21 ↠ It's you and me against the world.

A/N Song of the chapter is 'Happiness' by The Fray. Play it on repeat on Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music. Enjoy!

Rayyan was ecstatic.

As soon as he heard his daughter's heart rate going back up, he couldn't believe his ears and literally cried tears of joy.

Even after breaking the news to everyone and telling them that Y/N did get shot but she made it, Rayyan thanked the Lord for something so miraculous.

Currently, Y/N was warded and even though she's not in the ICU ward, Rayyan, Sinu and Clara said that they needed to keep an eye on her because technically, she did die on them on the operation table for a few minutes.

Everyone cried tears of joy as soon as they heard that Y/N was gonna make it, especially Emilia, Shawn, Ally and Camila. While Emilia, Shawn and Ally hugged each other in joy, Camila just sat down with the biggest smile on her face as tears of joy slid down her cheeks.

The team captain hasn't woken up yet and Rayyan estimates that his daughter will wake up in a couple of hours so he made everyone go home so that they could shower or even rest. Even Trent had to be brought down to the police station; he did rob a hospital after all but Rayyan promised the man that he'll try everything he can so he'll be let go with a probation instead of a sentence.

As everyone made their way home, Rayyan realized that in exception of Emilia, everyone had went home....except one.

"Camila?" Rayyan asked softly, his voice soft as the young Latina looked up to him with a small smile before he continued saying, "Sweet heart, why didn't you go home? Y/N won't wake up until later."

Camila shook her head as she replied, "I'd rather be here when she wakes up," Camila said softly but sternly as she continued saying, "I don't want her to feel lonely if she wakes up sooner than expected."

"Your mom, Clara and I are doing the best we can but for the time being, you should go home and get some rest," Rayyan said with a small smile before he added, "Y/N would kill me if she found out I'd let you stay here without any food in your stomach." He chuckled out.

Camila chuckled softly before saying, "Can I at least see her?" Camila asked carefully and slowly.

Rayyan was a bit hesitant at first. He didn't know whether it was a good idea to let Camila see Y/N in such a different state. Even though she was breathing on her own, the team captain was still wired to machines and even Rayyan needed time to get used to the sight.

"Are you sure?"

Camila sighed heavily at his question, knowing very well why the older man had question her that. Honestly, Camila didn't know if she was ready herself but she wanted to see Y/N; she needed to see Y/N.

Camila nodded as a response, making Rayyan give her a sad smile as he complied to her request. It was a silent walk to Y/N's ward, neither of them not knowing what to say. Rayyan was worried that Camila wouldn't be able to handle an unconscious Y/N while the younger Latina was worried about a completely different thing. She was worried that Y/N wouldn't wake up at all. She was prepared to see Y/N attached with wires but she wasn't prepared if Y/N was to never wake up again.

As Rayyan stops in front of a particular ward, the man turned around and gave Camila a sad smile before he asked, "Do you need me in there?" He asked softly but sadly. Camila's eyes starts to get glossy as she shook her head before Rayyan nodded in acknowledgement as he said, "Okay, I'll give you two some privacy then." Rayyan said while rubbing Camila's arms in comfort before walking away.

Camila looked at the ward number and she doesn't know why but the number '303' was engraved in her head instantaneously before she took a deep breath and released a shaky one as she gripped the door handle and swung the door open.

Camila's breath hitched the moment her eyes landed on the unconscious team captain. The sound of the heart rate monitor surrounding the room and Camila could even hear her own heart racing. She slowly walked over to Y/N and pulled a chair next to her as she grabbed her right hand before sitting down.

Camila's grasp on Y/N's hand were firm but soft while she placed light kisses on her knuckles, silently hoping that the team captain would react to her actions.

The young Latina finally had a tear slid down her cheek when she saw Y/N's left shoulder that was clearly shot but wrapped with a gauze, a tinge of red obvious. She didn't cry as much but she couldn't help but tear up.

