20 ↠ Being a hero has its price.

A/N I highly recommend you guys to play this song through out the chapter once again. Song is 'Brittle Bones' by Julien Baker and unfortunately, I couldn't find the studio version on YouTube but you guys can play it on repeat through Spotify as well as Apple Music. Enjoy chapter 20!


That's all Y/N could feel. Her chest was throbbing and her vision was blurry. She could see police officers standing over her, calling out her name out but to the team captain, it all sounded like mumbling.

All the cops surrounding her was panicking as they knew they failed the one mission they were asked by the chief. Trent looked at her in shock, surprised that the girl would shield him from a gun shot. Luckily, his 3 year old daughter was taken outside by one of the officers after Y/N got shot.

He quickly went over to girl's limp body, pressing onto her shoulder that was injured with his hands. He was distressed by the amount of blood surrounding him. He glanced around and saw that the police officers just stood there, scared instead of doing something.

"If you don't call the medic right this moment, she's gonna fucking bleed to death!" Trent yelled out. He was stressed out. He wanted the girl to make it but looking at the amount of blood she was losing, he was doubtful. "Come on kid, it's not your time yet; pull through!" He yelled out.

Y/N's eyes were half open and half closed. She didn't know what was going on. All she knew was that she'd been shot and her shoulder was numb.

She knew Trent was hovering over her as his voice was the closest to her ears. Y/N didn't know what to do because her body was completely weak and cold.

Outside though, it was complete chaos. Camila had to be held back by both Shawn and Alejandro because she kept trying to go inside the hospital. Rayyan was still screaming into the cop's face but he stopped the moment he saw Emilia on the ground, looking lost as ever.

However, as much as he wanted to comfort her, he needed to see his daughter. Shoving the officer to the side, Rayyan ran into the hospital and even after his name was being called by a lot of people, he couldn't live with the thought that his daughter was dying.

Knowing very well that he had a group of medic following behind him, Rayyan ran straight to his daughter's limp body, noticing that her gun shot wound was being held down by the robber himself. Not knowing any better, Rayyan thought he was the one who shot his daughter.

"You son of a bitch! You fucking shot my daughter!" Rayyan spat before charging towards Trent who was looking at him with wide eyes but refusing to move as he didn't want to lose pressure on Y/N's wound. One of the police officers held Rayyan by the chest, looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

"He didn't do it." The young man said, looking at Rayyan straight in the eyes, his voice weak and soft because he knew that his colleague was the one at fault.

Rayyan furrowed his brows before breathing, "W-What?" He asked, completely confused by the situation before he added, "If he didn't do it, who did?"

Trent scoffed bitterly, earning the attention of the doctor before glaring at one particular police officer as he said, "Who else but these stupid fucks." He spat, making Rayyan follow his line of sight to a police officer who had the most guilty look on his face.

Rayyan walked over to the cop and grabbed him by the collar before spatting, "You will fucking pay for this." He growled. He wanted to punch the living day light out of this officer but he knew there was something even more important than this asshole; his dying daughter.

Rayyan made his way to his daughter quickly and ordered the medic to get a gurney while he and Trent held pressure on the girl's wound.

"Her body's starting to go cold," Trent said nervously before he quickly added, "How far is your hospital from here?"

Rayyan was stuck in a daze. He couldn't believe he was in the middle of his daughter's pool of blood. This was any parent's worst nightmare; biological parent or not.

"Hey man! Don't sit there and not do anything!" Trent exasperated, making Rayyan come back to reality as he shook his head and quickly asked the medic for a gauze.

Rayyan gestured Trent to move his hands as he applied the pressure on his daughter's wounds with his hands and a gauze. Rayyan turned his head slightly to one of the police officers and said, "Tell the others to wait in the hospital now," Rayyan ordered sternly, making the police officer nod vigorously as he turn his head back around to his daughter before saying, "I don't want them to see her like this."

As the police officer ran outside to tell the families, Rayyan looked at Trent who gave him a sympathetic look before he asked, "What happened?" He asked, his voice cracking through out the sentence.

Trent sighed before saying, "I'll tell you when we get to the hospital," Trent suggested before adding, "We gotta get your daughter to the hospital before something else happens."

