
Tegan stepped inside the building, following the small movements of Lazerbeak in the darkness until he found Soundwave.

The Cybertronian was in his human form again, and sitting on a bunch of crates as he waited.

Rounding the crates and coming into clear sight, Tegan waved a hand at the silent human, who just turned his head to look at him, Lazerbeak landing atop a crate by her master's head.


Tegan jumped when the sound of his name reverberated in his mind. It was extremely faint and hard to make out, but it was there. He stared at Soundwave, who nodded his head once and got to his feet.

You can... then?

Wincing at the voice in his head, Tegan looked at the blurred form of the alien, shaking his head and placing a hand to his head. It was aching now.

The presence within his mind rapidly withdrew, leaving him back to normal.

Soundwave began to speak through sign language, Tegan's eyes following his movements as best he could as he tried to make each blurred form out.

You are not yet used to the telepathic abilities yet, Orion. Soundwave noticed his struggle to keep up and slowed down. But you're potential to have it means you have a processor, not a human mind.

As Soundwave watched the boy begin to think through this confusing information, he updated his HUD. The boy had a processor.

Chances of Success: 52%

Tegan nodded, but still had a confused expression on his face.

A ghost of a smile touched the con's lips as he continued on again, slowly.

I must run some tests on you, Orion. I have the assumption that you are a Techno-Organic.

Tegan began to speak with his fingers, more fluently than Soundwave could, but the con followed it quickly, his processor translating it as it was motioned.

I do not understand. What's a processor? And what is a Techno-Organic?

Soundwave responded hurriedly. A Techno-Organic means that you are part Cybertronian as well as human. You never knew your father, and I think that's because he is the same species as me.

Surprise, shock, confusion and fear mixed themselves together on Tegan's face as he stared up at Soundwave, who nodded once. You may be part alien, Tegan. Due to the foreign blood, this may have caused your disabilities.

Tegan's face of mixed emotions slowly changed to hope as tears filled his eyes. Does that mean it can be fixed? He asked with his fingers.

Feeling for the boy, Soundwave answered. I can fix it like I fixed it for myself, but it will only set you apart from your more... prominent race. The humans may reject you.

There was a small pause before the boy responded. I don't care. I want to be as normal as I can.

Nodding, Soundwave remembered he had thought the same thing when he had been a sparkling.

Determination shown in Tegan's eyes. Run the tests.

Impressed with the boy's bravery, Soundwave forced the human youth to sit on a crate and got out his tools. I will try my best to not hurt you.

Tegan nodded. If Soundwave could fix him, even a little, he would take every risk there was, any pain. He winced as the alien in a human skin began to stick needles into his body. Each arm, each leg, even on his chest.

The young boy struggled not to wince with each prick, but found himself to do so anyway.

I am running diagnostics to see what other Cybertronian characteristics you carry besides a processor. Soundwave motioned as he turned on a small hand-held device and watched as strange letters began to appear on the screen.

Tegan watched curiously as the other human read the results, muttering to himself.

Trying to see better, Tegan cocked his head nearly upside down. Looking up, Soundwave's lip twitched slightly as he stared at him.

Straightening out again, Tegan grinned for the first time in a long time. What's it saying? He asked curiously.

Soundwave held up a finger and read the results three times over before answering. You have a half-spark... Which, for a Cybertronian sparkling, would mean you have a twin. But you have a half-spark because you have half a human. There was a pause before the con continued. You have patches of circulatory wiring, and you're eyes are actually a thin layer of human tissue covering partly-formed optics.

All this information and new words assaulted Tegan all at once as he tried to understand them. What's all that mean?

Soundwave looked up at him and Tegan could've sworn that the alien had rolled his eyes behind the darkened sunglasses. It means that you are in grave danger should the Autobots find out. You give off a faint signal, like I do when I'm Cybertronian.

Tegan waited patiently for the alien to continued, which he eventually did, after reading the results again. I suspected this, so I brought something for you.

Remaining silent, unable to make any sound even if he had wanted to, Tegan waited as Soundwave reached into his pocket, pulling out what looked like a necklace.

The tall human nodded with his head towards Tegan, who held out his hand, the mysterious human placing the chain into his hands, holding it there with his own for several moments as he just stared at Tegan.

Tegan felt slightly uncomfortable as Soundwave gripped the chain to his hand and stared at him through his darkened sunglasses.

Never let anyone find this.

A shiver ran down Tegan's back as Soundwave removed his hand.

Staring up at the Decepticon, Tegan slowly held the chain close to his face. It was a thicker chain, obviously not feminine, and on the end was a purple blur.

Squinting, Tegan held the charm closer to his eyes. It was a little bigger than a looney, and was purple, but what it was... Tegan felt cold shock rise in his heart as he stared at it. It was the Decepticon symbol.

Tegan looked up at Soundwave, who was standing and holding out a sheet to Tegan. Orion must read this carefully before deciding if he wants Soundwave to fix him. Soundwave motioned.

Looking down at the sheet, Tegan skimmed the page before his eyes landed on the very bottom of the page. Chances of Success: 57%.

Feeling mixed emotions rise up in him again, Tegan looked up at Soundwave. I could die... can't I?

Soundwave was silent, but nodded his head once.

Tegan felt a small sense of hopelessness rise up in him. And this is the chances of it working? He asked.

The alien human looked at him before answering. That are the chances of success. Even if Orion survive procedure, he may be in worse shape than he is now.

Feeling a tear rise up in his eyes, Tegan looked down at the ground. So close to becoming better, and having a chance. But that chance included taking the risk of death or further disabilities at the same time.

Thinking carefully, Tegan looked at the sheet again. From what he had picked up over the month since he had first met Soundwave was that a Cybertronian originated from a planet called Cybertron. They could change their forms into vehicles of both air and ground, but also into humanoid forms. There were many characteristics about them, and their history was rich. He had read on the drive that had finally downloaded, that Cybertronians had crossed paths with human kind for hundreds of thousands of years. Some, using holographic human forms, actually mated into the human race. It had been believed that having a child between the two races was impossible, but sometimes it did come about. Their offspring was called techno-organics, and carried traits from both of their parents, or creators, as the Cybertonians called it.

From the sheet in his hand, Tegan could see that he shared characteristics from both species: his eyes were mostly Cybertronian, but with a thin layer of human tissue over it, causing it to obscure his vision. His heart was half of both, once again, and he did contain... wiring in his body. He was different from everyone else, he had always known that... but never this kind of different. There were so many advantages to this, and Soundwave said it had a chance of being fixed.

Tegan's eyes roved down to the bottom of the page, at the chances of success again. 57%. There was a chance. And if there was a chance, then...

Looking up, determination settling into his heart... or spark... Tegan slowly formed his thoughts. I want to try.

Soundwave nodded. I will have to get everything ready. He motioned. But when it is ready, I will run the procedure.

Tegan nodded and looked around. Will we do it here? He asked curiously.

Soundwave jerked, as if he had nearly laughed. No. I will do it someplace better. But not the Nemesis.

Nodding, Tegan looked down at the necklace again. What's this for? He asked.

The alien in human form knelt down. It will hide your signal.

From who? Tegan asked.

Soundwave turned and pointed towards the door. The Autobots.
