Rover Modifications

Sol 48

Well... I just realized that if I'm going to go to the ETM IV site, I'm gonna have to use the rover obviously. But it can't go very far or support life for long periods of time. First of all, I need energy. By using both batteries from Rover 1 and Rover 2 I could have 100 gigawatts. Half of that goes to heat.... If I don't turn the heater on I will save alot of energy for the travel distance. I could just bundle up and I would be fine. I'm gonna test it.... Prepare for SAM 1!!!! What? Its an original name.... WHOOO OFF I GO!

Sol 48 (2)

ITS FUCKING COLD. Nope nope nope. I will freeze to death if I don't use the heater. I need to find a way to heat it up without using a ton of power.... Hmm.... Gonna ask Mark on this one.

Rover: I need a heating source thats not the heater for the rover

NASA: Use the RTG

Rover: WHAT?!

NASA: If you don't break the pellets you should be fine

Rover: You're literally just asking me to take a cylinder of PLUTONIUM as my heating source?!

NASA: Yeah


Welp. I'm going to get the RTG then... TIME FOR SAM 2!

Sol 49

I got the RTG, and MAN does that thing ever produce heat! Its so hot I'm going to have to remove some of the insulation so I don't cook myself. And how does one get rid of insulation you ask? USING ONLY THE MOST DELICATE TOOL.

A hammer.

Time to wreck some shit!


50 READS AND 10 VOTES?!?! WHOOOOOOO! You guys are amazing! Also thank you to my Co-Writer for helping me write this chapter <3

