their kids. You're excused, shitheads."

I've never heard Hikigaya-kun saying that at all.

He did say it but they weren't all in just 1 go.

Then the footage was paused.

"Hmm.. the time was midnight. So the teenagers were past curfew."

The judge gave a good thought about it.

"As you can see, these kids were just teenagers. Teenagers have a rebellious phase and would do something dangerous without even giving a second thought about it. Launching fireworks without it being the summer festival may be illegal. But let's all agree that pointing a gun at a person is even more dangerous than disturbing. But they were causing harm to the public."

Everyone sitting behind the witness were agreeing and nodding to each other. All wanting to see Hikigaya-kun serve in prison.

"Here's a proposal to all of us. Let Hikigaya-kun have a probation of a few years and pay a fine to all the parents. The teenagers will only have a probation of a few months.-"

"Objection, your honor!"

Hikigaya-kun's foreign lawyer speaks up, interrupting my elder sister.

Wish I could do that someday.


"Miss Haruno has refused to acknowledge the fact that the teenagers had threatened to beat him into a pulp. Record him without his consent and threatened to harass him both online and in real life. We could even play back the footage if you have a desire to."

"I remember everything in the footage already. And what you have said, is correct. Threatening a civilian as well as intentionally harassing him in the internet world is a crime in Chiba. We don't take that kindly. A few weeks in jail and a few months of probation."

Everyone felt a chill in their spine.

But both Hikigaya-kun and his lawyer remained calm.

As well as my elder sister.

"Let me rephrase my previous statement. Can we all agree that pointing a gun at a bunch of children is more illegal? Let's not forget, we heard actual gun shots happening. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone harmed. But even firing shots at a bunch of minors is illegal. Don't you agree, your honor?"

This was one of my elder sister's greatest techniques.

Making everyone believe in her story. She was currently making pointing a gun a bigger deal than harassment. Though it is a bigger deal. Hikigaya-kun had done no harm. It was more like he was being harmed.

If this works, he could possibly serve more than just the maximum if this pisses of the judge.

"Send him to prison!"

"Let him rot!"

"Make him suffer!"

And it was working...

Even the judge was persuaded much enough to give him maximum sentence.

Haruno looked at me with a stale face.

Though I could not hear her speak because of the loud noises, I could still hear and know what she said to me.

"What will you do now, Yukino?"

Looking down, I covered my head to prevent people from seeing my crying face.

I couldn't support him... I couldn't help him...

He asked for my help... but I was powerless against my sister.

Was this his fate? 10 years in prison? No early release?

"Settle down!"

The judge slammed his gavel to silence the public.

"We won."

"We did it."

"We remained victorious."

The only thing I could do was stare at Hikigaya-kun. It must be very stressed to know that you're going to 10 years of prison. Yet alone, no one even wants you and the person who you asked to help, was powerless.

I'm sorry....






Yet he still remained calm.

His face wasn't even representing any emotion. And the lawyer had an expression that submit no defeat.

"Due to the many public opinions and many evidence. The accused defendant, Hachiman Hikigaya. The one who pointed a gun at minors, and even fired some. This is a very serious crime and can be up to 10 years in prison for such foolery."

It was over...

"I hereby declare the defendant..."

It was too late! I can already see the people's faces of victory."

"Not guilty!"

Everyone grew shocked at his sudden words. My elder sister was even more shocked that she had lost the case. The parents were in the same state as well as their kids.

Can I make sure I heard that again?

"Meanwhile, the teenagers who threatened to assault him severely. Will be put on a 6 month probation."


He slams his gavel to make sure that what he said was in fact, true.

Then just an awkward silence again..

Hikigaya-kun slowly stood up as we all stared at him and his foreign lawyer. They didn't care a damn thing about this trial at all.

It's as if they knew they were going to win anyway.

But how?

"Shall we?"

The foreigner lawyer and Hikigaya-kun were about to leave.

