6 ↠ I'm here and I'll be your friend.

A/N Song is Echo by Jason Walker. Play the song when the part comes! :) Enjoy! And can I add something? Happy birthday to Lauren, my favorite green-eyed lady :) 💖

Camila's P.O.V

I fucking can't.

It's been 4 fucking days since I've bumped into her and you'd think after that long, you'd expect me to stop figuring her out but I just can't. It doesn't help the fact that she's been hanging out with me more often in school too. Of course I love it but you know, I can't really stop it when she's sitting right in front of me sometimes and act adorable right?

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking; maybe she didn't really say that she's like Margo but seeing the look in her eyes that day, she definitely relates to the fictional character. I mean, what if Y/N's trying to say she wants to escape her problems but doesn't necessarily mean that she wants to be lost and stranded? But then again, what if she really doesn't want to be found and helped? See, this is my problem! I always assume things! However, some assumptions are just to help your heart break a little less in the future.

"...Mila!" Normani yelled out, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at 2 of my friends in front of me who had confused looks plastered on their faces.

"You okay there, Chancho?" Dinah asked confusingly but worriedly at the same time as she was eating her lunch. If you're wondering what happened with Lauren, Dinah and I, let's just say that I had my bananas taken away from me for 2 days straight as a punishment.

I just sighed heavily before shaking my head lightly and saying, "No, not really," I said softly and earning raised eyebrows from both of them, silently urging me to continue which I did, "I bumped into Y/N last Sunday-"

"You bumped into Y/N?!" Both Normani and Dinah exclaimed in unison.

I was about to answer them but another voice interrupted me first saying, "Good God, why do you both always shout whenever you guys are together?" Lauren groaned as she took a seat next to me with her lunch tray.

Normani stood up a bit before pointing a finger at me, making me widen my eyes as she said, "She bumped into Y/N the day after the party!" She whisper-yelled.

Lauren snapped her head to look at me with her jaw dropped before she asked, "Is that the reason why you ran out on me and Dinah??"

"Nope," I simply replied before quickly adding, "It was to literally get pink paper plates and plastic cups for Sofi's birthday party, which you guys are all invited to by the way; she just happened to be on break from her work and was using the same route as me."

I glanced at the 3 girls and saw that they all had furrowed eyebrows, probably confused when I said the word 'work'. "She works?" Dinah asked with raised eyebrows. I just nodded as a response before she continued asking, "Where?"

Normani snorted before teasing, "Wouldn't you like to know?" She laughed.

Dinah playfully glared at Normani before twaving her off and saying, "Excuse you, I am the captain of this damn ship,"She said confidently before adding, "With me as a captain, the Y/SN ship will sail! Plus, Y/N's been hanging out with Mila a lot these past few days too." Dinah teased with a wink.

I was still frowning as the memories of Sunday's event refused to leave my mind before I said, "Don't get your hopes up, Cheechee."

The 3 taller girls around me formed a frown on their faces before Lauren spoke up and said, "Camz, what's wrong?"

I just sighed heavily before burying my face in my arms and saying, "I think Dinah's right about this whole thing."

"Me? What did I say?" Dinah asked surprised.

I lift my head up and was about to answer Dinah until I saw a light slap from Normani to Dinah on the back of her head before she said, "You did this, you fool!"

Dinah groaned while rubbing the spot she got hit at before saying, "What's up with you and hitting me?!" Dinah whined before adding, "Plus, it ain't my fault! I don't even remember what I said!"

"Dinah's right, it isn't her fault," I said softly while looking at my fingers and playing with them before I continued, "She told me that there was a possibility that I could've read all of this wrong and I did."

"And how would you know this, Camz?" Lauren breathed out softly, "You've been hanging out with Y/N alone more often and you know for a fact she never does that unless it's Shawn, Ally or Tro-"

"Exactly!" I said, my voice slightly raised as I flailed my arms in the air before quickly adding, "She just sees me as a friend - nothing more," I pointed out and I could feel a pang in my chest as I said that out loud. "And from what she told me on Sunday, my guess is that she doesn't want to be helped after all."

"What exactly did she say, Camila?" Lauren sternly asked with a raised eyebrow, still wanting me to answer the question.

