Lovers: Part, 3

You awoke with the undertaker sleeping next to you, on top of the covers, he looked... so peaceful. You went to brush the hair out of his face, but hesitated, you didn't want to wake him, 'Just... ever so gently..' you thought to yourself. He was as still as a corpse, and with the upmost diligence, moves the hair out of his face, and slowly his double green eyes had opened, "My, my this is a pleasant surprise to wake up to, don't you think, my dear?" He asked, once again gentle taking hold of your hand, placing it against his lips, "Your scent is starting to come back." He added, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you- my... scent?" You asked the last part confused, was it ever gone...? How would my scent disappear completely.. unless I.... death.. A voice murmured inside of my head and my vision changed from that of us in bed- to him and a little girl in what seemed to be an alley, "Tell me, little girl, why aren't you afraid?" The one known as The Undertaker asked, "Well, I guess it's becuase everyone is going to die sooner or later right..? It just so happens that when you know you don't have very long, death can stare you right in the face and you wont but as feel a single tremor." The young girl said, "You see, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness when I was but a baby, my fate was sealed when I was only but born. There's no cure for it, and they don't think I'll live past my late teens to early twenties. But, even if I were to die today, or tomorrow, I don't really want anything, there's nothing holding me back. I don't regret a single thing. And when I do die, it would be meaningless anyway, wouldn't it? The world still continues to go around, after either one, two or hundreds of people die. Only the strong can survive... and.. I was born to leave this world early, I accepted that fate a long time ago." The little girl said, in nothing but complete honesty

"Where are your parents?" He asked, "I don't have any, actually I really have no one, the doctor that diagnosed me was kind enough to give me a thorough examination after I had passed out. I don't know where my parents are, nor do I really care." She answered, "I'm all alo-" She started before a hand was placed on her head, "Here, why don't you come with me then, we'll make the rest of your life worth while then wont we? Those make for the best souls after all." He said with a chuckle. A little girl, perhaps no older than 5 or 6 taking the hands of a complete stranger with no other reason than purely wanting to, "Okay!" the girl said quite cheerfully, "well, are you coming, (Y/N)?" The tall figure asked. A sudden realization struck you, that little girl, was you..

"Well, do you remember now, (Y/N?)" He asked, placing his hand on your cheek, gently caressing it as if it were something valuable, fragile even. Like it would all shatter in an instant if he wasn't careful. "A little, yes... but- not much I'm afraid. It's true, I would like to remember, but- even if I don't remember anything else, I'm content with what little I have." You answered honestly. He smirked and puled you closer to him, your head right up against his chest "You truly haven't changed, one bit, (Y/N)", you wouldn't lie, you were quite shocked at his sudden movements, yet took comfort in it, "For awhile I was worried, there was a chance, even if it were slim, that you wouldn't be the woman I remembered anymore. This... makes me truly happy." He said, holding your head to his chest. You slowly wrapped your arms around him before looking up at him, "I take it, this isn't any normal world, now is it, Undertaker?" You asked, "By all rights, I should be dead by now, if not suffering from my terminal illness that I was born with. Which means... I did die, didn't I?" you asked, "That must be why my memories are missing, isn't it?" You added, "You gave me so much than I could ever ask for, just by smiling at me, asking my name like you did to me that one day, someone like me, a lost cause, you knew keeping me around would only cause you pain- but... you did it anyway, for the sake of my happiness. And- you brought me back... becuase... becuase.." You tried to search for an answer on what little you had, "Come on... what was it...?" You asked mostly to yourself. "Becuase we are lovers, (Y/N)" He said as he caressed your head, tracing his fingers through your hair, holding up your chin to look at him.

 Lovers. This word rang throughout your mind, 'Yes, this explains things... in fact- if not everything.' you thought to yourself, yet your eyes remained wide with realization. "Don't you see, (Y/N)? You are mine and mine alone, and no one, not even death or a mere illness can keep you from me." He said. You buried you face in his chest, "I think.. I understand a lot more now.. thank you." You said as you parted the locks of hair available to you, creating a braid in it, "You hair is so soft and long, it reminds me... of a fox, a silver one. I can't help but play with it like this.." you started, "I only seen it's coat, perhaps once or twice when I was young, so young I could barely remember, but- there it was on the hill of a dark and cold snowy night. I could only imagine how soft it was, the closest thing I could relate it to without touching t was.. perhaps like petting a fluffy dog. But... even after you pet a dog it leaves residue on your hands. No, the closest thing I can relate it to, is this.." you finished, "But it's your eyes that truly captivate me every time I see them, it's... a feeling of wonder." You finished, "There are other eyes that look exactly like mine you know." He said, but you just shook your head, "No, just yours, and only yours. It's not just the color, though it seems to be a big factor... it's the person inside the eyes that makes yours very special to look at." You answered, The Undertaker chuckled, "Well now my dear I'm flattered." You leaned more into him, tying off one of the braids you made before moving onto another lock of hair, as he continued to run his fingers through yours, letting it gently fall out of his hand before combing through it again.