"Murderer! Deceiver!"

One of the fathers of the teenagers charged straight towards Hikigaya-kun but was stopped by security.

"You did something to beat the justice system? Didn't you! What did you do to the judge? Why is my child punished while he gets to roam free of this world! He should be locked up!"

More and more harassment kept coming at him.

"He's a danger to society! And children!"

"I swear to god, if I see you again, I'll kill you!"

"I hope you get run over by a train!"

Then they were turned into death threats.

Eventually, all the securities in the courtroom had to stop the people from attacking Hikigaya-kun.

All Hikigaya-kun and his foreign lawyer did... was just walk past them. As if they were just normal dirt to them.

"I hope you go through hell once you open those doors!"

The mother spoke.

And then suddenly, he turned around, facing her.

"I've been through it already."

And then he leaves, but before he left, he turned to face me.

"Thank you, Yukinoshita."

And he was gone..


The courtroom was now empty.

It was only me and Nee-san.

Usually, sisters would talk about their day and how boring or fun it was.

But our relationship.. hasn't improved.

"Why are you still here?"

I asked her.

"I should say the same."

She got me there.

"Why would you let Hikigaya-kun suffer like that? Did you do that on purpose? And why do you still want to ruin my way of living?"

"I'm sure you didn't forget. The security footage showed you exiting out of an apartment. Hikigaya-kun's apartment."

I couldn't say anything anymore.

I was caught red-handed.

"This is a real big risk you're doing. Having an affair with Hikigaya-kun. I'm not surprised, just disappointed."

"I sure hope mother gets the news that you failed your first case. She expects you to win all the cases."

There was an even bigger monster than me and Nee-san combined.

Our mother.

But I failed to see that now.

The monster slowly changed form... into Hikigaya-kun.

"I'm sure she would be more upset seeing her daughter who is Co-Owner of the Yukinoshita family is having an affair with a minority like Hikigaya-kun. Honestly, I see nothing special about him. His eyes look more dead than rotten. As if those eyes have seen things that normal adults wouldn't handle."

Was my sister.. sweating as she spoke about Hikigaya-kun?

"Why are you shaking, Nee-san?"

She quickly calmed down, cleared her throat and looked at me with another one of her serious expression.

"You may not have known this but back at the high school reunion. I was just teasing with Hikigaya-kun and wanted to know why he moved to the U.S. and what he did over there."

I already know why.

Hikigaya-kun had already told me that Haruno was the one who leaked it.

"Weren't you the one-"

"He threatened to kill me."

I'm sorry. Did I mishear that again?

"That's hardly possible. Hikigaya-kun would already know the backlash of killing an important figure like you."

"That's not the problem. He even said that there would be no evidence of who did it. Not even the best investigators can find out about my death, he said. You know how afraid that must be? No man has even said that to me. And he just said it right up to my face. And the worst thing is. He sounded like he meant every single word."

I refuse to believe her! I refuse..

Hikigaya-kun wouldn't threatened my sister like that!


"That's madness. You're just trying to make me not see Hikigaya-kun ever again."

"And you shouldn't!"

I could hear Nee-san's voice cracking up and shaking. A state I have never saw her before.


"Look, I care about you, alright? The reason why I tried to prevent you and Hikigaya from meeting was because I care about you and your safety! You need to remember that this Hikigaya was not the same one from high school. Haven't you noticed the immense change in him? He seems more confident. Did you ever notice that he was always slightly afraid of me, you and our mother. Now he just looks at us as if we aren't a challenge to them."


I don't believe that!

"Tell me... Of all the times you have visited him... have you ever met the different Hikigaya?"

I knew what she was talking about..

A few days ago, I accidentally dropped his pistol and it slid underneath his bed.

I found a wooden box that I thought, was his porn magazines.

But as I was about to open it, Hikigaya-kun stopped me.

And that was the first and only time.. I met a different Hikigaya-kun.