As soon as he said that, medical staff rushed in while pushing a gurney towards the injured girl. The medical staff immediately did everything they can to keep the team captain alive as both Trent and Rayyan never left her side.

Y/N had her eyes closed. It was getting too hard for her to keep it open and Rayyan realized that before saying, "Don't close your eyes, honey!" Rayyan said in a panic voice, making Y/N react by trying to open her eyes as he quickly added, "Don't you dare go anywhere, Y/N!"

Y/N was lifted onto the gurney and was hurriedly pushed away to the ambulance. Rayyan made sure everything was quick so that they wouldn't waste any valuable time. He was also relieved that the group had already left for the hospital; he wouldn't know how to respond if they had seen Y/N in a state like that.

Before Rayyan could go in the van that Y/N was in, with Trent following behind him, a hand on Trent's wrist stopped him and made him turn his head around, only to be met by the chief.

"Where do you think you're going?" The chief asked in disbelief, his grip on the man's wrist tightening before he said, "You're not going anywhere near my daughter after what you did." He spat.

Rayyan overheard the conversation and walked over to them before prying his father's fingers off of Trent's wrist as he said, "Well considering one of your men shot my daughter and he was the only one who was doing something, I think my daughter would like to say her thanks to the man who saved her life." Rayyan growled before pulling Trent away and into the van.

While on the way to the hospital, Trent finally understood how Y/N got her saint-like behavior; it was her father. Little did he know, Y/N only knew Rayyan recently.

Not liking the awkward and tense atmosphere in the air, Trent cleared his throat and decided to speak up while saying, "Your daughter was the one who saved my life, y'know?" Trent asked with a small but sad smile, making Rayyan look at him with an unreadable expression as the man before him continued saying, "I did what I did because she deserved it; she literally took a bullet for me."

Rayyan chuckled sadly before saying, "Her mother always warned her about that behavior of hers," He said softly, grabbing his daughter's limp hands and his heart stung when it felt so cold to the touch as he added, "She's always puts her happiness aside when she has to choose and as much as I love that trait of her, it always puts her in danger." Rayyan said softly, a slight frown forming on his lips.

Trent frowned and sighed heavily before he said, "I-I didn't expect her to do t-that-"

"No, don't apologize," Rayyan interrupted, offering him a small but sad smile as he said, "I actually would be surprised if my daughter didn't do anything but she did and thank God you were there." He breathed out.

Trent gave him a sad smile before he revealed, "It was her idea for me to see my daughter, y'know?" Trent revealed, earning a shocked expression from Rayyan as Trent continued saying, "I knew it was a long shot but your daughter worked miracles."

Rayyan had a sad smile formed on his lips as he looked at his daughter who had an oxygen mask on her face before he said, "Even though I've only known her for a few weeks, she always wore her heart on her sleeve," Rayyan said softly, making Trent look at him with furrowed brows before he continued saying, "She's too kind for this cruel world."

"Wait," Trent said, his hand slight raised before he added, "What do you mean you've only known her for a few weeks? Isn't she your daughter?"

Rayyan glanced at Trent with a sad smile, the other man's sentence making him feel down a bit before he nodded sadly while saying, "Her mother and I only got together back recently after her ex-boyfriend got fucking crazy and abused her," He growled lowly before adding, "Plus, I only found out about Y/N this year."

Trent patted his back encouragingly before saying, "Doesn't matter if you've only known her recently; it looks like she took after your good traits." Trent said with a small smile.

"I can't take all the credit," Rayyan chuckled out softly before adding, "Her mother's the most amazing woman I've met and it definitely rubbed on Y/N."

Trent can sense that Rayyan was possibly thinking about something bad happening to his daughter so he softly encouraged, "She's gonna make it, y'know? She's a strong girl."

After Trent said that, Rayyan couldn't stop himself but tear up as he sobbed out, "I don't know what to do if she doesn't-"

"But she will make it; your kid's a fighter and you know it yourself." Trent said sternly, rubbing Rayyan's back in comfort.

Rayyan couldn't stop sobbing as he cried into his daughter's hair, leaving light kisses on her forehead. He looked at his daughter's pale face as she her chest heaved up and down while his lips formed a tight lip but sad smile as he said, "I'm not gonna give up on you; I promise."