I took a deep breath before releasing a shaky one and saying, "We were talking about John Green's book, Paper Towns," I started, earning nods from the 3 taller girls in front of me, silently urging me to continue, "She had a sad look on her face when we started talking about it, it was as if she relates with the book so well," I said, a frown formed on my lips as the memories of the event replayed in my head before I added saying, "But she was so passionate about how Quentin shouldn't have helped Margo as she was a lost girl who doesn't want to be found," I revealed before quickly continuing, "When she said that, I couldn't help but think; what if she's trying to say that she's fine the way she is and she doesn't need any help-"

"But what if she does?" Dinah slowly said, making my eyes widen at her response as it completely contradicts what she said to me when I first wanted to figure Y/N out.

"But you were the one who sai-"

"I know," Dinah said softly but sternly before continuing, "But with her hanging out with you more often these past few days, what if you're wrong?" Dinah asked, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion, urging her to go on before she added, "What if she's hanging out with you a lot because you bring out a part of her that only a few people get to see? What if she wants to tell you but she's waiting for you to ask?"

I was honestly considering Dinah's statement but my train of thoughts were cut off when Normani spoke up and said, "She's got a point, Mila," Normani agreed before saying, "You may not see it, but she's a completely different person when she's with you."

"And how would you guys know that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow before adding, "You guys weren't there when she said all of this!" I said, my voice slightly raised.

Lauren cleared her throat, making me look directly right at her, catching her with an unreadable expression before she asked, "Did Y/N really say all of this? Like, did the exact words come out of her mouth?"

"No, but I-"

"So this is all just your assumptions then?" Lauren asked with a raised eyebrow, making me open my mouth to say something but I closed it back again when I came back empty handed. "See, this is why you aren't going anywhere with this," She pointed out vaguely, making the 3 of us look at her expectedly before she continued, "You won't have progress if all you do is assume, Camila." She pointed out sternly.

I scoffed before retorting, "Am I supposed to ask her straight up?" I asked in disbelief. Lauren just nodded, making my eyes widen and glance at both Normani and Dinah who just were just watching us before I continued, "You're suggesting me to ask the most closed off girl, what's her story?" I asked with dropped jaw before quickly adding, "Are you fucking insane?!" I whispered-yelled.

"It's definitely much better than assuming right?" Lauren asked rhetorically before continuing, "If Dinah and Normani are right, then she'll open up to you effortlessly."

I narrowed my eyes at her before retorting, "And how do you plan on making me ask her this?"

"You got free period after this, right?" Lauren asked.


Lauren was mumbling to herself and glanced up at the ceiling until she spoke up and said, "Well, today's Thursday so that means she's usually in the music room alone for the next period."

I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity and confusion before I asked, "How do you even know this?"

"Ooooo," Dinah cooed teasingly before adding, "Lauren's 'bout to get Mila's wrath of anger, yo!" As soon as Dinah said that, I snapped my head to Dinah, gave her a glare which made her raise her hands in defense and quickly add, "Don't look at me, I ain't the one who stalks your girlfriend," She joked before pointing to Lauren, "She's the one you wanna kill."

It was now Lauren's turn to glare at Dinah but before she could say anything, the bell rang, indicating that lunch time was over. She groaned lightly before saying, "Music room, now." She said sternly before grabbing her books, her book bag and her lunch tray. She got up from her seat and left for her next class.

Dinah said goodbye to me and Normani who was just standing up with her book bag slung over her right shoulder and her lunch tray in her hand while just looking at me with a sad smile. I gave her a weird look, making her hesitantly speak up and say, "If she just needs a friend, Mila," She said softly before continuing, "Then just be a friend that she needs." With that, she just left me alone, standing in the middle of the cafeteria with my lunch tray still firmly held in my hands and my book bag slung over my left shoulder.

I quickly disposed my lunch tray and made my way to the music room, actually hoping to see Y/N. As I was walking, I can't help but wonder about what Normani said. Doesn't she know it's hard to just be friends with your crush? How just a small smile from them can make your day? And you start to wonder if a song can affect their day entirely just because the lyrics mean something to them or how the thought of them can just make your day so much better and all they did was exist in this world.

But I knew that what Normani said was probably right; I mean, it is right. If Y/N only needed a friend, then I should just stay as a friend. Right?

