Chapter 10


After Cyn curved me, I really wasn't in the mood anymore. I know most people think I'm wild and will turn up at the drop of a hat... but right now, I'm not really in the mood. I'd rather be boo'd up but she acting ugly. She's been talking to this girl for the past hour and has rarely even paid me any attention. Who does that?

Just as I was about to walk over to them, Albee knocked my arm. I looked to where he was pointing and rolled my eyes. Just when I thought it was going to be a calm night.

Rich: Mennaaa.
E: Richard.
R: What's up? How you've been?
E: I've been good. And you?
R: Missing you.
E: That's cute. (Rolling her eyes)
R: (Looks at Cyn) I see you babysitting again.
E: Here you go with the shit Rich. In case you didn't notice, your ass is the old one here.
R: I wasn't old when you were all on me now was I? Come on Mena, be real.
E: You always bringing up old shit. It's been three years. Walk away Rich!
R: (Smiles) I can't. I love you Mena.
E: You don't even know what love is.
C: (Accent pops) Erica...
E: What Cynthia?
C: Don't talk to me like that.
E: Oh, now you wanna talk to me at all?!
R: (Smirks) Trouble in paradise?
C: (Rolls eyes) Why don't you just go... and let us talk.
R: (Laughs) I'll be at the bar Mena. I'll order your favorite.

Rich walked off and I could tell Cyn was burning a hole in the side of my face. I sighed. Here we go again. I've never understood her problem with Rich. Sure, I met her after he broke my heart. I was still dealing with my unresolved and unreturned feelings at that point. But the moment I started falling for Cyn, that shit with Rich was dead to me.

E: (Sighs) Yes Cyn?
C: Did you hear a word I just said?
E: No babe. I was thinking. What did you say?
C: Oh Rich got you thinking huh? You still fucking love him!
E: No, Cyn. I love you.
C: Then act like it!
E: How are you going to tell me to act like it when you're the one turning me the fuck away?!
D: Hey, whoa, what's going on?
C: You know what Erica, I'm going to go dance. Come on Tiff!
T: (Looks between them) Uh, Cyn, I think you should-
C: Come on Tiffany!

Once again, she runs away. Her friend looked at me over her shoulder and mouthed that she was sorry. I smiled and gave her a head nod. It wasn't her fault that Cynthia was being a bitch. I blew out a breath and went and sat back where me and Al were sitting.

A: Mena, what's up with your girl?
E: Ever since it came out on the show that Rich tried to hook up with me while we were in the studio, we've been arguing like cats and dogs. She's been accusing me of cheating and I've heard a few things about her too... I just-
A: Sis, you know this show is messy. We established that when you signed up. That's why I wanted to make sure you wanted to do this with Cyn.
E: She's my everything Al. Between her and King... I couldn't ask for much else.
A: I wouldn't be me if I didn't ask... what's up with her and Joe Budden?
E: (Looks down) She says they're just friends... but I can tell she thinks about it. You know?
A: Is that why the comment from that bitch bothered you?
E: I just know that before me, Cyn has never been with a woman. What if I'm not enough?


I had walked back up to Erica's section and I heard her talking to her Lil friend. I smiled because this could possibly be my chance to get in between them. Cause some division so I can get my Mena back on my team.

I can't honestly say I love her, but I love the idea of her. Mena held it down for me and rode for me. I miss that. Now she's all about this little immature bitch. Naw, I can't have that.

I pulled out my phone and texted Joe.

R: Aye man, where ya at?
J: The crib. Wrapping up some shit.
R: I'm at the club with Erica and Cyn... ya girl mentioned she misses you.
J: Word?
R: Yeah. We're at Lush down on 5th. Come thru.
J: Aight. Bet.

I smirked and closed my phone. This is going to be fun. I wish the cameras were rolling for this. Between Mena's jealous insecurities and her bitches immaturity... Mena will be back in my arms in no time.


I drunk to get my mind off Erica. I saw that fuckboy Rich making his way back to our booth and honestly, between this liquor and my anger, he could fucking have her!

Tiffany and I were dancing, having a good ass time. We were taking shots and passing a blunt between us when I felt someone dancing up on me. Whoever it was fine as fuck! I felt their arms on my sides, guiding me to twerk on them. Their stomach was a little pudgy but I could work with it. Then I felt him whisper in my ear.

J: What's up best friend...
C: Joe...

I turned around to face him and before I even realized what I was doing, I pulled him to me by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. I heard Tiffany gasp and a camera flash. I don't know how long the kiss lasted but I was shocked out of it when I felt cold liquid hitting the back of my dress. I jumped and turned around to face Erica, her face completely red with tears pouring down her face.

I slightly stepped away from Joe but I held a brave face, waiting for her to make a move. She looked at Joe and he held his arms up, taking a slight step back, smirking. I saw more cameras flashing before Erica looked around, wiping her eyes. Her shoulders shook and for a second I felt bad. Until I saw Rich walk up behind her and put his hand on her back.

Before I could react, I took the cup I had and threw it as hard as I could at the both of them. My balance was slightly off so I almost fell but Tiffany caught me. I heard some gasps and looked through my haze. I saw Albee making his way frantically in front of Erica and he had a napkin. He put it to her head and blood filled the napkin.

Oh no. What did I do?
