Chapter 16

Mama T

Lord, I can't take it. Hue and Dee just came into my room to tell me that the doctors are going to have to induce Jay's labor because the baby is in distress. One of my baby's fighting for her life. The other about to make me a grandma. I'm happy, scared and sad. I got my discharge papers from the nurse and allowed her to guide me where Jalecia is.

H: I love you ma.
T: Come here babies. (Hugging Dee and Hue)
D: (Sniffing) I just want them to be okay.
T: (Slight smile) They will be.
Nurse: Ma'am, if you can put on these scrubs and follow me.
H: Alright Ma. We gonna pray for Jay and E.
T: It's needed now baby. More than ever.
H: (Hands on his head) Anybody talk to that lil nigga she pregnant from?
D: No. The last I heard, she said they weren't cool.
H: Damn!
D: We really need to tell Cyn.
H: Shawdae said she would.
D: We need to be there. That's our sister-in-law.
H: (Smiles) You really like her for E huh?
D: (Small laugh) That's my bitch and she got E on lock. Who you know handle Erica better than Cyn?
H: (Laughs) True. Our sister is crazy!
D: (Laughs) Remember she fought that girl you were dating and split her shit open?
H: (Smacks teeth) Man, I really liked that girl too!
D: Or remember that time we got put out of the restaurant cause King wouldn't stop crying?
H: Naw (Snaps fingers) Remember when she flattened that dude Romeo tires when she found out he was trying to play her?
D: (Shakes her head/getting sad) Oh my God.
H: (Hugs her) Come on. She strong. You know she ain't leaving us.


After making sure Dee cool, we went over to where everybody else was. I saw Dae looking at her phone and biting her lip. Albee, Sky and Nikki were sleep over in the corner. Fern was up and watching us.

H: What's going on?
F: (Sighs) Pieces of video from last night keep showing up. We need to tell Cyn, Like now.
Dae: (Sighs) He's right. Look.
H: (Sees video/shaking head) Let's go somewhere quiet and let's do this.
Dae: (Blows out breath) Oh God.

We walked into one of the family rooms and Dae called Cyn. She called twice but she didn't answer. We decided to call Mariel. She didn't answer. Lourdes finally answered when we called.

L: Hello?
Dae: Lourdes, where y'all at?
L: Oh my God! Dae, hold on! (Went outside) What the fuck is going on?
Dae: Erica got shot El.
L: (Gasps) Oh God! Is she okay?
Dae: We're actually at the hospital now. They have to do surgery to remove one of the bullets.
L: One of the bullets?
Dae: Yeah, E got shot three times.
L: (Cries) Oh my God. How is she feeling?
Dae: That's the thing. Erica is in a coma.
L: Oh no. Oh shit. Oh God!
Dae: Plus Jay is having her baby-
L: Wait, what the fuck? She's only 7 months!
Dae: Yeah, it's crazy here.
L: (Sighs) Where's Hue and Dee?
Dae: Right here. Fern too. Ima put you on speaker.
L: I don't know how to tell Cyn... We still got two more days on this cruise.
Dae: We were calling because we wanted her to find out from us first. There's videos of it being released. Thank God no one tied it to E yet.
L: Yeah, me and Mariel saw one of the videos. We knew it was at an event that she was at. We just didn't know...
Dae: (Sighs) I wish I could be there for my friend.
L: I know boo. She's going to need you when we get back. I'm gonna pull G and Mariel to the side so we can tell her.
Dae: You wanna keep me on speaker?
L: Let us tell her first then we'll call you back.
Dae: Okay. Love y'all.
L: Love all y'all too. Stay up y'all.

We hung up and looked at each other. I hope Cyn is good.


I was having a good time dancing with G's friend and his crew. But I've been missing Erica. Us not talking is really taking its toll on me. I even miss us arguing. I want to call her but I still feel bad about hitting her. I hate when Erica try me.

As I'm dancing, I get a message from an unsaved number. It was a picture and a text. I frowned before opening it up and I couldn't tell what it was at first. I enlarged the picture and my heart dropped to feet. I saw a picture of my baby lying on the ground, covered in blood. Tears sprang to my eyes and I must have been making a noise because people was looking at me crazy and G ran over to me.

G: Oh my God! Cynthia, what's wrong?!
C: (Crying/mumbling) Mybabymybabymybaby!
L: (Running to them) Cyn!!!
M: (Picks up Cyn's phone) Yo! Who sent this shit?!!
G: What is going on?!
L: (Sighs) Look, help us get Cyn back to the room and we'll talk.

They pick a Cyn up and carry her to their room. Once they make it in the room, they take Cyn's dress off and put here in her pajamas. She hasn't said much and is rocking back and forth. Mariel passes her some tea and they sit down on the bed.

G: Okay, what's happening?
L: (Rubs Cyn's back, pulling her in her arms) Erica 'nem were at a club when shit jumped off. E got shot.
C: (Whimpers)
G: (Covers mouth) Oh my God! Erica is okay right?
L: (Looks down at Cyn) Umm...
M: (Squeezes Cyn's arm/closes eyes) We just got off the phone with Dae. E is in s coma. They have to do surgery.
C: (Crying hard) My baby! I want my babbbbbyyyyyy!!!
L: (Rocking Cyn) It's okay! Shhhh, it's okay. You know E. She's strong Cyn. She got this.
G: What the fuck happened?
M: Nobody knows. There's so much shit going on. And Jay...
G: Wait, Jay was there too? She's 17!
L: Naw, I guess the shock of what was happening was too much for her and the baby-
L: Yeah, Jay is pregnant. But apparently not for long. They're going to induce labor cause the baby's in distress.
C: OH MY GOD!!! (Crying harder)

All of her sisters crowd in together to hug her. They held her as she cried and they shed a few tears as well. Cyn eventually cried herself to sleep.

G: (Sighs) These next two days are going to be hell.
M: We're just going to have to be there.
G: Did someone call Mommy? I got a feeling we're going to need her.
L: I'll call her later. I pray Erica is awake by the time we get home to give Cyn a peace of mind.
M: This shit is crazy man.
G: Who the fuck would want to harm E tho?