I was brought out of my train of thoughts when I heard the piano playing and someone....singing? I stopped walking and turned my body towards the opposite direction I was walking, where the music room was. As I started to get nearer, the beautiful voice that was singing started getting more and more crystal clear to my ears.

"...Were you sad when he crushed all your dreams?" She sang as I stood outside the door, slowly pushing the door open as she continued singing.

(Boyce Avenue - Broken Angel)

"Oh broken angel, inside you're dying 'cause you cant believe he would leave you alone,
And leave you so cold when you were his daughter.
But the blood in your veins, as you carry his name, turns thinner than water."

As she sang the lines powerfully, I successfully made my way into the music room without getting noticed and stood far but behind her. You can tell it was a personal song to her as she sang the next part after taking a deep breath.

"You're just a broken angel."

After she sang that line, she continued playing the piano in full passion as I slowly made my way closer to her. I was tip-toeing, scared that I'll ruin her moment but my heart skipped a beat and I abruptly stopped my movements as she ended the song softly but beautifully.

"And I promise that it's not your fault.
It was never your fault and I promise that it's not your fault.
It was never your fault."

She completely stopped playing in general as I heard her taking deep breaths and releasing shaky ones. She was definitely vulnerable at the moment and from what she told me the other night, she might feel exhausted from all the acting she has to do in school?

She just sat there on the piano bench as I stared at her back figure, admiring the silent cry for help she was expressing through the song.

"Wow." I blurted out and my instantly widen as I've realized what just happened. Y/N turned her head around with confusion plastered on her face before her eyes landing on mine, making her expression change to surprised instead.

"Camila?" She asked softly but shockingly.

I gulped as I took a few steps closer to Y/N and fiddled with my fingers before I said, "I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop," I said nervously before quickly adding, "I-I have free p-period and I heard you singing from the hallways and I-I wanted to c-check it out because it was b-beautiful." I rambled in one breath, making the taller girl form a small but somewhat sad smile on her lips before she pat the seat next to her.

"C'mere." She said softly as she nodded towards the seat next to her.

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, my palms were sweaty, my neck and cheeks were getting warm before I finally took a seat next to her as she looked at me intently, that small smile still on her lips. I gave her a forced smile because I felt insanely guilty from interrupting her 'private' moment so I said, "I'm sorry." I said softly as I hang my head down, refusing to look at her in the eyes.

It was quite a few seconds until she said, "What are you sorry for?"

I snapped my head back up, finding Y/N with an adorable confused expression before I spoke up and said, "I s-shouldn't have listened to y-you singi-"

"No, no, it's okay," Y/N interrupted softly, "Unless I sang that badly to the point where you had to apologize?" She joked....I think?

I honestly didn't know if she was joking or not so I quickly reassured her that it wasn't her singing, "G-God, no!" I exclaimed before quickly adding, "Y-your s-singing's amazing! I-I j-just-"

"Camila, I'm messing with you," Y/N laughed as she placed her hand on my forearm momentarily, making me surprisingly calm down before she continued, "And don't worry, I'm surprisingly comfortable around you anyways." Y/N said with a warm smile, making me smile in return as she took her hand off my forearm.

My heart was beating at a rapid pace as I remembered what Dinah and Normani said to me. Is Y/N really a completely different person when she's with me? I guess I should just test the waters and ask her straight, right? But before I could even say anything, Y/N interrupted me.

"By the way, can you text me the address for your sister's birthday party?" She asked with a smile on her face. Holy shit. Text her? That means I'm gonna get her number. I was too nervous to say anything so I simply nodded before Y/N took her phone out and pass it to me. "Just save your number and I'll text you later so you can save mine too."

I just gave her a simple 'okay' as I typed in my number, saving my name as 'Camila Banana 🍌'. Don't judge me; I may be a nervous wreck around her but my obsession with bananas makes me relax a bit. As I passed the phone back to her, I earned myself a loud laugh from the taller girl as a response which made me smile in return. However, the question I've been dying to ask has been kicking at the back of my head for a while now so I took a deep breath, momentarily closing my eyes before opening them once again and doubtfully asking, "C-can I a-ask you s-something?" I asked softly, making the taller girl shove her phone in her pocket and look at me with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" She asked calmly.

