❀ 11

We were seated by a table at the corner of the shop right next to the window. The sunlight fell through the window into the café casting a bright but natural light, overtaking the light coming from inside the café itself. The quiet chatter that filled the café around us only fueled the conversation between Cameron and me.

The food that we'd ordered had arrived a while ago, courtesy of Paul (the man behind the counter with the fabulous mustache), and they tasted absolutely divine. The chocolate cookie I bought was delicious and drool inducing. The cupcake was as equally as delicious, if not more.

The dark, chocolate cream was rich and tasteful but to the perfect amount, so that it didn't overpower the vanilla cake below it. I was satisfied with the food, eating them slowly, and bit by bit to savour the yumminess.

It seemed that I was not the only being that enjoyed the food.

Brown was munching on her bowl of small dog cookies shaped like bones, paws and even some shaped like hearts. Snow sat right next to her, eating her treats which were pretty much the same as Brown's. Both dogs were seated in adorable highchairs made specifically for dogs. It was adorable.

Cameron sat opposite of me, eating his slice of strawberry cake silently, his glasses slightly slipping on the bridge of his nose as he sunk his fork into the soft and spongy cake, topped with cream. I might've been looking for too long, because it caught his attention.

He lifted his gaze from his cake to my face and raised his eyebrows. "You want to try some?" He asked, glancing down at the cake as he referred to it.

He must've mistaken my stare for wanting his cake. I didn't even know why I was staring. Scratch that, I had no idea that I was staring. Maybe what I thought was a brief glance stretched into a lingering stare. Maybe he'd rubbed off on me.

Maybe I now had a fascination in nice things too.

I shook my head, "no thanks. I've got my own." I raised my cupcake at him. "It's really good." To emphasize my point further, I took a bite, slightly misinterpreting the target that was supposed to be my mouth, proceeding to dot a small blob of cream on my nose.

"I can tell." Cameron joked and reached over the end of the table by the window to retrieve a tissue. He handed it to me and watched me wipe the chocolate cream off of my face. "Is it that good though?" He asked curiously.

"Is it gone?" I asked, pointing at my nose with my forefinger which he then replied with a short nod. "Thanks! Yeah, it's really good." I paused, giving it a little thought. "You want some?"

I wasn't sure what to expect of his answer, even as we'd gotten closer, we weren't so close to each other that we could identify which piece of the puzzle landed where and how each of us would react in different scenarios. He surprised me with his answer by nodding meekly. "Yeah, if that's okay with you."

I smiled and as an answer, I brought my almost half-bitten cupcake in front of him. He gave me a short glance and used his fork on the unbitten side to get a small piece, which was somehow still miraculously topped with a bit of the cream.

I took my cupcake back, and watched him eat it with an excitement that I wanted to share. He tentatively closed his lips around his fork and pulled it into his mouth. I watched his mysteriously passive face expression as he chewed it in his mouth slowly.

Dramatically speaking, it was tedious, waiting for his reaction as his gaze was fixed on the ceiling thoughtfully. I took a bite of my cupcake, this time cleanly, tasting the sweetness of the cupcake. My eyes were still fixed on his face.

He brought his gaze down and his façade broke, his lips breaking into a smile. Then, he feigned that he was unimpressed. His lips pulled into an unimpressed pout, hiding his previous smile as he brought his eyebrows down. "It's okay."

I faked a look of contempt. "I don't think we can be friends anymore."

"I don't think we can either. I mean, we don't share the same likings. It's not going to work out." He pretended to look serious, his eyes slightly narrowed behind his glasses.

"No," I agreed. "We better end it before it gets worse. We don't want to start something that's going to inevitably end bad."

It was too much before we broke out into fits of laughter. "It's actually really good." Cameron said, nodding his head enthusiastically. "I don't know why I've never tasted that and I've been here more than once."

"Well now you have." I replied, taking another generous bite from my cupcake. "It's definitely got to be worth it, now that you did."