"Hey," Camila croaked out, laughing sadly at her own strained voice before she wiped her tears away as she said, "I've always seen this in movies and I honestly don't know if you can hear me or not but, uh, everyone's relieved that you made it," Camila said softly with a small smile as her eyes were locked on the team captain whose chest were heaving up and down before she added, "I hope you wake up soon though," The young Latina rasped out before she added, "Shawn's a mess, Ally's a mess and I'm a mess," She finally sobbed out, her emotions taking the best of her as she added, "Surprisingly, your mother's the only one who has her shit together." Camila chuckled out sadly, wiping her tears away as she laid her forehead against Y/N's hand afterwards.

Camila despised this; this was obviously not the way she wanted to be reunited with the team captain and she wanted her to wake up as soon as possible because her mind was thinking of the worst things possible.

Camila stood up and carefully laid next to the team captain, slowly lifting and wrapping Y/N's uninjured arm around her as she rest her head on the taller girl's chest. Feeling Y/N's warmth against her, Camila cried into Y/N's heaving chest. She didn't understand why she was crying so badly because she knew had faith that Y/N was gonna wake up soon but the feeling of having Y/N's arm around her made her feel emotional.

"I miss you," Camila sobbed out, gripping onto Y/N's chest as if her life depended on it before she added, "I miss your voice, I miss your laugh," She rasped out, a small but sad smile forming on her lips as she added, "I miss the way you look at me and how my name rolls off your tongue," The young Latina cried out, her heart wanting nothing more than the team captain waking up as she continued saying, "I miss the way make me feel and the way you make me feel safe without even doing anything. I miss how your lips frown when you see a math question but you quickly replace it with a smile. I miss how you put other people's happiness before yours even though I'm not 100% for it. I miss how Lucas can make you smile by just laughing. I miss how hard you try to stay up at night just so you can say goodnight to me," Camila rasped out, her tears moistening that single area of Y/N's chest as she ended with, "I just miss you." Camila sobbed out, nuzzling her face into the crook of Y/N's neck.

As Camila cried on Y/N, what the young Latina didn't know was that Emilia was watching her the whole time after the mother of 3 got herself a cup of coffee. Emilia wanted to comfort Camila but she knew that Camila needed her alone time with her daughter so after Camila ended her rambling with Y/N, Emilia's lips couldn't help but form a sad smile as she decided to leave the pair alone.

Emilia was somewhat relieved that her daughter had found someone like Camila because she knew from first glance that the latter cares a lot about her daughter.

After crying so much into Y/N's chest, Camila eventually fell asleep in the team captain's arms. With Emilia waiting outside with her cup of coffee, Sinu passed by and looked at the mother of 3 with furrowed brows as she asked, "Why aren't you in there?"

Emilia's lips form a warm smile as she gestured Sinu to look into the window. Sinu was still confused but did as she was told anyways. She peeked into the ward room through the door window and her heart fluttered at the sight of her daughter sleeping in the taller girl's arms.

Camila was clutching on Y/N and her arm was around the taller girl's waist as her head was on Y/N's chest. Sinu noticed that Camila didn't have a blanket on her so she quickly grabbed one from the storage room and carefully made her way into the ward as she carefully laid the blanket over her eldest daughter before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

Sinu made her way out and made sure to not make any sounds as she closed the door and let the love birds sleep. She had a warm smile on her lips as did Emilia.

"Y/N has never let anyone in her life as easy as Camila did," Emilia suddenly revealed, making Sinu look at her with interest before she added, "You cannot believe the amount of time she's talked about Camila to me." Emilia chuckled, making Sinu laugh lightly as the latter took a seat next to her.

Sinu ran her fingers through her hair as she said, "Well, did you know Camila had a crush on Y/N for the past 4 years before they started dating?" Sinu chuckled out, earning an amused smile from Emilia.

"4 years?"

Sinu laughed as she nodded her head before she said, "4 years," Sinu reassured her. Emilia laughed lightly at the statement while fiddling with the cover of her coffee cup. Sinu noticed that she was deep in thought which encouraged her to say, "She's gonna be fine you know; she's a fighter."