While Rayyan and Trent made their way to the hospital, the rest of the group were already there. They couldn't believe it's reached this point. Sinu was comforting a shaken Emilia while Alejandro, Lauren, Dinah and Normani comforted Camila. Ally, Shawn and Troye was comforting each other as they knew Y/N the longest besides her mother.

Shawn was in a horrible state. His eyes were beyond red and he couldn't stop sobbing. He was angry at his childhood best friend; he was angry because she might leave him before they could do the things they promised to do after graduation. He was angry because she might leave him when she promised that it's them against the world.

But with the thought of that conversation crossing his mind, Shawn cried even harder and Troye couldn't help but cry at the sight. The Australian's heart broke when he saw Shawn covering his eyes with the palm of his hands just so he can lessen his crying. The plan failed terribly though because anyone who was close to Y/N like Shawn was, would be in a terrible condition after an incident like this.

"I'm so mad at her!" Shawn sobbed out, wiping his tears every time it stained his cheeks before he quickly added, "Why did she have to do that?!" He exclaimed.

Troye and Ally rubbed Shawn's back in comfort while Ally said, "You know how she is, Shawn," Ally sobbed out softly, her own tears staining her cheeks as she added, "She puts herself last every time." Ally said weakly.

Shawn shook his head while he said, "Well, why did she have to do that?!" Shawn exasperated while looking at Ally with blood shot eyes as he continued saying, "She knows damn well how a gun works and yet she still wants to be in a building with a man who has a gun!" Shawn pointed out before adding, "She promised me that it's us against the world, Ally." Shawn said weakly, his voice cracking through out the sentence.

Emilia overheard this and she couldn't help but frown at her daughter's best friend's blow out. She got out of Sinu's grasp and walked over to Shawn before kneeling in front of him.

Shawn was still sobbing but he was now looking at his best friend's mother before she said, "I know this hurts," Emilia said softly, holding Shawn's hands to comfort him before she continued saying, "I know you don't want to say goodbye to her," Emilia said weakly, her own voice cracking as she added, "And as much as I hate to admit this, I don't know if she was the one who got shot or not," Emilia admitted, rubbing Shawn's knuckles soothingly while the Canadian still cried his eyes out as she said, "But if there's anything I'm sure of is that Y/N loves you with all of her heart," Emilia said with a sad smile, making the Canadian's lips form a sad smile as he still tears up before she added, "She would do anything for you and you know that," Emilia said softly before she ended with, "Right now, she needs us to stay strong."

Shawn sobbed before leaping towards Emilia and giving her a tight hug as he cried into her neck. He needed this; he needed someone to tell him that. Like the rest of them, he just wanted the team captain to be alive and well. He just wanted his best friend to tell him that everything's gonna be okay.

"I just want her back." Shawn rasped out, his voice strained after all that crying.

Emilia planted a kiss on top of the boy's head before she said, "Me too honey, me too," Emilia said softly, her own tears clouding the corners of her eyes before she pulled away and put her hands on the Canadian's arms as she said, "But do you know what she told me when you came out to her?" Emilia asked, earning a head shake from the Canadian as he wiped his tears away before she said, "Y/N said that she always knew; that's why she always gave you her doll collection when she was small because your parents kept buying you trucks and planes," Emilia chuckled softly, making the tall boy laugh at the memory as his tears were still staining his cheeks before she continued saying, "She also said that whoever you end up with, will be the luckiest person ever because you have the biggest heart out there." Emilia said as her tears slid down her cheeks.

Shawn knew Y/N was the kind of person to say that and that made him cry even more. The tall boy covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to stifle his sobs but failed as soon as Troye pulled him for a hug. Shawn quickly cried into Troye's neck as he sobbed out, "I don't want to say goodbye to her," Shawn rasped out, making Troye rubbed his back in comfort as the Australian left soft kisses on the side of his head before Shawn added, "I don't want her gone."

"She's gonna be fine, baby." Troye said softly, still rubbing Shawn's back in comfort as the pair stood there while the Canadian kept on crying.

