Ending #2: Happy

(A/N: Here is the final chapter! I thank you all for sticking through this with me, and for all the positive feedback!!! I love you all!! <3 )

Tegan watched, joints frozen as Megatron attempted to get to his grandmother, finally reacting, slowly approaching but gaining speed before he jumped at the warlord, sending him off balance and a snarl came from between scarred lip plating, the warlord turning on him as a fight began again between the two factions.

"Traitor!" Megatron snarled, clawed servo striking out at Tegan, catching his faceplates, the squeal of metal on metal and his cry of pain echoing around them, Tegan stumbling backwards and clenching at his faceplates. Megatron growled, digits burning with the effects of Tox-N coming in contact with them. "I will crush you, then I will go on to destroy your precious planet. Everything you hold dear!"

Trying to focus through the burning pain in his faceplates, Tegan rebooted his optics as the warlord grabbed onto the back of his neck, sword emerging from beneath his cannon, stabbing forwards at the young Cybertronian.

Tegan shut his optics tightly as he waited for the pain, but what he didn't expect was the gasp that came from directly behind him and the warmth of energon splattering across his back plating.

Turning slowly, Tegan froze as he stared at Soundwave, the telepath's servos gripping the sword that protruded from his chassis, Megatron snarling and twisting the blade imbedded in his third's chassis. "SOUNDWAVE!" Tegan screamed as the warlord wrenched the sword loose and the TIC fell to his knee joints, frame shaking as he held his gaping wound, energon bubbling out from around his digits.

Collapsing to his knee joints beside Soundwave, Tegan pressed his servos over Soundwave's, attempting to stem the flow of energon welling from the wound. "No, Soundwave! Please, pleasepleaseplease please no!" He babbled pleadingly. Soundwave was his friend... Soundwave had given him a voice, sight and hearing... And now Soundwave might die because of him.

Coughing, Soundwave shook his helm slowly. "Soundwave... Was wrong..." He choked out around the energon in his mouth, reaching up and removing his visor so that he could look up at Tegan. "Soundwave... Like Orion once." He murmured, revealing the scars burning his throat and lower jaw, the clouded optics that couldn't see when unmasked. "Wanted to... S-Save Orion from p-pain of difference."

Tegan stared down at the mech beneath him, afraid that he was going to lose Soundwave, letting out a little whimper, completely oblivious to the raging fights around him. "Soundwave... Soundwave please don't... Stay with me, I can't do this by myself." He begged.

Soundwave's lips twitched slightly as if he had attempted to smile. "Orion... Strong... Good spark." The slim Decepticon responded, wheezing as the energon puddle beneath him grew larger each passing moment and he felt his strength ebbing. "Orion, mustn't be Decepticon... Orion, good mech."

Feeling optical fluids flood his optics, Tegan attempted to keep the stifled sobs from wracking his frame. "B-But you... Don't die, Soundwave." He sobbed out, voice cracking as Soundwave offered him a small smile. "Orion... Take care of Laserbeak?" He asked, Tegan only now noticing the cyberbird wasn't present in her usual place, instead within the ship locked in Soundwave's quarters. "I-I will." He choked out.

Smile fading and shuttering his optics, Soundwave took in another ragged vent. "Orion... Forgive Soundwave?" He murmured, fighting to keep from offlining before he was ready. "Orion... Will be OK... Orion, not alone."

Tegan shut his optics as the tears streamed down his faceplates. "Th-There's nothing to f-forgive Soundwave." He responded in a near whisper, Soundwave ex-venting softly. "Soundwave... Loved Orion... Orion so young, so special." He murmured as he slowly faded. "Soundwave, proud of... Orion." Soundwave whispered, optics shutting as his venting stilled.

Fury, pain, loss and hurt sparked up in Tegan and he screamed in anger, jumping over the fallen TIC, swords transforming from his arms as he jumped onto Megatron's back, one servo gripping the massive shoulder, the warlord thrown off balance, having been focused on battling Optimus and not expecting Tegan's attack.

Tegan sliced against the warlord's neck with his blade, the warlord snarling and grasping him by his arm, jerking him loose and slamming him against the ground, energon flowing from his severed neck cabling and down his chassis.

Taking advantage, Optimus Prime pushed his attack, the warlord slowly weakening as he lost energon from the dangerous wound.

On servos and knees, Tegan stared down at the star saber lying before him, his left arm numb and useless, so he closed his right servo over the hilt of the sword, forcing himself onto one knee and shoving the sword through the warlord's back, relishing the jolt the force of the blow sent down the blade.

Tegan watched as the massive warframe tensed up, Megatron's gasp audible as the warlord gripped at the wound, Optimus bringing his pede around and across the warlord's helm, causing Megatron to topple sideways, still pierced through by the saber as he fell from the Omega Lock and towards Earth.

