❀ 26

It was safe to say that our next meetup as well as the ones after that, were not platonic.

Somewhere after the confession at the park, a few dates into our relationship, I found the urge to ask him to come over to my house one evening when my parents were coincidentally out. My motivation to ask him over to my house mainly was a film I had found while browsing through my laptop.

It seemed interesting with a strong and enticing plot.

Another factor that played into was the fact that my parents were going out to visit their mutual friend for some sort of an adult formal meeting, leaving me alone in the house with Brown. Her presence was pretty much perfect already, but when my mind crossed into the idea of possibly having Cameron by my side while we watched a movie, really caught onto my attention and made me to quickly text him about my proposition.

He agreed with a smiley face that never ceased to make my lips grow into an infatuated smile.

Those events led to this evening, when I was fluffing up the pillows while in the dim living room, the television screen frozen in the playing screen, large pause button placed in the center of it. My laptop was stationed on the coffee table, on sleep as I splayed a fluffy blanket onto the couch.

Brown was on the ground, sitting and watching me as I arranged the pillows and blankets on the couch, though it was just me releasing my nerves in an activity that was definitely trivial because when we settled down, the blankets and pillows would be messed up, so there wasn't really much of a point.

I glanced at my phone to look at the time just as the doorbell rang, chiming throughout the house and bouncing off the walls. Brown seemed as excited as I was, bounding straight to the front door on her little paws. I feigned calmness, albeit on the inside on I was exploding with excitement and nerves that seemed would be everlasting whenever it was between Cameron and me.

I pocketed my phone and twisted the door open, revealing a comfortable looking Cameron, his hands tucked into his dark grey sweatpants and over his torso was a pitch black hoodie with a kangaroo pocket right in the middle. His dark hair was tousled and his signature small smile was on his face.

I couldn't help but grin at him joyfully, beckoning him to step inside the house.

What I didn't expect were the next following words that fell past his lips after I closed the door. "If you don't mind, can I sleepover just for one night?" The truth was I didn't mind at all. Not one bit. Not even a small atom in me was minding that simple request.

"I don't mind at all." I said, smiling at him. "I don't know if my parents will let you sleep in my room, though." The fact that I even blurted the last few words implied that I was entirely okay with sleeping with him in my bedroom later tonight. On the same bed.

The thought just filled me with a feeling of giddiness and nervousness.

It seemed to affect Cameron too, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink as he reached to rub at the back of his neck. "Um, that's okay. I can sleep alone." Little did he know, my body wasn't entirely protesting to the fact that I wanted to snuggle up with him under the covers.

The thought brought warmth to my cheeks but I disregarded it.

"We'll figure it out later," I said, clasping my hands together. "Shall we?"

A smile tugged at his lips and he nodded. "We shall."


While in the midst of watching the movie after we'd settled down on the couch in a comfortable position, Cameron's arm casually and comfortably around my shoulders, holding me tight to him and my head snuggled on his chest, my phone buzzed suddenly in my pocket.

I had an urge to ignore it but as the buzzing continued persistently, I realised that it was a phone call. I gave a glance to Cameron, tilting my head back to catch the curious expression on his face. I wasn't sure who'd call me at this time most of my friends knew that we were watching a movie and would only ask for the details after the date itself.

So, who else could it be?

I pulled out the phone and glanced at the screen, revealing my brother's name, Holden, and the front camera showcasing my surprised face along with Cameron's above my head.

"Would you mind if I took it?" I asked Cameron and he shook his head.

"Not at all, I'll pause the movie so we can continue watching it together later." He stated, releasing me from his warm hold, crouching down by my laptop. I heard the sound of the space-bar being pressed as I slid my finger on the screen hastily, scared that if I didn't, the call would go off on it's own.

The call loaded for a few seconds before my brother's face appeared on the screen, his blonde hair, blue eyes and jolly smile ever so familiar. He seemed to be in bed, lacking in the upper clothing department but it didn't seem to deter him one bit.

"Hey, baby sister," he greeted, looking very glad to be calling his sibling on the phone.

He was generally a very joyful and happy guy but his happiness was a lot more pronounced today. I wondered why, greeting him back with a smile. "Hi, Holden."

"How are you?" He asked, starting off with small talk shifting a little so that his free hand was tucked underneath his head and on top of a pillow.

"Great," I said, grinning, thinking about the boy who was curiously staring at me at the place where he was seated on the ground by the coffee table. Brown leaped off the couch and onto his lap, Cameron immediately reaching to scratch behind her ears like it was a natural instinct.

"Great," he reiterated in an odd tone, making me raise my eyebrow but all was sanswered in his next few words. "Huh, how come I don't hear a mention about this new boyfriend you have?"

My eyes widened on their own accord at his sudden bluntness, my cheeks reddening. My whole body was a betraying me and revealing the truth with these physical cues and he smirked his face filled with smugness. it wasn't like I wanted to keep it from him, I just hadn't thought about telling it to him, not until now.

I felt a little bad about not telling him yet because I did tell him a lot that went on my life because, well, he was my brother, and I was pretty close to him. Ever since he went to university, we started talking less, with him being swarmed with work (his words not mine) and with the distance between us.

Holden continued speaking, looking absolutely delighted at the information he had obtained somehow. "You know, you'd think that your own dear sister would tell you about something this important. Imagine my surprise when I get this information from our parents when I called them earlier."

"I'm sorry!" I apologised hastily. "I was going to tell you but-" I stopped abruptly, having no exact excuse. Boy, was I not a good sister. "Well, I was going to tell you eventually..."