Emilia wiped her own tears as she witnessed the sight before her eyes land on her daughter's 'fling', Camila. Emilia's lips formed a frown as the young Latina just sat there, stuck in a daze as her eyes were watery and her body clearly shaken. Emilia could see her friends trying to console her but the mother of 3 knew that Camila had muted them all out. Emilia knew that was a defense mechanism against reality because she's done that before herself.

Emilia walked over to Camila, earning the attention of everyone before she stood in front of the Latina and placed her hand on her shoulder as she said, "It's not your fault, y'know," Emilia said softly. Camila was surprised; she was surprised as to how Emilia knew what she was thinking about. Emilia sat next to Camila after Lauren, Dinah and Normani left them so that they could have their privacy before the mother of 3 said, "It was never your fault and I doubt Y/N would want you to blame yourself for this."

Camila just glanced at her fingers as she fiddled with them before she rasped out, "How did you know?" Camila asked with a weak voice as she connected her eyes once again.

Emilia chuckled softly but sadly before she wrapped her arms around the younger girl's shoulder as she said, "Because I did that to myself too last time." Emilia said sadly.

Camila rested her head on Emilia's shoulder before she carefully asked, "Was it because of, uh, him?" She asked softly, making sure no one else heard her.

Emilia gave her a sad smile as she nodded while saying, "Yeah, it was because of him," She replied softly, her voice weak as she added, "But the difference between you and I is that Y/N wouldn't want you to feel this way; Pete did."

"I just can't help it," Camila rasped out, her eyes glossy as she continued saying, "If I had just stayed with her, none of this would've happened-"

"Some things are inevitable, sweetie," Emilia interrupted softly with a sad smile, trying to let Camila understand that there's nothing she could've done before she added, "Everything would be more chaotic if you were there and Y/N wouldn't want you at risk."

Before Camila could even respond, Clara came running towards the group and motioned Sinu to walk over her. As the Latina did as she was told, Clara whispered, "Rayyan está aquí con Y/N." [Rayyan's here with Y/N.]

Sinu's eyes widen as she pulled Clara aside, further than the group can hear as she whispered back, "¿Se encuentra ella bien?" [Is she okay?]

Clara shook her head as her lips formed a frown. Sinu pinched the bridge of her nose as she knew this was something that she needed to avoid telling. Especially Emilia and her daughter.

Clara sighed heavily as she said, "Ella necesita cirugía y Rayyan de solicitar para los dos de nosotros para estar allí." [She needs surgery and Rayyan's requested for the both of us to be there.]

Sinu glanced back at the group behind her as they gave her worried looks before she gave them a sad smile. She turned her head back to Clara and nodded before she said, "Let's go."

After arriving at the hospital 10 minutes ago, Rayyan had requested for the ambulance to use a different entrance because he knew the group would be at the usual entrance.

He didn't waste any time and quickly rushed his daughter to the ER, his white shirt stained by her blood. Trent on the other hand, requested to wait by the waiting room and wanted an update as soon as they were done.

"Someone get me my scrubs! We're going into immediate operation!" Rayyan yelled out, making a few of the nurses nod vigorously before passing him his scrubs and surgical cap.

As the other doctors prepare his daughter on the operation table, Rayyan was washing his hands as 2 Latinas walked in with their own set of scrubs and surgical cap.

Sinu immediately gasped as her eyes landed on the limp body of her daughter's love interest as she exclaimed, "She's so pale.." Sinu said softly. She couldn't believe Y/N was the one who got shot. She didn't understand how someone that good for the world deserved something this bad.

Rayyan sighed heavily as his eyes were locked on his daughter's body before he replied, "Her body was cold on the way here; she's lost too much blood."

"What are we gonna do?" Clara asked as she and Sinu were washing their own hands.

"Everything we possibly can." Rayyan said softly, quickly entering the operation room and was followed by the other 2 Latinas. The 3 surgeons as Ally's mother, Patricia wanted to be there for everyone else while the surgery goes on, stood around Y/N's body with their hands in gloves. They all glanced at each other and they all had one thing in common; to make Y/N come back alive. Rayyan took a deep breath and released a shaky one as he said, "Let's turn this shit day upside down, shall we?"

