Chapter 35


I've been overly stressing. I gotta get away from these niggas. That bitch Sheila won't be any help. She act like she done forgot about a nigga. I wish there was a way to get in touch with Shevy. That's my boy and I know he'd help me out. I hit my head on the bars where these niggas was keeping me. I got to the get the fuck out of here.

Joe: Aye yo! My man!
Guy: What you want nigga?
Joe: I need some fresh air.
Guy: When you start talking, you'll get your fresh air.
Joe: What these niggas wanna know so bad man?
Guy: They wanna know what you did to Erica.
Joe: (Smirks/Laughs) They already fucking know.
Guy: The baby? That's you son?
Joe: Naw. But I know who did lol. Why don't you let me out of here and I tell you so you can move up in the ranks?
Guy: (Thinks) I have been trying to move up. But fuck that. How can I trust you B?
Joe: What do you have to lose? At the least, you'll know I'm the nigga that got her pregnant.

I watched the guy stare at me for a moment before looking around. Yeah, little dumb ass nigga. I know his type. The big dawgs don't really trust him to run shit but they feel enough for him to keep him round so he can feed his family. A little slow ass nigga.

I watched him swagger over and untie the rope around the bars. He paused before looking at me.

Guy: How I know the minute I let you out you won't knock my ass out and run?
Joe: Look... what's your name homie?
Guy: Dashawn.
Joe: Dashawn, I've got nothing left to gain. The deed is already done. Cyn is gone and Erica Mena is pregnant. Now is my chance to get with Cyn. There's no way she's going back.
Dashawn: (Sighs/Unlocks the cage) So... talk nigga!
Joe: (Smirks) The father of the baby is closer than you may think. In fact, he's direct bloodline.
Dashawn: That shit don't even make sense. And if that's the case, what you got to do with this shit?!
Joe: How bout you let the smart niggas figure that out. Just know, the father of the baby will make it to where the baby will look something like E at the end of the day. I'm not completely heartless. But thanks for the release nigga! (Runs off)
Dashawn: That nigga ain't tell me shit. What the fuck does that even mean?
Another guy: Aye nigga, you- yo! Where that nigga Joe Budden at man?!
Dashawn: I let him out!
Another guy: I see that! Why the fuck did you do that?!
Dashawn: He told me who the daddy is.
Another guy: The daddy? What the fuck you talking about?!
Dashawn: Erica's baby. He told me who the daddy is.
Another guy: How the fuck he know? What that got to do with him?!
Dashawn: Tim, man, relax. He told me that the baby daddy is closer than we think.
Tim: You know what... don't tell me nothing else. Cause when these niggas come back and kill you, you did this shit yo self.


I can't believe that nigga fell for that shit. I can sniff a stupid nigga a mile away. Now, to complete my plan. I slid in the back door of my moms house and ran up to my room. I pulled out a box from closet and created three perfect lines. Feeling my high take over was better than sex. Damn, this shit is just what I need. This and Cyn. I smiled and decided to take a nap.


We got back to the house and the nigga Tim was looking anxious like a mothafucka. He and his cousin Dashawn was new to the team. Their moms had just lost their jobs at the factory so they were trying to step and provide for their families. Gotta respect the young niggas wanting to be there for their family.

I walked up to him and looked him in his eyes. His jaw bulged before he looked st me with tired eyes.

Tim: Please, don't kill him. He's not that bright.
H: What's going on? What happened?
Tim: Dashawn... let that nigga Joe go.
Trey: He did what?!! Why the fuck would he do that?!
H: Yo!!! Like, seriously my nigga!! I'm trying to figure out what he got on my sister-
Tim: The nigga said Joe told him it was all over-
H: What the fuck does that mean?!!
Tim: I don't know man-
H: Yo! Go get that nigga!! Bring him here!!
Tim: Please-

I watched him scurry off and I wanted to punch something! I just want this shit to be over B. Dead ass. I looked over at Trey and that nigga was fuming. I was about to say something to him when them niggas came back. Before I could even register what was happening, Trey punched the shit out of Dashawn.

Trey: Nigga what the fuck was you thinking?!
Dashawn: (Whimpering) I thought I was helping.
Trey: Well you thought wrong nigga!! We don't pay you to think bitch! We pay you to obey and fucking do as we say!
H: (Calming down) Yo Trey man. Calm down. Let me talk to him.
Trey: Naw man, fuck-
H: Trey! Calm down bro! Just chill! Let me handle it!
Trey: (States at him) Cool. Whatever. Fuck it! (Stomps off)

I watched him walk off. I knew he was pissed. This has been an aggravating two and a half months. Just when it feels like we were wearing this nigga down, this shit happens.

H: (Takes a deep breath) What did he say to make you let him go?
Dashawn: (Wipes mouth/Stands up) He talked about Erica's baby man.
H: (Frowns) What about it?
Dashawn: He said that he was the nigga who got her pregnant.
H: (Clenches his teeth) What did he say?
Dashawn: He said the baby was closer than you think.
H: Thats it?!!! (Getting mad again)
Dashawn: Well yeah, that and that he made sure the baby had a direct bloodline to Erica.
H: (Neck swivels) He made sure?
Dashawn: (Gulps) Yeah. He said the baby would look something like E.
H: What the fuck is this nigga talking about?!

I thought about the shit and it was confusing me. So Erica cheated on Cyn with Joe? And a direct bloodline? None of this shit is adding up. And it's really pissing me the fuck off. I kept letting the shit roll around in my head and the more I thought about it, the less it made since. If Erica ain't sleep with the nigga... then how the fuck? She got some explaining to fucking do.
