❀ 20

Truth be told, I still wasn't sure if I was okay. I told this to Olivia who scrutinised me, her face scrunched up. "Do you feel sick?" She asked.

I shook my head, placing my cup aside and bending my head down to cradle it in my hands with a groan. A finger landed on my forehead and flicked. The small sheer amount of force was enough to tip my head back, making me meet Olivia's eyes again.

"Don't do that, we spent two hours to get you ready," she reprimanded lightheartedly. Before concern masked her features again. "If you're not feeling well, you can sleep on my bed." She suggested. "I mean, you'll probably hear our voices when we are playing but I'm sure you'll be able to block it out with a pillow or something."

I wasn't sure what I was feeling but I definitely knew I wasn't sick. "I don't think I'm sick." I told her, tucking my blonde hair behind both of my ears.

"Was it the apple juice?" She asked, pointing at the crushed carton by my side before picking it up and discarding it in a ribbish bin by the end of the counter.

"No," I replied, glancing at the ceiling. Was I going to tell her? I mean, there was nothing to be ashamed of. She had been my friend for a long time now and I trusted her enough to help me, maybe laugh at me a little but she would still help me.

Plus, if I was finding it so troubling to just find out what was going on, maybe a second opinion would help. The more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea of telling Olivia seemed. She could help me and the feeling that someone that I trusted had my back was reassuring and was practically what helped me seal the deal in my head.

"Olivia..." I trailed off, gaining the attention of the pretty brunette girl. "You said I can tell you anything right?" I started off, unsure how to play on my words, which was something odd. Especially when it came from me.

"Yeah," Olivia said, pressing her palms onto the kitchen island and hoisting herself up to sit on the cool surface. "I may have mentioned that a while ago."

I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath before everything that I was feeling tumbled out of my mouth in messy and almost incoherent words. "I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling weird around Cameron lately. Like I get butterflies in my stomach. I get all jittery and clammy. I can't talk properly and I'm always blushing. I'm so hyper aware whenever he's around and I don't know what's up, Olivia."

Olivia watched me release the anvil of worries and doubts that had been weighing me down ever since the party had begun, a calm expression on her face. I wondered what kind of web she was spinning in her brain when I finished, reaching over to my discarded cup and taking a few more sips.

"Heather," Olivia said, a serious expression on her face. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel about that. "I think..." She trailed off, only making me feel more nervous about this whole ordeal. "I think that you-" I braced myself for the terrifying impact, closing my hands tightly around my red solo cup that I was sure was prone to crumple under such force, "-have a crush on Cameron."

My blood ran cold at the sheer bluntness that was thrown at me.

My mind worked to fit the pieces of the puzzle that had been given to me, to build a larger and completed picture. I was nervous whenever around Cameron, I was jittery, giddy, my heart raced a lot and, one piece that sealed the entire deal, my blush was uncontrollable and constantly recurring around him.

It made sense.

I wanted to deny it but deep down, way before Olivia told me, I already had known that my feelings towards him were not platonic anymore. It was just pushed so far back into my mind that even I couldn't retrieve or access it. It was unsurprising, but terrified me nonetheless.

What was I supposed to do now?

I was still lost in that maze, it was clearer now and I could see which paths possible to take. But which one was guaranteed to be the right one? How would I be sure that I wasn't just walking straight into a dead end. How would I be sure that Cameron felt the same?

"Hey, calm down. I can see all the happy molecules in you panicking." Olivia said, patting my shoulder comfortingly. "It's normal to have feelings for a guy. You're lucky to have them for Cameron too; he's a nice and sensitive guy."

She was right, Cameron was a very nice boy, and that was probably one of the reasons why I grew feelings for him. It was such a weird and foreign thing to say - that I had feelings for Cameron. It was odd to think that at the beginning of us getting to know each other, all I thought was of us being friends.

Little did I know that a few weeks later, I would be developing a crush on him.

"Yeah," I said, taking another sip from my cup. "What do I do now?" I asked the golden question, something I needed the answer to.

Olivia crossed her legs and draped an arm over my shoulder. "Do whatever you want. Confess to him. Or hold it from him and lose your chance."

"I can tell which choice you're leaning towards." I said, even though my blood was pounding in my ears at the thought that I was to confess to him.

"He's a nice boy, he won't laugh at you if he doesn't like you back." She said, picking up a curl of hair that laid in the middle of my face. "Though I doubt that he won't like you back." She said quietly before squeezing my shoulder playfully. "Don't worry too much about it, if you don't want to do it it'll be okay. It's your choice - and you don't even have to do it today."

I turned to give her a thankful smile which she returned with a reassuring one. She squeezed my shoulder one more time before hopping off of the counter, her straightened hair bouncing and falling with the motion. "Come on, are you going to play some party games with us?"

I gave it a little thought, swirling my almost empty cup of beer before draining the rest of it. If I went and played the games, maybe it would take my mind off of this crush. Maybe it would even blind and blur my wandering thoughts just for a moment while they focused on the games instead.

The idea seemed appealing. I nodded. "Sure, sounds fun, yeah."

Olivia smiled and nodded her head to the direction of the exit of the kitchen. "Meet me in my bedroom, yeah? I think Charlie ought to find some people to play with us by now."

"Okay," I said, teaching as she exited the kitchen, leaving only me only my thoughts as my company. With a shaky breath, I refilled my cup with some more beer. I hoped that it would help me but not blur my senses too much, that would not be good - coming clean with my feelings when not in the right state of mind.

With that, I left the kitchen towards Olivia's room, where the presence of a certain black haired boy nipped at my senses, filling my stomach with butterflies. I wasn't sure how this whole 'crush' ordeal was going to play out.

Someone has a crushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


And also... We've hit twenty chapters! There are six more chapters left before this book is completely posted so !!!! Omg !! That is nutss

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

I really hope you enjoyed reading today's chapter!