I took a deep breath, releasing a shaky one before saying, "P-please tell me if I'm crossing a-any line here," I said nervously before continuing, "B-But last S-Sunday, when we talked about P-Paper Towns?" I asked, earning only a hum from the taller girl before I continued, "I-I-I c-can't h-help b-but feel-"

"Camila, deep breaths." Y/N said softly, breathing in and out, subconsciously making me follow her actions before she continued, "What about Paper Towns?" She asked with a small smile.

I took a deep breath before hesitantly asking, "D-Do you relate with M-Margo's character?" I asked nervously, earning a slight frown from the taller girl but it was too late for me to back out now. Plus, I wanted to know. "I-I mean, do y-you not w-want to be f-found?" I stuttered, hesitantly looking into her broken eyes as she just kept her gaze on me.

It was now Y/N's turn to take a deep breath before she broke eye contact and fiddled with her fingers as she looked at them before saying, "I-I dont know," She said softly but sadly before continuing, "I-I feel like I do want to be found b-because I d-don't really wanna run away you know?" She said, still in a soft tone before lifting her head up weakly and giving me a small sad smile.

I nodded lightly before asking, "What's stopping you?" I said softly, subconsciously scooting closer to her. "Not that I'm encouraging you to run away, it's just - it must be someone important to make you stay."

"I have a younger brother and sister," Y/N revealed, a genuine happy smile formed on her lips at the thought of them before she added, "They're my anchor." She said softly, making me smile at her.

I nodded lightly before asking, "What are their names?" I asked with a warm smile.

Y/N had a big smile now before she glanced at her fingers and looking back at me saying, "My sister's name is Meredith and my brother's name Lucas."

"And how old are they?" My lips now forming a big smile at the sight of Y/N being happy at the thought of her brother and sister.

"Sister's 14 and brother's only 3." She said joyously.

"Aw, that's cute," I cooed, placing a hand over my chest before adding, "You can bring them to Sofi's birthday party if you'd like; I think Sofi would like that," I said with a big smile, "She's always better at kids than I am." I chuckled.

"Really?" Y/N asked with hopeful eyes, her lips forming a big smile before she added, "They'd like that very much, probably because they don't go out often; especially Meredith. She's gonna be really excited."

"Aw, why don't they go out often?"

As I said that, Y/N's smile instantly faltered and the feeling of regret rushed into my veins. Great job, Camila; you made your crush frown.

Y/N sighed heavily before saying, "They can't go out unless it's with me," She revealed before continuing, "And considering I usually come home at 5 or 6pm in the afternoon everyday after school and plus, I've got work on the weekends, I barely can go out myself," She said with a frown before quickly transforming it into a sad smile and saying, "But with your invitation to Sofi's birthday party, that'll all change; so thank you." She said softly with a warm smile. "Is there any way I could repay you?"

I gave her a smirk while wiggling my eyebrows before saying, "Maybe another song from you?" I asked hopefully, nudging her shoulder before saying, "The song you sang just now was really beautiful," I complimented, giving her a warm smile before ending with, "Is that your own song?"

Y/N just smiled while nodding before saying, "Yeah, it was a song I wrote back in sophomore year." She said softly with a smile.

When she said sophomore year, I couldn't help but think of the short essay she wrote in Ms. Isabelle's class. That year must've been a hard year if she wrote that short essay along with that song. "Can I ask you another question?" I asked out of the blue.

Y/N raised an eyebrow before saying, "You ask a lot of questions don't you, Cabello?" She teased while chuckling lightly.

I giggled while shaking my head before saying, "You are the one who makes me ask a lot of questions, Y/L/N." I teased back while biting my bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile.

Y/N just softly laughed before asking, "So, what's your question?"

This was it; this was the perfect moment to ask her and I am nervous as fuck. I mean, what should I ask her? I've got so many questions, I don't even know what to ask! Oh fuck it. "On the night of the party, you said that you had a role to play, right?" I asked and she just nodded as a response, making me continue saying, "Why don't you just stop? Why don't you just be yourself?"