Not the usual lazy and calm one.

But the threatening, menacing and ominous of all.

"Who knows what happened to those 6 years he spent in America. He probably didn't even spent all his 6 years just in America. I just want you to be careful around him. He's... He's dangerous-"

The judge door opens and out comes the judge himself.

"Oh? Yukinoshita-san, what are you still doing here."

He was talking to my sister, not me.

Even though I hold a high power in Chiba, my elder sister still somehow beats me in everything.

"Your honor, if I may-"

"I already know what you're here for. Why did I let that horrible man go?"

He was right.

"I am sorry but I can't give secret information about that. My reasons are to remain dormant until I say so."

"According to our laws. Not even a judge should allow a person who broke that law go free. He wasn't punished at all? Yet the children were? I get the children were punished but.. it doesn't make any sense."

"You won't get anything from that. I'm sorry. It has to be a secret."

My sister sighs.

"I knew it was futile."

She leaves the courtroom, never to be seen for a while.

Then suddenly, I felt my hand being given some paper.

"Your honor?"

I asked him.

"Those are top secret files! Remember when I said I couldn't see a single thing about Hikigaya's background history?"

I remember all of it. It was to remain in my memory forever.

"Don't look at them now. Only look at them when you're at a secret room."

I should probably listen to him.

"Listen.. I may not know Hikigaya as much as you know him. But... he's someone from a different world. I can't even imagine what he does for a living."

"What does that even mean?"

"Back when I was in law school. I was told that if a person's background history was all white or all of it was covered in black lines... I... I don't even want to imagine. Just go and take them. I'll be leaving now."

The judge leaves the courtroom to head home, with a face full of sweat.

I was now alone in the courtroom. Putting the files of Hikigaya-kun inside my purse, I was a good listener so I didn't check them yet.

I looked at the ceiling one last time for some reason, as if my natural instincts told me to do so.

"Huh.. was that security camera recording everything?"

[ Time Skip ]

Waking up from my bed, I saw that Nishikio had already left the bed.

I went to change and go for my work outfit. Another day of work and I couldn't visit Hikigaya-kun's apartment.

Before leaving to work, I still had some time and made breakfast for me and Nishikio.

"Where is Yuki?"

If you were ever wondering if Nishikio was home everyday, he hasn't.

This was the first time in 2 months, had he visit our home.

"My friend, Yui, is taking care of her."

"You didn't have to fire our original babysitter."

He wasn't talking about Hikigaya-kun. But an older one.

"The woman was getting too close to you. And I swear some of my bras were stolen."

"Haha. A jealous Yukino. Kinda cute."

Did I just blush?

Never have...

I grabbed my purse and went to grab the files to read them. I forgot to read them, as I was still in shocked of how Hikigaya-kun won. It still baffles me that the judge even said it himself.


The files are gone?

Someone must've stolen it...

Did Nishikio do it? No.. he couldn't have. I even told him to not go through my stuff like a normal wife.

So who did?

I turned on the T.V. and switched to the news channel. Maybe there could be a clue to see who stole it. I feel like a Yukinoshita's belongings being stolen would even go worldwide. As if that would happen.

Let's see what was happening this time in Chiba. Maybe a new invention released from the Hayama family?

"This just in.. a man has been found shot and killed."

That's horrible..

"The man has been identified as......"

A small silence as the reporter had forgotten something.

"It seems we weren't given a name at all. Police is still investigating who the suspect is. But as we can all tell, the murdered victim has been identified to work as a judge."

I dropped my purse right there and here..

The news channels showed the picture of the victim's face.

He was.. the judge from yesterday.

"It's still mysterious as to how the police hasn't identified his name yet. But don't worry guys. The police will soon find the suspect and bring him to justice."

The files of Hikigaya-kun's background history disappearing all of a sudden as if they were stolen..

The judge who gave me the files who had just been murdered.

All I could wonder was...

What would happen if I read the files yesterday?