Staring down as the warlord's frame grew smaller and smaller, Tegan shut his optics, sobs wracking his frame again as he felt a servo land on his shoulder, looking up into 3TH4N's optics. Without hesitation, Tegan lay his helm against the Vehicon's chassis, sobbing as his servos gripped the other mech tightly. "I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry." He sobbed, 3TH4N holding him tightly, attempting to soothe him as the Autobots finished their work. The Decepticons that could, fled, and the Omega lock was shut down before it could completely destroy earth.


Hearing his voice called by that familiar voice, Tegan turned and gently picked up his grandmother, pressing her close to the cheek that wasn't damaged, optics shuttering. "I-I'm so sorry, grandma." He whimpered, the human hugging him as best she could, murmuring soothingly.

When Tegan was finally able to collect himself, his grandmother spoke up again. "I'm... Sorry, Tegan. And I am sorry for forcing you out of Tegan's life, Ethan." Mary murmured, shame and guilt heavy in her expression and voice. "I-I just... I can't excuse what I did, and if I could go back, I would change it... I would change so much." The eldery woman stated, 3TH4N smiling at her. "The past no longer matters... We all miss her... And all we can do now is make sure the future is bright.

Mary smiled and nodded, turning to stroke Tegan's faceplating. "We can go home now, Tegan... All of us." She stated gently, Tegan shaking his helm. "I can't... Megatron destroyed my human body... There's no way for me to go back." He answered in a shaking tone.

3TH4N smiled and grasped his son's servo, tugging him to his pedes. "Then there is something you should see." He stated to his confused creation, pulling him along. They left the lock and no one stopped the three as they re-entered the bowels of the Nemesis.


It turned out that Soundwave had disobeyed Megatron's orders to destroy Tegan's human form, the TIC preserving it carefully within a cylinder hidden in his berthroom, and, with the help of the Autobots and a newly defected Knockout, Tegan was returned to his true form.

Not wishing to be separated from his son, Ethan reverted himself to his holoform, joining his son to a new life on earth. The Omega lock had destroyed much of New York City and the surrounding area surprising many who had expected Nevada to be targeted... It looked more like Megatron wanted to begin with one of the most populated cities in the United States... But before Tegan could settle down to life again, he had one more thing to do...


Tegan thanked the nurse and stood in front of the door, marked B18, hesitant about entering... He didn't know how long he stood there mustering up the courage, but finally he was able to push the door open as quietly as he could.

Peering into the room, Tegan stared at Miko, the younger girl lying in the hospital bed amongst beeping monitors and an IV that vanished into the arm farthest from him.

Taking a breath, Tegan slowly entered the room and made his way over to Miko, the Japanese girl's eyes shut as she slept. If it hadn't been for the steady rise and fall of her chest, Tegan would've feared that she was dead... And by his hand.

Tegan stood there for several moments, just watching. Miko had been hospitalised for the entirety of his time with the Decepticons, her wounds cared for, but she was still pale and the guilt hadn't faded in the slightest.

"Miko..." Tegan murmured, reaching down and gently taking the pale hand in his own, sitting beside Miko and shutting his eyes as he lay his head on Miko's bed. "I'm so sorry..." He choked out, biting his lip in an attempt to keep from crying.

How long he lay there trying to keep from crying before he felt fingers in his hair, Tegan didn't know... And it didn't matter.

Feeling the fingers, Tegan lifted his head and looked at Miko, the other's eyelashes fluttering slightly before they cracked open and a small smile formed on pale lips. "T-Teeg?" She asked in a drowsy voice and Tegan nodded, tears in his eyes. "Y-Yeah... It's me." He stammered out, shame filling him. He was the one that had done this to her! He was the reason she lay here, weak and drugged.

"Y-You ok?" Miko asked in a soft tone and Tegan squeezed her hand. "I'm... Fine, Miko... Are... You?" He asked, struggling to find his words, to form what he wanted to say. "I-I... I'm so sorry Miko... This is all my fault." He stated, tears in his eyes.

Miko cocked her head slightly, eyes opening a little more as she looked at him in silence for several moments. "Nah... Jus' the slaggin' cons." She answered with a soft, gentle smile. "It's alright, Teeg. I know you couln'... Think right... Cause of the coding." She stated softly.

Shaking his head, Tegan stared at her. "It's not ok... I-I hurt you... I hurt everyone." He stated in a pained voice. "F-For... Will you forgive me?" He asked in a hopeful voice, Miko smiling wider and looking more awake now. "Course I do, idiot." She stated teasingly. "Hello? I love you." She added.

Tegan felt the guilt and shame lift off his shoulders and he smiled. "I'm a good idiot though... At least... Now I am." He answered with a shrug, lifting Miko's hand to his lips and kissing her fingers. "I love you too Miko..." He murmured to her, holding her hand to his cheek, Miko offering another smile so bright, that Tegan was sure things would be better from here on... And they were... In fact, much better than anticipated.

(For clarification, Soundwave was also mortally wounded here as well.)
