The Ball: Part, 10

With this you both made you way to the library where the records were held, "Oh wow, it's a lot bigger than I imagined." You said with wide eyes, "Why of course, it holds the records of everyone living and dead." He said, "Are.. my records in there as well?" I asked, "No." He said, "I took yours a long time ago, it wouldn't be good if they had found out, although, yes they are never touched unless needed to look at, so I could have kept it there, but it would much easier to keep it incase they got suspicious, my love." He said as he held out his hand, lie a gentleman and you took it as he lead you up the stairs and into the building. He then put a bunch of books onto a cart, "Hm? What are these?" You had asked "These are a few records that I had neglected to return." He said as you followed him around the library until you ran into the others, who were about to fight, you then saw what seemed to be an angel, 'So, my hunch was right..' you thought to yourself, "Now, now, step aside." He said as he pushed a cart by as you followed closely behind, "Hey you! what are you two doing here?" Grell had asked, before being hit in the head once again, "Mind your manors, that man is a legend, even young children have given up their souls willingly just by his presence, as for the human girl he requested ahead of time to bring her, saying he wouldn't let her out of his sight... so we came to an agreement considering his status." William spears had said, "Is that so~?"

 you cooed, curling your lips, "I never knew you were that popular." You teased before Grell pushed you aside, "There's no way this old man is a grim reaper." He said as he lifted his bangs, "Take me~" he said as he hugged his chest, I pouted, as the Undertaker laughed, "Jealous, now are we, (Y/N)?" He asked, you blushed, you could lie, and say no, but it just wouldn't be you, "y-yeah... maybe.." you uttered, just under your breath, a blush on your cheeks, "Well, we can't have that now can we?" He stated as he picked Grell off of him, setting him aside and picked you up, placing you closer to him, patting your head while enclosing you in his arms, "There, there, is that better now, my love?" He asked, you wouldn't lie, you were quite content, you smiled yet you were still blushing "Y-yeah.." You said. "He does favor that secretary of his doesn't he?" Sebastian stated, "It seems so.." Spears had said, adjusting his glasses. However it seemed you arrival lead the escape of the angel, and the undertaker had used a bookmark and placed it in a book that had flown into your hands and opened up, "And look, it's pink, isn't that lovely?" He asked, you smiled, "Indeed it does." You complimented.

You got to see how it worked, and after that whole ordeal was over, you were able to return back home, however there was a lack of income as you went through the papers, a troubled look on your face, he noticed this and approached you, "Something the matter, my love?" He asked, peeking over your shoulder, "Yes, it seems we wont have enough funding if we don't do something soon.." You said, "My, my, that is a problem." He said "But, it seems the Phantomhive manor is putting on a ball, if we could get hired for entertainment, I'm sure we could get out of this little divot of ours." You said cheerfully, "Are you sure you will be able to handle a crowd like that, not to mention you've never been to a ball before my love." He said, "Yes, that is true, and I will be quite nervous, but.. if it's to save the business, I'll do it, gladly." You offered, "That is true, but what will we do as a means of entertainment my love?" he asked, "I'll sing, sure, it's been awhile, but I'm sure I remember how." You said as he smiled, "That's right, you do have quite the voice, but if you get too nervous I could always sing ya know." He said teasingly, "We want to get hired, not exiled from the country." You teased right back, a smirk on your face, "Oh come now, I'm not that bad am I?" He asked, you sweapdropped and chose not to answer the question

With permission you were able to be as a means of entertainment in the Phantomhive manor, you took the few days you had to practice until the day came, you didn't have anything fancy, it just didn't suite you, but you wore something nice, and did up your hair nicely, your pale complexion was perfect for a red lipstick and a dot on the side of your cheek, you weren't really into make up, but you had to look nice. Much to your surprise the Undertaker was in a tux, sure, it was a bit.. messy, and out of order, but every time he let you fix it, it was back to the way it was before the next time you looked at him. You smiled, "What am I going to do with you?" You asked teasingly. With this you made your way to the manor, and just on time at that, the both of you were greeted by the butler known as Sebastian and guided inside. You started to grow a little nervous, "My, there certainly a lot of people here.." You said, once it was announced that the means of entertainment was here everyone looked at you, you felt like you were shrinking and sweatdropped, waving faintly, "H-hello everyone, I hope you are all having a nice evening, I will start shortly..." You said, trying your best to speak up.

It was then two darker toned men approached you, "I cannot believe it! Do my eyes deceive me Agni?" He said, "Becuase it seems like a beautiful angel was sent down from the heavens , it must be fate- no, destiny that we were meant to be together. This must be true love I tell you, do you think, that.. well.. you could be my wife?" He asked, the man behind him cried, "Well put my Prince, I'm so happy that you finally found true love!" He said, you sweatdropped, "I'm sorry, it seems you are mistaken, you see, my entire being belongs to that man right over there." You said as you looked over at the undertaker lovingly, they both fell from shock, "Very well then, a fight to the death for the hand of a fair maiden!" he said, "I'm sorry, but, even if you were to win, my mind, body and soul already belong to him, and no one else... you see? I'm sure you understand, I hope you find the woman of your dreams, I truly do." You said with a bright smile that seemed to make the prince cry, "Thank you, you are truly a kind woman, he should be very lucky to have you." He said as he placed his hands on your shoulders, Agni had to pry him off and carry him elsewhere.

The undertaker made his way over to you with two drinks, "Still think you can handle it?" He asked, "Although, there is no turning back now." He said, "I must admit, this isn't really what I was excepting, in fact this is much harder than I imagine, but, I will continue." You said determinedly, "Becuase... it's something I want to do." You added as he smiled, you both drank slowly from your glasses when The Viscount Druitt appeared inform of you, "My Swan it seems that we meet again!" he said dramatically and yet again you sweatdropped,  "Why- H-hello there, it's been quite awhile hasn't it." You asked, "Indeed it has been far too long my swan, every night I lay in bed awake, restless, unable to get you off of my mind, do put me at ease, my dear swan." He said. as he outstretched his hand to you, "I apologize but I cannot-" Before you finished you were gently pushed away by the Undertaker, "Sorry to interrupt but it seems it's time to preform, my love." He said, "O-oh, right, I almost forgot." You said as you were put up on a stage, you were quite nervous, but, you had a plan, it was to close your eyes, and start singing, and just imagen that you were alone with the Undertaker, back in the parlor, all alone. And you did as such.