Emilia smiled sadly at Sinu before nodding, "I hope so," Emilia said above whisper, her voice betraying her sentence as she added, "She always puts everyone else before her; I mean, you saw how she is with me when it comes to Pete."

Sinu smiled sadly at the memory; remembering the first day Y/N brought her mother to the hospital after one of Pete's drunken nights as she said, "That was definitely one of the nights I can't forget." Sinu said softly but sadly.

[A year ago 15th August 2015.]

"Help! Someone please help!"

Sinu looked up at the panicked voice, her eyes landing on a tall teenage girl who had a woman's arm around her shoulder, presumably her mother.

Sinu gasped silently at the sight, couldn't believe her eyes at the battered woman. Her left eye was completely bruised and her lip was bleeding due to the slight tear on her bottom lip.

Sinu immediately made her way to the duo, her heart racing as she asked, "What happened??" Sinu asked worriedly after asking a few nurses to get a wheelchair for the lady.

The tall girl slowly and carefully placed her mother on the wheelchair before she looked at Sinu with worried eyes as she said, "I came home from basketball practice and found her lying on the floor unconscious," She panted out, her eyes slightly glossy before she added, "Thankfully my younger siblings are at their friend's house."

Sinu felt sorry for the girl before she rubbed her arms in comfort as she said, "Why don't you go take a seat and let me help her-"

"No, please," The girl pleaded, her face slightly sweaty considering she was stressing out as she said, "I don't want to leave my mother alone anymore."

Sinu gave the girl a sad smile before nodding as an agreement. Sinu led the duo to a room before slowly placing the woman on a bed to which she grunted in pain.

Sinu checked the woman's eye and lips and inevitably wondered as to how she got to this stage. Obviously she wasn't stupid to the obvious signs of abuse but how could it get this bad?

The girl noticed Sinu's curiosity and frowned because she wasn't a big fan on talking about this topic but because she had a feeling this isn't the last time they'll be visiting the hospital, she decided to clear the tension in the air and said, "His name was Pete," The girl said softly, earning the attention of a confused Sinu before she added, "He did this." She spat, her face clearly showing signs of anger.

The girl glanced at her mother who unsurprisingly, fell asleep, probably still exhausted from the hitting she got. Sinu frowned at the revelation before she carefully asked, "Why don't you report to the cops?" Sinu asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world before she added, "Something this bad can land him a time in jail."

Y/N sighed heavily before taking a seat at a nearby chair as her lips formed an obvious frown while saying, "Because she doesn't want to," The girl said sadly, her voice sounding defeated before she continued saying, "She keeps denying that he hits her and makes up the most lamest excuse like, 'Oh I tripped on the floor' or 'I slipped in the toilet' but she doesn't understand that he doesn't need to hit her to call it abuse," She rambled, her anger taking the best of her before she ended it with, "Words on its own can be the cause of an abusive relationship between two people."

Sinu was honestly surprised at the girl's wise words but her lips couldn't help but form a frown as she nodded in agreement before she said, "Why don't you talk to her about it?"

The girl sighed heavily as she replied, "Because every time I do, she starts to look weak and in her eyes, she can't look weak," She rasped out, her voice laced in exhaustion as she continued saying, "But she doesn't understand that weakness is a part of being human and she shouldn't resist that," She pointed out as her voice starts to tremble before she added, "Plus, every time I look at her, I see a strong woman instead of a weak one; the pain she has to endure whenever she puts on a brave face amazes me... and it sucks because she can't see what I see." The girl ended softly but sadly.

Sinu's maternal instincts kicked in and she walked over to the girl before engulfing her in a warm hug as she softly retorted, "Your mother's blessed to have a daughter like you," Sinu complimented as she rubbed the girl's back in comfort while the younger girl wrapped her arms around Sinu's midsection before she continued saying, "Bringing her to the hospital is the first step to making things better and you should be proud of what you did." Sinu said with a small smile as she pulled away and placed her hand on the girl's shoulders.