Outside the OR, Shawn had fallen asleep on Troye's shoulder after he had stopped crying and Ally was praying with her mother. Alejandro had to go back because the babysitter couldn't stay overnight to take care of Sofi so that left Camila with her 3 best friends.

Normani and Dinah were also asleep while Lauren was on the verge of falling asleep. Camila on the other hand, refused to fall asleep unless she's heard news about the team captain.

"Camz, get some rest," Lauren rasped out, her eyes heavy after spending a lot of time outside her house before she added, "Your mom will get back to us as soon as she gets an update about Y/N."

Camila glanced at Lauren and shook her head as a disagreement before saying, "Something must've happened if my mom just left us like that," Camila rasped out before adding, "What if Y/N really got shot?"

"You don't know that-"

"But what if, Lauren?" Camila said sternly, making Lauren look at her with an unreadable expression as she added, "What if she was the one who got shot and they were too late?" Camila croaked out, her tears threatening to leave her eyes again.

Lauren immediately sat up and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl as she pulled her in for a hug. Lauren rubbed Camila's arms in comfort before she said, "Don't live your life with 'what ifs', Camila," Lauren said softly, her heart breaking as she hears her best friend sobbing on her shoulder before she added, "Because the moment you live that way, you start questioning everything and your definition of reality gets affected."

"I love her, Lauren," Camila sobbed out softly, her tear duct possibly drying up after the amount of crying she did in a day before she said, "God, I love her so much."

Lauren's lips formed a sad smile as she said, "Then you'll know what a strong person Y/N is, Camz," Lauren said softly before she added, "After what she did, she's dubbed as a hero."

Camila pulled away and wiped her tears away before she locked her blood shot eyes with Lauren as she said, "Well, being a hero has its price," Camila rasped out before quickly adding, "And it's a price that sacrifices a lot of things."

Lauren's lips frowned at the sentence her best friend just stated. She didn't know what to say because what Camila said was true. They both fell into deep silence as Camila just kept her eyes locked on her fingers while her mind was elsewhere. Lauren sensed that her best friend wanted a time alone to think so she drifted off to sleep instead.

While outside was calm and somewhat peaceful, in the OR was chaotic and stressful after being in surgery for more than 4 hours.

"She's flatlining!" Clara yelled out, making everyone panic as the sound of heart rate monitor goes into a single sound.

Rayyan groaned before yelling out, "Someone get the defibrillator now!" Rayyan exasperated, one of the nurses giving him the paddles as he rubbed the two together before ordering, "Start on 200!"

The others didn't waste any time and obeyed before Rayyan placing the paddles on his daughter's chest but the heart rate monitor showing no changes.

"No response." Clara said weakly, looking at Rayyan who refused to give up at all.

"Increase it to 350!" Rayyan said frustratingly.

The others obeyed once again but they were honestly starting to lose hope as Y/N's heart rate remained flat.

Clara and Sinu glanced at each other before looking at Rayyan who was now doing chest compressions on his daughter's chest, in hopes of getting a heart beat.

The 2 Latinas were hoping for a miracle too but realistically, they knew that the team captain had lost too much blood for her own good. Sinu looked at Clara with a knowing expression and earning a nod from the latter before Sinu walked over go Rayyan and placing a hand on his shoulder as she said, "Rayyan, she's lost too much blood-"

"No! I'm not giving up!" Rayyan exclaimed, shrugging of Sinu's hand as he continued his chest compressions on his daughter.

Clara and Sinu looked at Rayyan with glossy eyes as Clara spoke up and said, "Rayyan, we've done-"

"I am not giving up on my daughter!" Rayyan said, his voice cracking in the end before he added, "She is not gonna die on my watch and I refuse-"

The next thing that happened stopped everyone's movement as their breaths hitched. Everyone was in is complete shock and they were surprised. It wasn't possible. She had lost too much blood and even with the blood bags, it shouldn't be possible.

Everyone stared at the heart rate monitor as it continued to make a sound that made everyone breathe in relief.

A/N I'd like to say many thanks to all the readers of this book and I swear that the comments that you guys leave make my day!

Again, if you're enjoying the book so far, please comment, vote and follow my profile as I'd appreciate it very much! ♥️

Stay tuned for updates as I'm already starting on a new Lauren/You book!

Till next time! -Ash
