Midnight Journey

(Once again, thanks go out to all those people who are fav/follow/reviewing! It's so motivating! This will be my last update until Sunday, as I'm gone to Florida tomorrow night. So please enjoy, and, as always, review!)

Tegan sat at his computer, allowing the chip he received from Soundwave to load. It had taken several hours, but now he was reading all about Cybertronians. Their race, their characteristics, history, even about histories of different ones. He now understood the differences between the Decepticons and the Autobots, and how their homeworld had been destroyed in a war. He had read up on each Autobot, and what was there of the Decepticons. He knew the leaders and their histories. But now, he was reading about techno-organics, which greatly interested him. They were apparently the offspring of Cybertronians and humans.

Looking down at his backpack, Tegan realized he hadn't done his homework. Shrugging, he turned back to the computer... It wasn't like he had bothered lately.

A chat opened. Orion.

At the use of his real name, Tegan sat up. It was Soundwave. He typed back: I'm here.

I need to see you.

Tegan frowned, looking at his clock. 'At 11:45PM?' Turning back to his computer, the human boy searched with his fingers for the right keys before responding. What? Why?

There was a long stretch with no response, and Tegan began to wonder if the... Cybertronian, he believed, had changed his mind. He was mistaken when an answer popped up. Discovered something about Orion. Orion must know. Must make decision.

A little afraid, Tegan purposely waited several minutes as he thought this new piece of information through. When? He finally asked.


Tegan landed softly in the dirt outside his window, slipping onto his back. 'Wow. That was beautiful, Tegan!' He growled inwardly as he got up and brushed himself off.

Looking up at the window to his grandmother's room, he saw that the light was off. That was a relief. At least he wouldn't have to worry about her getting up and looking for him. His grandmother always went to bed early and usually stayed there.

Just in case, Tegan had left a note saying he was going to Jack Darby's house to stay the night, and that he'd be home tomorrow after school.

Tegan turned and got his bike from where he always left it against the wall of the house and got on. Casting one last glance at the darkened house, Tegan pushed off and began to pedal away silently, constantly glancing over his shoulder with the fear of being followed.

Shaking off the feeling, Tegan turned to look ahead at the road as he slowly made his way through the dark streets to stop outside an alley. Soundwave wanted meet him in a new place than that deserted warehouse that he had first met the Cybertronian, but Tegan had refused. He wanted the same place, as it was closer to his home than any of the other options available.

However, to get there, he had to go through the alleys... and that didn't sit well with Tegan... Especially at night. 'You wanted it there.' He told himself as he made his way into the alley. 'It's your own fault if you'r scared!'

Tegan pedalled fast, but silently, keeping alert for any sign of hostility or danger. He usually wouldn't leave the house at this time for any reason, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him this time. Besides, Soundwave had said he needed to make a choice, and he wanted to know what that choice was and how it affected him.

Several minutes later, Tegan pulled up quietly outside the warehouse. The gravel seemed to crunch loudly under his sneakers as he made his way up to the large doors. They were already open. A huge black shadow passed over his head and disappeared into the warehouse... Lazerbeak. Soundwave was already here.

Swallowing and staring into the darkened depths inside the building, Tegan, still wheeling his bike, followed the bird in.

Mary Thomas, Tegan's grandmother, got up from her bed. She had a headache, and her stomach was bothering her again.

Sighing, the old woman got up from her bed and made her way over to the door then down the staircase to the kitchen. She got out some pills and a glass of water to take them with.

A fluttering movement in the corner of her eye caused her to turn her head and see a note taped to the microwave. Strange. She thought, moving over and removing it from it's place.

Dear Grandma, I'm going to stay with my friend, Jack Darby tonight. He's going to help me with English. See you tomorrow after school.


Mary frowned and glanced at the kitchen clock. The hands told her that it was just passed midnight. She had seen Tegan briefly for dinner, and then he had gone to his room. So he would have had to leave around 10, which was a little late to be on the streets.

"I better make sure he made it there." Mary thought, picking up the phone and dialing the Darby house. Jack's mother had been her nurse when she had stayed briefly at the hospital, and had cared for Tegan's mom until her sudden and untimely death.

Smiling at the thought, Mary felt a tear trail down her cheek. Tegan never knew his father and lost his mother. Even she had never met Tegan's father, and Natalie never spoke of him. She had lost her daughter and never met her son-in-law. Little Tegan had lost both parents, and nearly his grandmother to an pneumonia a year ago.

