Introducement: Part, 4

It seemed to be a usually morning for both you and the undertaker before he spoke up, "I'm expecting some long awaited company, the timing almost seems perfect with the recent chain of events that have been going on as well as you regaining your memories." He said as he picked and poked at a corpse, "Friends of yours?  I.. I want to meet them, is that possible?" You asked, as he grinned, "Of course, I think the young lord would love to meet you, but for now you can pose as my assistant, just let me do all the talking." He said, you weren't really sure what he was up to, but you trusted in him, fully, completely, without a doubt in your mind, and that was absolute. Nothing could convince you otherwise. You were told to wait in a coffin set to the side until called out. And, soon enough you heard voices, belonging to others, yet instantly you could feel an unforgiving gaze pierce straight through you, but, as unruly as it was, you neither shivered or quaked, yet stayed there and waited. They seemed to be talking about the serial killings, perhaps it was about the recent bodies the Undertaker had gotten. It then seemed the others left as you could hear him laughing immensely, it shook the whole room, he really did, at least, as far as you can remember, always loved a great laugh.

"Very well, I'll tell you, but first, I'd like you to meet my new assistant, my lord, (Y/N), you can come out now dear." The undertaker had said as he patted on the coffin you were in. But some times passed and the others seemed to question his sanity, 'Oh no... it's stuck..' you thought to yourself, 'ohh.. how am I supposed to get out of this one...' your thoughts kept racing, but at the same time you used your actual head to open the coffin the undertaker adjusted the lid and a collision of your head and his chin collided, "I'm free!- ow... hm? Oh i'm so sorry! are you al-?" You asked concerned about him, you also seemed to have scared the others, and your focus turned from the one you injured, to the people standing infront of you as you bowed your head "M-my apologies, it seemed that the coffin lid got stuck... and..." you started to get nervous, you haven't spoke to anyone but the undertaker in so long- you actually cant remember, "I'm sorry, please, forgive my nervousness, it's just... I don't really get out that often, let alone socialize with others, please, forgive my rudeness!" You may have not been afraid of anything, but you certainly the one to get embarrassed quite easily.

"It's quite alright, who are you anyway?" A child asked, he seemed regal enough, an Earl perhaps?, "My apologies my lord, my name is (Y/N), becuase of all the new cases that have been coming in I have been assisting the un-der-taker...?" you stuttered as your cheeks grew red, a squeezing of your breasts from behind, "yes, i'm quite alright thank you for asking my lady, but are you sure you're alright?" he asked, you knew this was some sort of pay back- even if it was an accident, he wanted laughter from others but from you, more often than not he wanted to embarrass you if there was ever something unsettled between the two of you. Luckily the butler covered the young lord's eyes, at least I was safe from that embarrassment. However, they seemed to be giving him a few looks that seemed the upmost judgmental- but, I mean, how could they not. After getting into deeper discussion he decided to use you as a means of describing what happened to the bodies, you just blushed feeling his finger trace your stomach and neck as delicate and gentle as he did. "But i'm afraid that's all I have to tell you my lord, and I'm currently watching over my assistant you see, wouldn't want her to get cut up now would we?" He asked, even though he was laughing and playing it weak, you know that he wouldn't let anyone lay but a finger on you, you were that fragile, a mere human who was too weak to survive the first time, held gently, you could even say cradled in the loving arms of someone who far out does you in every way. You weren't anything special to anyone else, and you are okay with that, you have been, but... the Undertaker, is a completely different story, he views you as something far grater than what your capabilities are. "So I would appreciate it if you caught this jack the ripper soon, this assistant proves very good to me, I would hate for something to happen to her." He said. "Very well, you have my word that we will catch this jack the ripper, good day, Undertaker, (Y/N)." He said as the whole group of them left. 

You were suddenly able to relax, taking a deep breath, yet he cackled lightly anyway, "Perhaps a smaller group next time, don't you think, love?" He asked, you smiled, "I just need to get used to it is all... even before my death I never really talked to anyone but you. To be honest, it only felt like mere seconds from the time I died to the time you revived me, just.. how long has it been?" you asked, he approached you and wrapped his arms around you, "It had been far too long." Just by his words, you could sense the pain in his eyes, you nuzzled you head into his chest before looking up at him, brushing his bangs out of the way, reveling his eyes that oh so captivated you, "I'm sorry to have made you wait for so long, my love, it was never my intension." you said as you looked into his eyes longingly and kissed once more. 