The girl gave Sinu a small but warm smile as she said, "My name's Y/N," She introduced herself, "Y/N Y/L/N."

[Present time 2016.]

Sinu smiled sadly at the memory, remembering vividly of Y/N's words. She also knew that was the day when she realized she's in for a long ride with the Y/L/N family. "The love your daughter has for you is unbelievable, Emi," Sinu suddenly said, earning the interest of Emilia as she added, "The first day you were brought in, she talked about you as if you were the world's number 1 mother and you probably are in her eyes."

Emilia sighed sadly before she said, "I don't see a valid reason why though," Emilia admitted, cynical as to why her daughter looked up to her so much before she added, "She's a much better person I am."

"To you, maybe but to your daughter, you are everything a child could ask for in a mother."

Emilia gave Sinu a grateful smile and was about to say something but a familiar voice interrupted them, making them look at their direction.

"Hey there Mrs. Y/L/N, has Y/N woken up yet?" The Canadian asked, swinging back and forth on his heels as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

Emilia looked at Shawn with surprise as she knew it was nearly 4:30 in the morning before she stood up and walked towards the tall boy while saying, "Uh, not yet - Shawn, what are you doing here at 4 in the morning? Your parents must be worried!" Emilia pointed out, noticing that the boy must've only had a few hours of rest as his eyes were puffy and screaming exhaustion.

Shawn chuckled nervously before saying, "I didn't want to go to school without knowing Y/N was okay so I ditched and came here instead."

Emilia gave him a sad smile, appreciating his dedication but as a mother to a teenager herself, she knew she had to do the right thing as she said, "Sweetie, Y/N's still sleeping and you need to go to school; your parents will have a heart attack if they've realized you weren't there for breakfast this morning."

Shawn understood where his best friend's mother was coming from but he was adamant on seeing the team captain; he needed to see her so he said, "I already left them a note saying that I was here," Shawn added before continued saying, "Please, I just want to spend time with her." The Canadian pleaded, doing his best puppy dog eyes.

Sinu realized what Shawn was trying to do and stifled a laugh, making Emilia look at her with raised eyebrows as she raised her hands in defense before saying, "He's your daughter's best friend; I have no say in this." Sinu chuckled out.

Emilia laughed lightly before turning her head back towards to the Canadian as she said, "You can go in but Camila's in there sleeping."

Shawn furrowed his brows in confusion before asking, "How long has she been in there?"

Emilia shrugged before replying, "About a good hour or two."

Shawn nodded in acknowledgement as he said, "Well, I'm gonna go see Y/N now." Shawn said with a small smile, earning a nod from both Emilia and Sinu.

Honestly, Shawn wasn't quite sure if he was prepared to see his best friend attached to so many wires; which is why he stood in front of the door for a while. He took a deep breath and released a shaky one before he put his hand on the door handle.

The 6'2 tall Canadian was actually trembling and the two mothers that were watching saw that.

Sinu and Emilia glanced at each with a sad smile before they walked over to Shawn, both of them standing on each side. The mothers placed a reassuring hand on the boy's arms as Sinu said, "I know it's scary and I know you're not ready to see your best friend in such a state," Sinu said softly, looking up at the boy whose eyes were just staring right at the door before she added, "But remember why you're here and remember that underneath all those wires, she's still your best friend that you grew up with."

"She's still the same best friend that protected you since kindergarten," Emilia chimed in, a sad smile formed on her lips as she added, "She is still the same Y/N you've grown to love."

Upon hearing this words, Shawn couldn't help but tear up. To say he really missed the team captain is an understatement; he was suffering. Both Troye and Ally have been trying to cheer him up this past few hours but all Shawn wanted was a long, nice talk with Y/N and he couldn't do that. Not yet, at least.