Y/N took a deep breath before releasing a shaky one and saying, "Because sometimes being yourself can suck," She sighed out sadly while she keeps her eyes locked with mine. "That's why I keep myself distracted by doing all of these things in school; so I can be someone else who's happy, even if it doesn't last long." At least I was right about something.

I frowned at her statement before I shook my head slightly and said, "You're just lying to yourself, Y/N," I retorted, I was slowly letting my bottled up thoughts and emotions go. "What good will it do if all you get in the end is false happiness?"

"My life is complicated, Camila," Here it comes. "I don't get straight A's because my mother asked me to; I get straight A's so I can get a good job in the future that has a good pay and give her a better life," Only her mother? What about her father? "I do it so my brother and sister won't be teased in school because they don't have the 'expensive' lunch like the other kids do-"

"And what makes you think lying to everyone about who you truly are will help any of this?" I asked rhetorically with a raised eyebrow, "Because I can assure you right now, it won't. In fact, it'll make you lose yourself even more than before," I said softly with a frown. I was contemplating on saying the next thing because it would let Y/N know everything. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes momentarily before opening them and looking straight into Y/N's eyes saying, "And for the past 4 years, I've been trying my absolute best to figure you out but you are so guarded, it makes it almost impossible to do that." I sighed out. There it was; I finally said it.

Y/N's eyebrows raised and her eyes widen before she asked, "4 years?" Y/N asked softly, her face plastered in confusion which made me feel an ounce of regret but I had to say it. I just had to.

I sighed and just nodded, "But you acted so well, I didn't know if I was reading it all wrong or not," I rasped out softly before quickly adding, "So why don't you just tell us what's going through that guarded mind of yours?"

"I can't," Y/N said before she stood up, her arms weakly crossed and making me stand up in return while I walked slowly towards her, "Not everyone's gonna understand my story," She said with a weak voice, her walls were clearly slowly breaking down, "That's why only Shawn and Ally knows me best but even with the both of them, I try my best to avoid pulling them into my mess."

"It's pointless to avoid it if they wanna help you voluntarily." Like me.

"You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, Camila." She said, her voice slightly cracking in the end. Please don't mean that, please don't mean that, please don't meant that.

"That's another thing I've wondered about you for the past 4 years," I said while looking straight into her broken eyes, "Do you want someone to help you or not? And if you don't, are you really sure that you want things to stay this way?" I breathed out, my heart was going faster by the second. "Because if we're being completely honest right now, your eyes weren't the happiest pair of eyes I've seen for the past 4 years of my life and I've been dying to understand wh-"

"Not everyone can understand me, Camila! Not me, not my story and definitely not my life! Don't you get that?!" She exasperated, her walls were definitely breaking down, "I can't even understand myself! I don't even know how to figure myself out!" Well at least we have the same problem. "I don't even know who I am anymore!"

"And you think I do?!" I asked, my voice surprisingly rising, "For the past 4 days we've been hanging out, for the past 4 years that I've seen you, your eyes have been screaming one thing and one thing only;" I breathed out, I was definitely closer to the taller girl now, "Unsatisfied happiness." I rasped out and there it was again, that look in her eyes; happy but sad. "Is that really the look you're planning to keep forever, Y/N?" I rasped out softly.

Y/N took a deep breath, closing her eyes momentarily before shaking her head light and saying, "Maybe it is." She said softly while shrugging but my God, the sadness in it was overwhelming.

"Just let someone help you; Shawn or Ally, it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be me; as long as you let someone help you." I pleaded while hesitantly uncrossing her arms and grabbing her soft hands while looking pleadingly into her eyes.

"It's not that easy, Camil-"

"Then please let me help you," I breathed out, my feelings finally taking over me. My heart was beating so fast because here I was with my crush since freshman year who happens to be the same girl who has been confusing me so much. "Make me understand." I breathed out softly before pulling her back to the piano bench so she can sit down next down to me, "You don't have to say it; you can just sing it."

Y/N sat there quietly for a moment, her hands were on the piano keys as she just stared at her fingers. She took a deep breath, releasing a shaky one after and turned her head to look at me with a sad smile before saying, "You're making progress you know," She whispered vaguely, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion as she continued saying, "I'm showing you the side of me that only people like Shawn and Ally know."

