Death Of A Lover: Part, 6

The nights grew colder, a growing need for warmth as your body grew colder. Red, red dyed the snow as it leaked from your eyes and mouth, held gently in the arms of a lover. "I... n-never thought it.. would be so soon.." You uttered, "Are you scared?" He asked, as you simply shook your head, "No, not at all.. in fact, I could never be.. s-so happy... I.. d-d-on't know where souls go after reaped... but... mine shall.. be with you, for all eternity... Can I... r--remain with you..?" You asked, reaching out your weak hand to touch his face. However, you only grazed his bangs before your hand went limp, and with that, you passed, your illness, which had broken down your body every so slowly over the past years, so painful you wanted to cry, you wanted to scream. But it's becuase he was there, that you kept yourself composed through it all. He grabbed your hand as it started to fall, "Don't say such things, my love, the end isn't here just yet." He said, I promise you that." a tear ran down his face, and dropped on your pale, cold skin. With this he pierced you with his death scythe, and from birth, he could see, everything, how lonely you were until the age of five, and then, with just his presence, changed your life completely. All he moments the both of you had, flashed before him as he gazed in remembrance.

 He knew, this day would come, but never expected t to hurt so much, tis the pain of a mortal life. And then, before him, was the gift you had mentioned and it was as if everything had slowed down, you were standing infront of a mirror, a happy look on your face, "I know... it wont do much- telling you I mean, but you can see it now, right..? Everything in an instant. You, are the very thing that made me feel.. alive again, it's true I had already accepted death, remember... when I said, it didn't matter to anyone, rather I lived or died, and the world would still continue on it's ever lasting spin. You... proved me wrong, Undertaker. Yes, the world will continue on, and on.. but.. it wont be the same, ever again... now will it?" You asked, "All we had... was each other, you knew that, well.. I was a lost cause, you knew this day would come, and how sad you would be, but- in the end, it was all worth it to you. You are the very one who made all the pain, the pain of my deteriorating bones... muscles... and organs seem all but disappear. My body was slowly eating itself, decaying in it's own matter, I could feel it, every fiber in my body, screaming. But, you were the very drug that made all the pain seem to go away. The doctor said that.. it would be the most painful death he's ever heard of, and there was no way of avoiding it. But- he was wrong.. It wont be painful at all.. becuase I know you will be there. 

The pain you must feel.. yet can't do anything about, even as a grim reaper... You told me that.. you could choose to keep me alive, and you could, but.. my organs, even bones and muscles are far too damaged to do so. I'm sorry to have brought you so much pain, Undertaker.." and with this the message was over and everything sped up, right until the moment you died. Even with this, he kept your soul attached to your body, a corpse with a soul trapped inside, he wasn't about to let you go just yet. He carried you himself, set up shop as an Undertaker, placing your body on the table and began to cut you open, your organs were eaten away, your bones, and muscles. The cartilage in your joints were also gone, divots in your bones, cracks where it went weak, torn muscles and tendons, some but hanging on a thread. "And you felt no pain?" He asked. After the course of years he replaced all of your orangs, bones and even fixed your tendons and muscles, as well as replaced your cartilage in your joints. before stitching you  up. A few more years went by, and you were placed in a preserving liquid, in a stone coffin. He then spent the rest of his time working on the bizarre dolls as a rather of testing means, however they all came back to life as flesh after the soul was gone.

 During this time he met Vincent Phantomhive,  he had visited the Undertaker at his parlor, he had decided to wander around and found the pictures he had left out so carelessly. When the Undertaker walked in he quickly snapped them away from him before he could get to the second and third one, "Who is this?" He asked. "This, is someone very dear to me." He said as he chuckled, what others could say as creepily. "I see, I would never have guessed." He said with a confident smile. "Now, back to the matters at hand, shall we?" He asked 

It took a long time, but.. he had finally put together enough research to edit your cinematic records, making them never ending, a place holder for you to fill in yourself. But... you had yet to wake... 


"Your awake, (Y/N), you had been asleep for a few days, I was getting worried." He said, just like the memories you have gained it seemed to be colder, you looked outside to see.. snow.. just like on that day. Yuu then looked back at him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry like that." You said apologetically, "Did you remember something?" He asked, you nodded, "Yes, I remember a lot more now.. but.. I still don't know... how I'm alive... I'm.. alive, right..?" You asked, as you looked at your hands, he took hold of them, "Yes, you are, my love." he said as he grazed your face,  "H-how..?" You asked once more, it should have been impossible, even if he did preserve your soul, "Don't worry about that right now, my love. All that matter now is that we're together once more, after all these years." He said. You smiled, you don't know how he did it, but, he managed the impossible, you placed your hand gently over his own, looking up at him, "Right.." You said before a thought came to mind, "My illness.." You mentioned, "There are even thing's I can't do, my love, I'm sorry, but even when I replaced everything, I wasn't able to get rid of your illness, forgive me, but I'm just too selfish to let you go like that." He said. 

A never ending cycle of fate. An impossible love between mortal and immortal. Only pain awaits the two of you. A reaper who could take any soul he wanted, ones who would give their souls up to him. And a human woman, who was nothing special, you didn't have impeccable eyesight, good planning, or even super human strength. All you had was a death sentence. But, it seemed he saw more in you than you could have ever imagined.