Shawn didn't want to say anything because he knew if he said something, he'll start crying and right now, he just wants to see his best friend. Shawn took a deep breath and swung the door open. His eyes widen in surprise when he saw Camila standing up beside the bed, looking at him with a sad smile. He thought she was still sleeping but not anymore considering she folded the blankets she used.

Camila walked over to Shawn, not saying anything before stopping beside him as she softly said, "Take all the time you need; I know she misses you." Camila said simply before walking out the room.

Actually, Camila had overheard the conversation between Shawn and the two mothers outside and felt sorry for the Canadian. She knew how hard this was for her and she can't imagine how harder it is for Shawn. With that being said, she knew it was the right thing to do if she left her team captain and her best friend alone.

Shawn simply stood there with glossy eyes. This was harder than he thought. He could see the wounded left shoulder of hers and how lifeless her body seemed to be. The worst thoughts possible came to mind and a tear finally slid down his cheek.

He didn't know what to say and he didn't know if he could stand so close to her body because he was actually afraid of hurting her. As of right now, Y/N seemed like a piece of glass to Shawn.

Nonetheless, Shawn took small steps towards his best friend and finally made a stop when he was right next to her bed. Shawn wiped his tears away but his eyes were still glossy.

He hated this. He hated seeing his best friend in a state like this and how he wishes he could switch places with her. He grabbed her right hand softly, making sure his grip isn't too tight. He rubbed her knuckles softly as he started to sniffle his tears.

Shawn laid his forehead against the girl's hand and started to cry his eyes out. His emotions were just taking over him and all he wanted was his best friend to wake up and make him laugh like she always does.

"Please don't go," Shawn sobbed out softly, his tears just going down his cheeks like a waterfall before he added, "Please don't leave me; just please stay with me," Shawn cried out as he lift his head slowly and looked at Y/N who was still unconscious. Shawn tried wiping his tears away as he said, "Why do you have to do something so heroic but stupid at the same time?!" Shawn rasped out, he still couldn't believe Y/N risked her life but honestly, he wasn't that surprised by the team captain's actions. Shawn was angry in a way, which prompt him to exasperate, "Don't you know you're leaving me all alone in this shit world?!" Shawn cried out before he hid his face in the blanket. The Canadian was tired. He was kept up all night because the thought of losing his best friend kept going through his mind.

Shawn couldn't stop crying. He didn't know how to. He honestly had lost hope. He knew this was a bad way of thinking but he couldn't help himself. The only reason he stayed positive through out the years was because of Y/N's constant reminder of how blessed she was to have him as a best friend; but with her unconscious, Shawn was lost.

That was until he felt a sudden movement from Y/N's hand that he was holding onto. Shawn's head snapped up and saw that Y/N's eyebrows were furrowed and she began to groan.

Shawn stood up in excitement but never left the team captain's side as he said, "Y/N??" Shawn said excitedly, a big grin inevitably forming on his lips as he started to cry tear of joys.

Seconds passed by and Shawn's cheeks were hurting the moment Y/N fluttered her eyes open slowly and locked eyes with her best friend. Y/N gulped before giving Shawn a small but warm smile as she rasped out, "Hey Shawnie," Y/N rasped out and her heart was somewhat fluttered when Shawn had to cover his mouth so his sobbings weren't too loud. The team captain knew he was crying tears of joy so she instinctively lifted her right arm as she said, "C'mere."

Almost immediately, Shawn jumped into her embrace but made sure he didn't hurt her in any way possible. Shawn inevitably cried into the girl's chest, unbelievably happy that his best friend is up and awake. Shawn's whole body shook as he cried before sobbing out, "I thought you left me."

Y/N's lips formed a sad smile as she softly replied, "I'd never leave my best friend behind without saying goodbye." Y/N said softly as she looked down at Shawn who was still at her chest. Shawn looked up and wiped his tears of joy.


Y/N nodded while her lips formed a warm smile before she said, "I promise," Y/N said softly as she quickly reminded Shawn of their promise they made when they were children, "It's you and me against the world."

A/N Quite a Shawn & you moment in this chapter.

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Till next time! -Ash