"And why would you let someone like me, in?" I asked softly, my eyes never leaving hers. My heart was beating so fast, my breathing was unsteady and this was all because her next answer could truly change everything I've believed in.

Y/N just gazed at me, her eyes roaming around my face, as if she's trying to make sure I'm not trying to do anything bad. I guess I got the green light because her lips slowly formed a small smile before she softly said, "You're a different kind of different," Holy shit, what's that suppose to mean? "That's the only answer I can give you right now; when the time's right, I'll tell you the actual reason." She said with a small but warm smile again. I opened my mouth to protest and I think Y/N got the hint because she started playing the piano while looking at me with a smirk before saying, "When the time's right." She emphasized, making me playfully roll my eyes and nodding as an agreement.

As she turned her head back around to focus on her fingers that was on the piano keys, I inevitably studied her side profile. I was still freaking out by the fact that she opened up to me again and this time, I found out that she's lost herself.

[Echo - Jason Walker]

"Hello, hello, Anybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound.
Alone, alone, I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now."

As she began singing, she didn't really have a frown or a smile on her face. She was unreadable but I wasn't giving up anytime soon.

"I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough."

As she sang the second line, she closed her eyes but opened them once again when she sang the chorus powerfully.

"Cause my echo, echo is the only voice coming back.
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have."

Is she trying to say she feels lonely? Because I'm here.

"Listen, listen,
I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give but it isn't, is it?
You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head."

When she sang the last line, I know for sure she wants someone to help her; maybe she's just too used to helping people, she doesn't even know how to ask for help anymore. But one thing's for sure, she doesn't need to ask for my help.

"I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough.
Cause my echo, echo is the only voice coming back.
Shadow, shadow is the only friend that I have."

My heart felt a sudden pang when she sang that last line with her voice shaking. She was obviously trying her best to not break down and it hurts me to see that she has to stay strong for something; for someone.

"I don't wanna be an island,
I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again.
I don't wanna be an island,
I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again but 'til then;
Just my echo, my shadow
You're my only friend and..."

She sang the the last 2 lines softly before singing the chorus powerfully again.

"I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough."

Her voice was shaky through out the chorus and I know by now, she was definitely forming tears in her eyes.

"Cause my echo, echo.
Oh my shadow, shadow.
Hello, hello. Anybody out there?"

As soon as she sang the last line of the entire song, a sob left her mouth and I immediately pull her in for a hug without an ounce of hesitation.

I had my arms wrapped around her neck and her arms instinctively went around my waist, hugging me tight. It was as if she needed to break down for once; to let out all the sadness she's been holding back.

She was currently crying into my neck and I couldn't help but form tears in my own eyes too. It's not easy to stay strong when your crush, who you've been trying to figure out for your whole high school life, is crying in front of you and is in a completely vulnerable state.

I just rubbed her back in comfort, letting my tears fall as it was pointless to hold it back anymore. There we sat, Y/N's sobs filling the silence as I continued rubbing her back and that was when I knew Normani was right. Y/N needed a friend right now and if that means I need to push my romantic feelings aside to help her in any way possible, then I will.

"Hey Y/N?" I said softly, wiping my tears away before the taller girl lifted her head up and wiping her own tears away.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to c-cry-"

"Don't be sorry, it's just," I shook my head, interrupting her in the process before raising my right hand to cup her left cheek, lightly caressing it before I softly said, "I'm here and I'll be your friend."

A/N I told you chapter 6 was gonna be a roller coaster.

So! Camila pushed her 'romantic' feelings aside so she can be your friend and help you; will it work? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Feelings have a funny way of working, don't they?

But at least you got a better look of your character and you found out that you have a younger brother and sister! They'll make an appearance soon and being that they are siblings, endless amounts of secrets will be revealed.

And don't forget, you've finally opened up and maybe you've been holding it in for too long that you needed a shoulder to cry on and who's there for you? Camila of course! It's gonna be a bumpy ride from this point on, ladies & gentleman.

Please don't forget to comment, vote and follow my profile! (: Tell me what are your predictions for the next chapter and is Camila really gonna stay just friends or are her 4 year old feelings too strong? We don't know! Watch out and wait for chapter 7! And thank you for the 3k readers! Every reader counts and I love you alllllll ❤️

Till next time! -Ash
