True Love?

NASA: I'm not kidding Jack. I really love you... and... if you don't feel the same way... thats fine.

Rover: Mark...

NASA: I'm sorry I'm so stupid I'll just leave... You don't need my help anyway.

Rover: No Mark! Wait!



Sol 180

Its been days since Mark talked to me.... I've been camping out at Rock Island. But I think its time to head home. But one last message.

Rover: Mark, you may never see this.... But I love you too. I just thought you didn't.... and... I want to be with you. I love you so much.

I started the rover and started to go back.

Mark's POV

Jack hates me now... I don't even bother to check my messages... He is probably saying I'm a faggot, cunt, twat, gay ass, stupid idiot.... I don't blame him. But... I'm going to check my messages today... 

Rover: Mark, you may never see this.... But I love you too. I just thought you didn't.... and... I want to be with you. I love you so much. 

NASA: You... You're serious?

Rover: Yes. 

NASA: I... I love you so much and I wish I could express it... But we are millions of miles away.

Rover: A million miles from home.

NASA: A million miles from my one true love.

Rover: A million miles from you.

NASA: A million miles away.

Rover: I love you

NASA: I love you too


FEEEEEEEEELS. Its 1 am what am I doing with my life. We reached 125 reads!!! Holy shit! Thank you all so much! It means the world to me <3
