
Sol 20

Well I realized to make enough potatoes to last me the 4 years until ETM IV, I would need 159 square meters, I could donate the 75 square meters of Hab I'm not using, plus 5 of the bunks which are 2 square meters each, so thats 85 square meters, plus I could use the rover pop-tents which are 10 square meters each, I will only have 105 square meters. That isn't enough, but it will have to do. Now for water, theres 30 liters per person so thats 180 liters plus the emergency supply of 20 liters, which puts me at 200 liters. To water the potatoes and have enough water for myself, I need 540 liters. And there is one way to make water. Hydranize. NASA would kill me if they knew I was messing with it. Basically I'm burning oxygen. If you asked NASA what the worst senario would be in space, they would say fire, and if you asked for the result, they would say death by fire. Everything is non-flamable here but I could look through the crew's stuff. 

Sol 20 (2)

Ha! I knew Patrick would bring the cross the pope gave him when he talked to him. NASA probably gave him shit about it, but hey! Its gonna work to make fire bitches! Note: This is how Apollo 13 died! Wish me luck!!!!

Sol 20 (3) 

I DID IT! I DIDN'T BLOW MYSELF UP! I made 10 liters so far! Thats progress. Im gonna let this sit overnight while I sleep. Night.

Sol 23 

HOLY SHIT. I'm hiding out in Rover 2. I realized something was wrong with the oxygenator. I was using less oxygen, at first I was like: YEAH MORE OXYGEN! And then I thought about it for a bit, if theres more oxygen, then I must be using less than I think. So I grabbed a bag that was supposed to be used for rock samples and I waved it around in the air, then anlyzed it. Just as I thought, 10% Nitrogen, 27% Oxygen and 63% HYDROGEN!!! The Hab is a fucking bomb just waiting for a spark to go off so it can explode everything! Especially Jack Mcloughlin's!! And I did not think I was gonna die this early, I thought it would be when I starved, NOT THROUGH A FUCKING HAB BOMB! Im going to try to figure out how to get rid of it all without dying. I will report back tomorrow.

Sol 23 (2)



Sorry this is a little late! I was so busy and had a lot of things to do, but the regular uploads should happen on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday at 9:00-11:00 pm Alberta time. (The same as Montana time for all you Americans) I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and the cliff hanger! And as always, stay awesome.