"Poor boy." Mary said sadly to herself. June had been good to them, but Tegan wouldn't take it, and still didn't. June had given Mary her number in case she felt too ill.

Glancing at the clock again, Mary hoped it wasn't too late to be calling when someone answered.


Mary frowned. It was a boyish voice, and very groggy. She must've awakened June's son. "Hello? Jack?" She asked.

"Yeah." Jack responded and Mary smiled.

"Poor boy." She said. "I'm so sorry to be calling at this time, Jack."

There was a yawn. "No problem. Who is this?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. This is Mary Thomas... Tegan's grandmother." Mary responded.

"Hi, Mrs. Thomas." Jack responded.

There was a brief pause until Mary spoke again. "I was just calling to make sure that Tegan made it there safely."

A long stretch of silence followed. "Uh, Tegan?" Jack asked, sounding confused.

Mary's heart clenched. "Tegan left me a note that he was staying at your home tonight... Is he not there?" She asked, fear attacking her old frame as she sat down.

"Oh! Tegan!" A small laugh came over the phone. "I thought you said Megan!"

Sighing with relief, Mary smiled. "No, dear. I asked if Tegan had made it there safely."

There was a short period of silence. "Yeah, he's here. Still sleeping actually. Didn't even move when the phone rang." Jack responded.

Mary smiled sadly. "Well, he can't hear the phone, Jack."

There was an embarrassed silence. "Oh. Right. Sorry." Jack responded.

"It's alright, dear." Mary laughed. "How's his English? You were going to help him?"

"Uh, yeah. He's good. Improving." Jack responded, but he sounded hurried, as if he just wanted to get off the phone.

Mary felt better knowing her grandson was well and had made it to the Darbey's safely. "Alright dear. I'm sorry I woke you. It's just that I found the note now."

"NOW?!" Jack asked loudly.

Flinching slightly, Mary held the phone away from her ear. "Yes dear. I just came down to grab some pills." She responded.

"Oh, alright, Mrs Thomas." Jack answered. "Have a good night."

Mary smiled. "You're such a polite young man, Jack. I'm sure your mother is proud of you."

"Thank you, ma'am." Jack responded.

"Goodnight dear." Mary smiled, hanging up the phone. Now that she knew that Tegan was well and safe with the Darby family, she slowly got up and went back to her bed, thankful that her son may've found a friend in June's son.

Jack hung up the phone, mind racing. Why would Tegan leave the house at this time? He wondered as he commed Arcee.

"Hey, Arcee?" He asked.

"What do you need, Jack?" The Autobot femme growled, sounding as if she had just onlined from recharge.

"Sorry, Arcee, but this is important." Jack responded, brushing off the fact that he was gonna get a talking to for awaking his guardian. "But Tegan's gone."

Arcee sounded more aware. "What?" She asked. "Are you sure?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Very sure. His grandmother just called asking if he was here. Apparently Tegan left her a note that he was coming to my house for the night." He explained.

"Scrap." Arcee muttered over the comm. "Any idea where he would've gone?" She asked.

"None." Jack shook his head, forgetting sleep. "But it's past midnight and he's out on the streets somewhere."

There was silence for several moments, which Jack quickly broke. "Any news from Fowler?" He asked.

"Negative." Arcee responded in annoyance. "He's not answering his comm. Bulkhead's convinced he's hanging out next to a pool by some resort."

"Great." Jack muttered. "What're we supposed to do?" He asked.

"No idea." Arcee responded. "I'll contact the others and see what's to be done. Meanwhile, you go back to bed."

"No way!" Jack responded loudly. "I'm coming to help look for him. Besides, the sight of you guys might alarm him."

Arcee vented. "Look Jack, we don't need your help. We just may follow him and see where he's going... once we find him, that is."

Jack shook his head. "No deal, Arcee. If you guys don't come get me, I just might get lost out in the dark too." Knowing that Arcee would try to convince him otherwise, the human teen hurried on. "Besides. He might be in a human-populated building that you guys couldn't get into."

There was a long stretch of silence before Arcee finally vented. "Fine. I'll let the others know then come for you. You better be ready."

Jack would've smiled if he hadn't been aware of Tegan's danger. "Thanks Arcee."

Arcee made a noise similar to a human snort. "I didn't have anything to do with this."

"Please hurry, Arcee." Jack pleaded. "Tegan may be hurt."