Holden laughed, shaking his head. "it doesn't matter, I'm just joking." He said dismissively. "I'm just curious... Who is this boy - Cameron, was it?" I couldn't answer as he continued, thinking out loud. "I just want to know how this incredible person was able to sweep my sister off her feet, know you? Just plain curiosity."

I blushed, I couldn't help it, glancing at Cameron involuntarily where he sat on the ground, staring wide eyed at me. I quickly brought my eyes back to my phone but the movement of my eyes wasn't lost to Holden. He narrowed his eyes before his expression lit up in realisation and even more smugness.

"Oh, you're on a date sort of thing right now." His smirk depended and I could feel my cheeks entirely shifting to a warm feeling. On my screen my face was tomato red. My brother had the nerve to laugh, shifting on the other side again to switch his hold on the phone. "Sorry, I'm such a big bully." He said but sounded very not sorry.

I rolled my eyes jokingly, reaching for a pillow to cradle in on my chest. "It's okay, sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

Holden shrugged nonchalantly, lifting his shoulders. "It's alright, at least I know now. There is something you can do to make it up to me though..." I raised my brows in curiosity as he paused for a dramatic effect. "Let us, your boyfriend and me, talk."

I immediately glanced at Cameron and if his eyes were wide before they were even wider now behind his glasses. His hands were frozen while on Brown, and even the latter could sense his sudden panic. I muted myself and flipped my phone face down on my thigh, ignoring my brother's protests.

"Do you want to meet my brother?" I asked, before gesturing to my phone. "You can answer honestly, I won't tell him. He can't hear you either, I muted myself."

Cameron had already surprised me several times ever since I'd met him but his answer was really what had shocked me, but also brought a wave of happiness over me. He nodded meekly, holding Brown in his hands as he shuffled towards the couch and settled next to me.

"Hello? Heather? Oh my God, you can't just leave your brother like this!" Holden said from his end of the phone. I gave a cheeky smile to Cameron and picked the phone up, looking at my brother's relieved face. "Thank you," he said exasperatedly, mirth masking the tone of his voice.

I unmuted myself, giving my brother's expectant look a smile before passing my phone over to Cameron, who took it tentatively, raising it too his face. I watched Cameron's expression as Holden began to talk.

"Hey! It's you, my sister's boyfriend. I reckon you're treating her well, huh. You better because if not, I don't mind flying a flew thousand miles just to come and find you." Holden said and Cameron gave me a panicked look from behind the phone.

"Uh, yes, I'll treat her good." Cameron said, pushing his glasses up.

Then, Holden laughed, causing Cameron's face to scrunch into confusion. "I'm just joking, mate. Not about the treating her well part. Well, no..." He paused contemplatively before saying, "Actually, take my words seriously."

Cameron nodded and Holden continued. "But honestly, you seem like a nice guy. I don't think my sister will fall for a douchebag, so you're probably in the win."

"Um, yeah, thank you." Cameron said, and I almost chuckled because of the hilarity of the situation. I took my phone back from Cameron and Holden and I talked a little bit more, including Cameron sometimes when he felt courageous enough to, before my brother told me he had to leave to do some school work.

We said goodbye and I told him that we should call more. He agreed and just like that the phone call was over. I slipped the phone back into my pocket and played the movie on my laptop again. Unsurprising, we were engrossed into the movie yet again.

Somewhere between there, we had fallen asleep, I realised that when I woke up on the couch the next morning, Cameron's arm delicately placed around my waist while we laid on the couch. The sun was shining through the windows and onto Cameron's angelic and peaceful looking face as he slept.

His glasses were still on his face, looking incredibly uncomfortable. I gently took them off for him, my fingers brushing over his cheek ever so slightly. I folded his glasses and held them in my hand, confused about how I was supposed to get up from this position without waking him up.

The blanket was thrown over us haphazardly and probably, due to our sleep, it was about to slip off the couch. I assumed that my parents had thrown it over us and the thought that my parents had seen me like this made my cheeks turn pink, but I guessed that they were okay with it, choosing to leave us alone.

Absentmindedly, I reached up and grazed my fingers over his cheek, he didn't stir but his lips twitched a little and it made me wonder if he was already awake. There was also a barely perceptible shift in the colour of his cheeks. Without thinking, my mind still hazy from sleep, I pressed a kiss to his cheek and, abruptly, he stirred, both his arms wrapped around my waist prompting a shocked gasp from me.

He pulled me closer, nuzzling his warm face at the crook of my neck, releasing a soft and sleepy breath. My breath hitched and my heart pounded at the close proximity despite already having been this close to him before. I relaxed after a while, snuggling closer to Cameron, him releasing a small sleepy hum from the back of his throat.

I still couldn't believe how far our relationship had come. I could just barely remember the time when I was so excited just to be his friend and now we were way more than that.

It was just like the lotus flowers that stayed afloat on the pond at the 'secret area'. Our relationship had started out as a flower bud. It was something to look forward to, something that you knew would grow and unveil into something way prettier.

Then, just like a lotus flower, our relationship bloomed, a petal at a time, revealing itself gradually to uncover something way more. It bloomed bit by bit, slowly unfurling and revealing something extraordinarily beautiful, just like a full bloomed lotus flower.

And it had all began on one faithful rainy day.


So, it's over.

A Rainy Day is over.

I hope this last ever chapter was up to your expectations because it'll be the last ever updated in this book... And, I've said this so so so many times, but thank you so much for being here for Heather and Cameron's journey. I'm 100% going to miss updating this book, it being the highlight of my Mondays and Fridays ever since I started posting the chapters.

So once again, thank you so so much for reading my book! It means so much to me and every read matters!

I will also have posted an Afterword after this last chapter, so make sure to go and check it out. I includes the acknowledgements and a few fun facts about the story as well as a small announcement of something special ;)!
