I Want You Here

Sol 376 

Hab: I want you here with me Mark... I'm scared this might go wrong

NASA: Everything will be fine, I will talk to you every single day

Hab: I know... I'm just scared I might never be able to see you in real life

NASA: You'll make it. I know you will.

Sol 378

Here we go. I'm leaving the Hab. I'm going to the ETM IV launch site. Mark contacted the crew, they can force NASA's hand. I'm going home, if I don't fuck up. 

Horribly fucking up would be bad.

Really bad.

Jack's Actual POV

I walked over to my tally chart and signed it. 

J Mcloughlin

I'm leaving the ETM III launch site. I spent a whole year here... Kinda sad I'm leaving. 

I grabbed my helmet and put it on. I looked one last time around.

"Bye Hab" I said as I went out of Airlock 2. I hooked up Rover 2 to Rover 1 and got inside. I looked one last time at the Hab, then drove away.

Mark's POV

Jack is leaving the Hab today. I really hope he makes it home... I want to hold him in my arms, I want to snuggle with him and watch a movie, I want to kiss him, I want to be with him. Man... I wish my boyfriend wasn't stranded on a deserted planet.

I bet no one has ever said that before.


THE STORY IS COMING TO A CLOSE! I would say there is at least another 5 chapters, maybe more. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying it!