"Yeah," Cameron replied. "I know what I'll be ordering the next time I'm here."

For the remainder of our day, we sat in the cafe and ate while we aimlessly conversed. Doing nothing but enjoying each other's friendly company. The hangout seemed to speed by quickly, the breeze from the outside rushing in, like time being on a everlasting treadmill - not being able stop whenever.

Morning crept away, followed by the afternoon sun, shining through the windows and onto our table. Our chatter filled the table, eyes occasionally leaving each other's to check up on our dogs who were eager to play with the others after we'd let them roam freely around. The indication of their curiosity and excitement being their barks and the way they were following every movement of every dog, and there was a lot, which meant their little furry heads turned in every direction, completely filled with wonderment.

Somewhere between our conversation, we'd drifted to the topic of dogs, which made me think about that fact that we were at a dog café but we weren't interacting with out dogs; we were only doing 50% of what this place was built and revolved around.

I suggested to Cameron that we go and play with some dogs before we had to take our own and leave for home. He agreed and we stood up from our booth, walking together to where an abundant amount of dogs gathered, doing what dogs do, playing and sniffing each other.

They paused in their activities, and to my amazement, they simultaneously turned their heads to look at Cameron and me. Their eyes were wide and all is wanted to do was hug them and stroke their fur all day. I bent down to ruffle one of the dog's fur.

It had entirely black fur and it's face was small and cute with floppy ears. It stared up at me with adorable doe eyes and leaned closer ever so slightly as I scratched its ear. Cameron crouched down beside me as well, I knew because of his voice, close to me when he spoke.

"They look like they're having fun." He stated, reaching to pet small light brown puppy on it's head.

"I am too." I remarked, turning to him to curve my lips into a smile. He returned it to me.


Like every storybook, our hangout soon came to an end.

Cameron and I were back in his mum's car and were travelling on the path back towards my house, following the robotic instructions that his phone recited while stuck onto the stand his mum had in her car.

Aside from that the other sounds coming from the car was the soft music emitting from the radio. A soft melody played, harmonising with a female singer's voice which was equally as soft and was a little breathy to match the theme of the music.

It blended together in a beautiful way that got our dogs hypnotised into a sleep, both of them curled on my lap, their bodies rising evenly even with the car rolling over bumps that caused the car to shake a little. They seemed to pay it no mind.

Faster that I'd wanted it to be, the hangout was over.

My home rolled into view and as soon as that Cameron parked his car right in front of it and shifted the gears. We stayed in the silence between us for a while, hiding behind the music and glancing around in the car and out the window at the row of houses connected with each other.

On the inside, I was avoiding this forthcoming goodbye. I didn't want to leave for an unknown reason and I wanted to somehow stretch this day to be a little longer or at least slow down time to make us together just a little longer.

I had a lot of fun today and even as I didn't want it to, everything ended eventually, just like our hangout and later on, in due time, today. I glanced at Cameron to try and catch a glimpse of his thoughts.

He was looking out his driver's window and at the sky, staring like he usually did. We said nothing and it made me wonder if he was thinking about the same thing as I was. Was he thinking about being reluctant for this day to end? Or was he just waiting for me to leave his mum's car?

Questions began to bombard my head, so to solve my own indecision at the possibilities and scenarios I had came up with, I tried to find out on my own. "It was fun. Thanks for sharing it with me, Cameron."

His turned his face to look at me, a small smile growing on his face. "Yeah, it was fun. And it's no big deal, I need someone to share it with, other than just Snow, you know?" Just like that, the genuineness that masked his tone, aside from the hint of joy, my doubts and thoughts were shattered.

And just like every hangout that always came to the end, ours did too. Then, when I said goodbye to Cameron and laid Snow gently down on the seat, I thought about how grateful I was to have a friend like Cameron.

So, how's your day been going so far?

PS. The chapter after this (coming on Friday), is one of my favourites! See you then!
